Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 160 The ordinary power of an ordinary punch!

Chapter 160 The Ordinary Power of an Ordinary Punch!
Seeing that Riolu not only didn't want to evade his own life-threatening collision, but even wanted to fight it, the big rock snake who was charging had a look of contempt in his eyes.

Just relying on Little Riolu's small body, want to compete with its rocky body?How powerful is that flimsy fist?

Tickle it?

The big rock snake sneered, not paying attention to Riolu's small fist at all, and the momentum of charging skyrocketed!

It made up its mind to knock the ignorant Riolu into the air!
"Boom bang bang."

Accompanied by the vibration like an earthquake, the big rock snake roared and charged.

And Riolu, who was in mid-air, swung an ordinary punch at the big rock snake before he was about to be hit by the big rock snake.

In an instant, the two finally made contact.

Riolu's fist hit the rock snake's hard rock head.

At this moment, it seems that time and space have stopped, and the picture freezes.


Riolu's fist exploded with an astonishing and majestic impact, and the trumpet-shaped blasting cyclone even protruded from the head of the big rock snake, and the ground around the big rock snake was so shocked that it sank a little bit!
The big rock snake trembled as if struck by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, as if being hit hard, the huge impact force hit its hard head from top to bottom in an instant, and raged wildly in its rocky body!

"Crack. Crack"

The surface rock that the rock snake is proud of, with its amazing defensive power, actually exploded slightly under the indescribably huge impact, and the shattered gravel shot in all directions!


The huge rock snake fell to the ground and fainted

[Leolu defeated the Big Rock Snake and gained battle experience: 2580. 】

[Because of the qualification of the king of Riolu, he will gain additional battle experience points: 3000. 】

[Due to the level gap between the two sides, Riolu gained an additional battle experience: 1800. 】

[Battle experience is full, and Riolu has gained a level increase: level 19. 】

At this moment, the Tianlang Gymnasium was deathly silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the fallen rock snake and the ground suddenly sunken with it as the center.

Xiao Gang was dumbfounded.

The rest were also dumbfounded.

Are you right?

Big Rock Snake. Down?
After a brief silence, the entire Tianlang Gymnasium exploded!

"The big rock snake was punched for a second?!"

"Fuck, I read it right?! What's going on?!"

"My God, what kind of fighting style move is this?"

"It's true, it's so many levels, why can you do this?! Is the level fake?!"

They thought it was a tough battle, how could they have thought of such a situation?

The rock snake at level 25 was given a second move by Riolu at level 18?
Come on, isn't this scary?
"Ahem. The power of this move... well, it's very good, very good."

In fact, not only others, but even Yi Ming were stunned, they didn't expect Riolu's ordinary punch to have such great power.

The menacing big rock snake was knocked down by Riolu with a single punch
Suddenly, Yi Ming, Xiao Lioulu's moves were named too badly.

What kind of ordinary punch is this?
This is a blast!

"Big Rock Snake, are you alright?"

Although he was the former gymnasium owner, Xiao Gang's ability to bear was stronger than ordinary people, but faced with this situation, he was stunned for a long time before accepting this unimaginable reality.

He hurried to check on the big rock snake's injury.

Fortunately, the big rock snake is a type with rough skin and thick flesh, so there is nothing serious about it.

"Being hit directly on the head led to an instant defeat."

Xiao Gang couldn't laugh or cry.

The head belongs to the key area, and it is necessary to avoid being hit when fighting against the enemy.

But just now, the Big Rock Snake held his head hard, so he took the initiative to meet Riolu.Xiaogang actually has no objection to this, because his big rock snake is characterized by a hard head, and the rock head is as solid as a rock. In the past, the head was often regarded as a weapon and a shield.

Unexpectedly, the hard head attack that the big rock snake is used to and tried again and again was knocked down by a punch here at Leolu.


Riolu raised his head arrogantly, still standing with his hands behind his back, as if defeating the big rock snake with one punch was as simple as eating and drinking.

Yi Ming was moved when he saw it, Leolu really cooperated with him too much.

'Numbness in the hand. '

"Pfft, cough cough cough."

The young boy's voice from Leo Lubo said slightly aggrieved words in a flat tone, which made Yi Ming almost choke on his own saliva.

Only then did he notice that Riolu's little hand was a little swollen, and it seemed that he had really exhausted all his strength.

It seems that the big rock snake's hard head is really not covered, but compared with the big rock snake's fainting and falling to the ground, Riolu, whose hands are only numb, is really appalling.

But speaking of it, the power of an ordinary punch was beyond Yi Ming's expectations.

The power of the million-ton heavy punch superimposed on the waveguide move can cause such a large destructive force that even the hard head of the big rock snake can't bear it. It seems that this move somewhat ignores the opponent's physical defense.

Not to be underestimated.

It seems that opponents who despise Riolu's ordinary punch will pay a heavy price, just like the big rock snake just now.
Xiao Gang took back the Big Rock Snake, accepted his failure, and immediately walked up to Yi Ming, looked at Leolu in an astonished tone and said.

"I thought the rock snake was stronger than Leolu, but I didn't expect it to end like this, but I'm curious, Yi Ming, what was Leolu's move just now?"

"Ordinary punch."

Yi Ming said truthfully.

"Normal punch."

Hearing this, Xiao Gang frowned and thought, as if searching for the name of this move in his mind.

Seeing this, Yi Ming gave a dry cough, interrupting Xiao Gang's thoughts.

"A common punch, a fighting style move, is an enhanced self-created move that Riolu himself learned from the million-ton heavy punch."

Although it had the assistance of Yi Ming to give it a physical enhancement card, the million-ton heavy punch and ordinary punch were indeed comprehended by Riolu himself.

It's just this statement that made Xiaogang smile wryly, and envy appeared in his eyes.

An enhanced self-created move mastered by a million tons of punches?
"Well, it seems that you, Riolu, are very talented. Not only can you fight with your eyes closed, but you can also comprehend your own moves. It's really amazing."

Xiao Gang took a deep look at Little Leo Lu.

The power shown by an ordinary punch just now is really appalling. If it was cast by Lucario, Xiao Gang could accept it better, but it turned out to be cast by a Riolu.

"Here, here is the dark gray badge, as proof that you defeated me."

Xiao Gang handed Yi Ming a badge.

Oh?And badge rewards?

Not bad, there is no need to fight with the martial arts of the Nibi Gym again.

Yi Ming took it casually, but the system's notification sound came to mind.

[Battle time: 6 minutes. 】

[Battle rating: S+. 】

[Complete the player's challenge ranking: first. 】

[Get extra item rewards. 】

(End of this chapter)

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