Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 156 Physique Strengthening Card!

Chapter 156 Physique Strengthening Card!
Different World Investigation Bureau.

After watching the performance of Yi Ming and the fire-breathing dragon, Cheng Lao and the others fell into unspeakable silence.

Who could have imagined that Yi Ming once again created a surprise for them.

Level 41 Charizard.

They looked at another screen with complicated expressions, where the trainer competition of the Imperial Capital was being broadcast live. Jiang Zuo on the screen was undoubtedly a star trainer, and was even considered by the public to be the current No.1. Ma Yula's level was as high as 28 class.

But even Jiangzuo, Ma Xuanla is less than level 30, while Yi Ming, the fire-breathing dragon is as high as level 41.

Speaking out, it is estimated that most people in the imperial capital cannot believe this fact.

"It's time, let's send it."

After a long silence, Mr. Cheng said to Lin Ling who was beside him.

Lin Ling naturally knew what Cheng Lao said - the invitation letter for admission to Huang Ze College.

Because of the emergence of Pokémon, countless resources have been poured into the country's newly-built elite trainer academy. At present, there are no external recruits. The way to enter is the admission invitation letter.

The college got its name because it is located in a valley near Mount Huangze, and it was named 'Huangze College'!
"I'll arrange it right away."

Lin Ling nodded seriously and said.

"Wait a minute, you go there yourself, it's best to pick him up directly."

Mr. Cheng murmured and said, he felt the need to show importance.

I don't know when I will enter the game next time, and when I will return.


In the Tianlang Gymnasium, because of Yi Ming's unconventional way of directly winning the championship, it fell into a commotion.

"Well, contestant Yi Ming, has your Pokémon been ranked in the top ten?"

Facing the host's question, Yi Ming shrugged, expressing that he was helpless.

"I'm sorry, because the battle ended too quickly, Leolu failed to select the top ten players. You can arrange their battle again."

According to Yi Ming's original plan, it was to allow Riolu to sense the waveguides when they were fighting, so as to determine the ranking according to the strength of the waveguides, but because of the mission, Yi Ming was in a hurry, so he didn't let Charizard's subordinates show mercy The meaning of the slow battle is that how they perform will end the battle, so naturally Riolu can't make a ranking.

But even if they arranged another match, it would be too late for them.

After all, there are only the last 6 minutes left to enter the Pokémon world again.

The rest of the people had no way of knowing that the world announcement was about to be released again, but Yi Ming kept watching the system's countdown.

Under the deafening cheers, Yi Ming and the fire-breathing dragon Leolu accepted the medal presented by the mayor himself, representing the champion of the H city trainer competition.

Regarding the mayor's enthusiasm, Yi Ming just dealt with it politely and absent-mindedly, because he was reading the system's explanation.

[Physical Enhancement Card (3): It can effectively improve the physical fitness of Pokémon. It is suitable for fighting Pokémon. Using the Physique Enhancement Card for Fighting Pokémon will have a chance to trigger the special effect of moving moves. 】

"It's the same as the name, it's suitable for fighting-type Pokémon that rely on physical strength."

Physique enhancement card, most suitable for fighting Pokmon, no problem.

It's just that the physique enhancement card is the trophy of the fire-breathing dragon. Under normal circumstances, Yi Ming would give it to whoever got it, but the current physique enhancement card was obtained by the fire-breathing dragon, but it is more suitable for fighting. Oulu.

Or make the best use of it.

After thinking about it, Yi Ming finally decided to make the best use of what he had. First, he wronged the Charizard and gave Riolu the Physique Enhancement Card.

The explanation is that it is used by fighting-type Pokémon, and there is a chance to trigger the special effect of move improvement, that is, to improve a certain move just like the move improvement card used before.

"I don't know if Riolu can trigger it successfully."

It showed that there was a certain chance, but it didn't say how many chances it was, and Yi Ming didn't know what to expect.

"Riolu, are you ready?"

After stepping off the stage, Yi Ming said to Riolu.

Hearing this, Riolu's expression showed confusion, and he didn't know what preparation Yi Ming was referring to.

Yi Ming didn't explain, and smiled and chose to give the physical enhancement card to Riolu.

With the disappearance of the physical strengthening card in the system space, a tyrannical force poured into Riolu's body.


Sensing the abnormality in his body, Riolu called out subconsciously, and the sudden influx of power flowed through its body like a warm current.

Moreover, during the flow, every part of Leolu's body was being transformed.


At this moment, if you put your ear close to Riolu's body, you can hear a slight sound!
Riolu only felt a series of changes in his body. The bones all over his body seemed to be growing and became harder, and the muscles became more resilient and powerful at the same time. There was an unspeakable sense of swelling in his body. Riolu Immerse yourself in the process of drastic changes in your body.

Although it was accompanied by pain, unexpected joy shone in Riolu's eyes!
How can it fail to realize that its body is being strengthened!

Riolu finally understood the meaning of Yi Ming's previous words, and he was concentrating on it, as if he had entered a state of emptiness.

In the sight of Yi Ming and the fire-breathing dragon, Riolu was like a balloon being inflated violently, and his small stature quickly grew by two points!


Sensing that Riolu was abnormal, the charizard asked worriedly.

Although the Charizard has a hot temper, it behaves well with its companions, especially the newly hatched Riolu, who has always regarded itself as a big brother.

Of course, because of this incident, it often competes with Koga Ninja, and even fought a few times in the elf space. At present, no one is willing to admit who is the big brother.

"Don't worry, Riolu is fine, I did it, it's not a supernatural event."

Yi Ming smiled and dispelled the Charizard's worries.

Hearing this, the fire-breathing dragon immediately relaxed, it knew Yi Ming's magical ability.

The fire-breathing dragon, relieved, looked at Riolu no longer with worry, but with envy.

After a long while, Riolu's violent body changes finally slowed down, and his expression of enduring the pain of rapid body strengthening also eased, and his breathing became calm.

But Riolu didn't open his eyes, as if he was thinking, his immature face was full of seriousness.

Seeing this, a gleam of joy appeared in Yi Ming's heart.

Could it be that Riolu triggered the special effect of the Physical Enhancement Card?Upgrading a move?
It is very possible, you must know that Riolu's aptitude surpasses the aptitude of a champion.

The previous battles have shown that Riolu can easily comprehend the moves in the battle, and now it is quite possible to activate the special effect of the physique enhancement card to improve a certain move.

(End of this chapter)

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