Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 157 World Announcement!

Chapter 157 World Announcement! (Four)
After a long while, Riolu suddenly opened his eyes from his contemplative state, and a bright light burst out from them.

Yi Ming also heard the prompt from the system.

[Riolu used a physique enhancement card. 】

[The special effect of the Physique Enhancement Card was triggered. 】

[Ding, Riolu has realized the million-ton punch. 】

[Ding, Riolu upgraded the mega-ton punch to a new move!]

[Unnamed move (fighting type): Concentrate all the power of the waveguide on the fist, and release a punch with great power. The power cannot be seen on the surface, but it will be completely released when it touches the enemy. 】

This result was beyond Yi Ming's expectation.

Although it was expected that Riolu would improve a move, Yi Ming had already thought about several commonly used moves, such as wave missiles and other moves, Yi Ming thought that the improved moves would be among them.

But it never occurred to him that Riolu has now learned a mega-ton punch and increased its power!
Million tons of heavy punches and million tons of heavy kicks. From the names, it can be seen that the two are very similar. Of course, the name has the word "million tons" in it, but it is actually impossible. It is just a bluff. It's just a person, but it's enough for people to clearly and intuitively feel the impressive power of the moves.

"The enhanced version of the million-ton punch is a bit interesting, Riolu, let me see if you release it once."

From the system description, Yi Ming could see that Riolu used the special effect of the physique enhancement card, and used the waveguide to enhance the power of the Megaton Punch.

Will it be equivalent to a million-ton punch + wave missile?

Hearing Yi Ming's instructions, Leolu nodded lightly, then faced the open space, closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then punched violently.

Calm and calm.

It seemed to be a light and light punch, without even the sound of piercing the air.

"Uh, there is no momentum at all."

Yi Ming was speechless. It was really what the system introduced. Its power cannot be seen from the surface. Normally, the more powerful a move is, the greater its momentum and movement. This is almost common sense, but he didn't expect Riolu to comprehend it. What he did was so unobtrusive and unobtrusive.
Perhaps, this has a lot to do with little Riolu's indifferent personality, which seems to be out of the world, and it is simply two extremes with the arrogant and arrogant fire-breathing dragon.

Facing Yi Ming's surprise, Leolu kept his breath restrained, and used waveguide to communicate with Yi Ming: "It can catch people by surprise. '

"It can indeed have an unexpected effect."

Yi Ming looked strange.

At least he didn't expect that the astonishing million-ton punch, after being strengthened by Riolu, was like a punch thrown casually, with no deterrent effect at all.

You can try it again next time to see how powerful this move is.

"The name of this move, what do you want to call it?"

Since even the original moves and the current moves were comprehended by Riolu himself, Yi Ming decided to give the naming rights to Riolu.

Riolu didn't seem to have thought about this question. He lowered his head and thought for a while, and then he used the waveguide to transform into a childish voice, and said the name to Yi Ming: "Ordinary Punch"

Normal punch?
Yi Ming looked at Lioulu's clear black and white eyes, but unusually serious eyes, and didn't know how to react for a moment.

This move came from the enhancement of the Megaton Punch. The original Megaton Punch didn't sound easy to mess with. After the enhancement, it's a normal punch?

After pondering for a while, Yi Ming finally accepted the name Leolu.

"Okay, that's called a normal punch."

An ordinary punch, an 'ordinary punch' that is more powerful than a megaton punch.

"It should be almost time."

Yi Ming looked at the system's countdown.

Just right, the countdown to re-entering the game has arrived.

[World Announcement: The program update for the second phase of the game is complete, please prepare for it. 】

[World Announcement: The program update for the second phase of the game is complete, please prepare for it. 】

[World Announcement: The program update for the second phase of the game is complete, please prepare for it. 】

The sudden game information, without any warning, caused the players on Blue Star to fall into silence for a short time.

The players in Tianlang Gymnasium are no exception, but after recovering, there is a lot of discussion.

"Can you enter the Pokémon world again?"

"Scare me, it's so sudden every time. Although I have experience before, it's still scary."

"I've been waiting for a long time! I must subdue a small Charmander and Flying Mantis, and Yi Ming's little Pokémon, I also want to subdue it."

"Tsk, that's a good idea. Instead of delusional thinking about getting Charmander, it's better to find Flying Mantis. The possibility is higher."

"I don't know if there will be players to challenge this time. The phantom Pokémon that appeared in our school last time was level 30 from the beginning."

Just as the players were digesting this shocking news, a virtual translucent screen appeared in the vision of some people on Blue Star, and the words 'qualified for the game' in the middle stimulated their eyeballs and nerves!

This means that they can become new players, and they can also enter Pokémon and conquer their own Pokémon!

The shock was followed by ecstasy.

"The last time it was a phantom Pokémon that was beyond the ability of ordinary players to challenge. What will the player's challenge be this time? It won't be a challenge to the illusion of a beast, right?"

Yi Ming guessed thoughtfully.

Because the system has not been announced yet, others don't know that there will be another player challenge, but Yi Ming who owns the system knows it.

[World Announcement: There will be a second "player challenge" with a time limit of 24 hours. Regardless of whether the challenge is successful or not, all players can enter the game after the challenge is over. After the player challenge is over, all players who choose to enter the game will get The power to return to the real world at any time. 】

[World Announcement: There will be a second "player challenge" with a time limit of 24 hours. Regardless of whether the challenge is successful or not, all players can enter the game after the challenge is over. After the player challenge is over, all players who choose to enter the game will get The power to return to the real world at any time. 】

[World Announcement: There will be a second "player challenge" with a time limit of 24 hours. Regardless of whether the challenge is successful or not, all players can enter the game after the challenge is over. After the player challenge is over, all players who choose to enter the game will get The power to return to the real world at any time. 】

Once again, three consecutive world announcements sounded, like pouring cold water on the heads of fanatical players.

"Fuck, is it a player challenge again? What is it this time?"

"It's okay. This time, I can't challenge it. Just wait 24 hours. It's not a big problem if it's a day late."

"Hey, this time we can get the right to return to the real world at any time? This is not bad."

"But only once, and after exiting, you can't go in again."

The news of the player's challenge once again ignited the topic.

The difference from before is that this time you can enter the game without passing the challenge, but it needs to be delayed by one day.

Also, after entering the game this time, you can have the power to return to the real world at any time, which is good news for players.

A large number of players still have the concept of realistic online games, and believe that they will face dangers and challenges after going out of Novice Village. Therefore, they still think that the world of Pokémon is full of dangers, so they have never ventured into the wild.
After all, this 'game' is for them to travel through the past in person, no one dares to make fun of their own lives.

And this power to return to the real world at any time undoubtedly dispelled their concerns.

Yi Ming could imagine that the situation where players crowded in the Hualan Gym like before would be gone forever.

(End of this chapter)

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