Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 129 The Ice Pillar Appears!

Chapter 129 The Ice Pillar Appears!
Yanshenzhu, who was ravaged by the continuous slashing, was already exhausted. At this time, he was hit by the cross scissors vigorously used by the flying mantis, and completely lost his ability to resist.

The red light flickered rapidly, and the Yanshen Pillar fell backwards and fell to the ground with a bang.

However, at this moment, the dots of light quickly converged on Yanshenzhu's body, and a bad premonition welled up in Yi Ming's heart.

"Ci'ao, it's a big bang! Flying mantis, stay away."

The big bang is usually released when the defeat is already decided, with the mentality of dying together. After releasing this big killer move, they will instantly lose their fighting ability and suffer serious injuries.


Flying Mantis also sensed the danger, and hurried away from the Yanshen Pillar.

Between two breaths, Yan Shenzhu's body completely turned into a ball of light, as if breaking through a certain critical point.


Amidst the huge explosion, the shock wave was thrown in all directions, and the dust was billowing.

Yi Ming reacted quickly and fell to the ground in time, so as not to be blown away by the impact. As for the Flying Mantis, although it was hit by the big explosion, it was a little far away and did not suffer too much damage.

Even so, the Flying Mantis looked sluggish.

Facing a strong enemy, the Flying Mantis had already unleashed its full potential, so it was able to resolve the battle cleanly.

"The powerlessness after the power of Changpan is fully released is really disgusting."

Unleashing the power of Chang Pan with all his strength, forcibly increasing the strength of Flying Mantis, the exhaustion of physical strength also made Yi Ming feel a little uncomfortable and dizzy.

After the big bang, the charred black phantom of the Yanshen Pillar gradually faded and disappeared.

"Come back first, Flying Mantis, thank you for your hard work."

Yi Ming took the badly injured Flying Mantis back into the elf ball.

[Flying Mantis defeated Yanshenzhu (phantom), and gained battle experience: 5412. 】

[Because of the qualification of Flying Mantis, additional battle experience points: 2130. 】

[Due to the level gap, Flying Mantis gained an additional battle experience: 12370. 】

[The trial is successful, the next battle will proceed, the progress of the trial (1/3). 】

it is as expected.

Yi Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the field of vision, a figure appeared out of thin air again. Its whole body is composed of ice cones and icicles. It is shaped like a crystal. point to maintain balance.

Ice God Pillar, which is the same three god pillars as Yanshen Pillar.

Ice God Pillar, also called Regis.

【Ice God Pillar (Illusion)】

[Level: 42. 】

Yi Ming had guessed just now that it was not that simple to get the title. Since the phantom of the Yanshen Pillar appeared, it was very likely that there were also phantoms of the Ice Pillar and the Pillar of Steel to hinder it.

However, there was not much difference between the reality and Yi Ming's guess. After defeating the Yanshenzhu, the Iceshenzhu also came, but its strength level was 42, which was 2 levels higher than Yanshenzhu.

But the current situation made Yi Ming not so worried.

Because the biggest difficulty, that is, the difficulty of letting Flying Mantis defeat Yanshenzhu has been passed safely. In fact, it is very risky to let Flying Mantis play against Yanshenzhu, because Flying Mantis is restrained by the latter attribute.

But since the gap is the largest, it means that the biggest difficulty has been broken by Flying Mantis, and the next two battles with smaller gaps will not be so difficult.

"Come out, Koga Ninja, it's time for you to contribute."

As the trial progresses, the opponent's level will change, that is, the added Steel God Pillar will increase in strength and difficulty.

Therefore, it is better to let the Koga Ninja Frog fight the Ice God Pillar, and in the final battle, it is better to leave the Steel God Pillar to the fire-breathing dragon whose attributes restrain it. Will be stronger, of course, let the fire-breathing dragon whose attributes restrain it play.


The elegant figure of Koga Ninja appeared, and his lazy eyes suddenly became sharp after seeing his opponent.

It is keenly felt that this is a challenging opponent.

"The Jiaga Ninja Frog is level 36, and the Ice God Pillar is level 42, that is, the gap of level 6 is still acceptable, after all, it is just an illusion."

Yi Ming looked up and down at the Ice God Pillar.

Judging from the battle with Yanshenzhu just now, the phantom this time is not as oppressive as the phantom fire-breathing dragon that challenged players last time, and it must be a little discounted compared to the real Sanshenzhu.

But even so, it is not something that ordinary players can defeat.


The Ice God Pillar raised its icy arm to aim at the Koga Ninja Frog, and the arc flickered.

In fact, this is the reason why when facing the Sanshenzhu, you only need to consider whether the released Pokmon can restrain them, and basically don't need to consider whether the attributes of the Pokmon you released will be restrained.

Because the three divine pillars have many skills and involve multiple attributes, the attack surface can be called terrifying!
Just like the current Ice God Pillar restraining Koga Ninja Frog's electric move-charging beam!
"Speed ​​to resolve the battle, Koga Ninja Frog, Shadow Clone."

For the same offensive of Ice God Pillar and Rock God Pillar, Yi Ming also made the Koga Ninja Frog respond in the same way as the Flying Mantis.

At that moment, while the Jiaga Ninja Frog was moving rapidly, twenty shadow clones suddenly appeared around the Ice God Pillar.


Facing the hard-to-distinguish Koga Ninja Frog, the arc on Ice God Pillar's cold arm disappeared, canceling the charge beam attack.

The next moment, cold air emerged from the icy body of the Ice God Pillar, and the sky quickly darkened.

Hail, an ice-type move, turns the weather of the battle field into hail weather, and if it is not an ice-type Pokémon, it will continue to suffer slight damage.

"Clap, clap, clap."

Fist-sized hailstones poured down, and the twenty shadow clones of the Koga Ninja frog suddenly became blurred, and the position of the main body was also revealed.

"Using the hail weather covering a huge area, let the Koga ninja frogs have nowhere to hide?"

Yi Ming understood the intention of the Ice God Pillar, and immediately ordered the Koga Ninja Frog to fight back.

"Shadow attack!"

Shadow Sneak Attack is a ghost-type move, its power is not very powerful, but its advantage lies in its strange attack method and fast release speed.


Lightly dodging the two falling hailstones, the Koga Ninja Frog squatted down suddenly, the frog's palms touched the bottom, and the strange shadow spread rapidly on the ground until it reached the back of the Ice God Pillar, and suddenly rose and hit it behind!
Caught off guard, Bingshenzhu became unstable for a moment.

"It's now, Koga Ninja Frog, with a flash of lightning, Helix Wan!"

"Da da da da."

The Koga Ninja Frog shot out like a cannonball, turning into a flash of lightning, but at this moment, the pupils of the Koga Ninja Frog shrank, stepped heavily on the ground, stopped charging and dodged to the side.


One hundred thousand volts roared and slashed horizontally. If the Koga Ninja Frog didn't dodge in time, it would definitely be hit directly.

"Your uncle is obviously an ice-type Pokémon, and it has a charging beam and a hundred thousand volts."

Yi Ming touched his nose, and couldn't help complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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