Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 161 1 good news!

Chapter 161 Good news!

Additional item rewards?Seems like a good look.

I remember that the previous system information did say that those who complete the player's challenge will be rewarded, so that's it.

[Ding, get a random item treasure chest*1. 】

[Random Props Treasure Chest (Rare): Random random props*1 can be opened. 】

Random random props, it is equivalent to a lottery.

Yi Ming nodded secretly.

[Ding, it is detected that the host who received the reward is the host, and can get the privilege of increasing the reward once, do you want to use it? 】

"Increase the reward? Just increase the reward of this random item treasure box once?"

Yi Ming couldn't help muttering softly to himself.

As for the choice, of course it goes without saying.

There are privileges, use them for nothing.

[The promotion is successful, the random item treasure box*1 is transformed into, the item upgrade card*1. 】

Item upgrade card?What the hell.

Surprised, Yi Ming looked at the introduction to the system.

[Prop Upgrade Card (Exclusive): Any prop can be upgraded. 】

Exclusiveness is something that only Yi Ming, who is the host of the system, can get.

"Can you turn any prop into a prop that can be improved? This is a bit interesting."

The Koga Ninja Frog carries mysterious water droplets. Maybe you can try to use this thing to improve it and see if it can have any effect.

Just when Yi Ming lost his mind, Xiao Gang woke him up.

"Yi Ming, you defeated me, then you can enter our world, right, I have something to tell you."

Xiao Gang's words caught Yi Ming's attention.

"whats the matter?"

"Didn't you ask me about the special props that can evolve the big rock snake flying mantis, the metal film?"

Hearing this, Yi Ming was startled, looked at Xiao Gang and nodded.

Did Xiao Gang get any news?

Seeing Yi Ming's fiery gaze, Xiao Gang scratched his head, confirming Yi Ming's thoughts.

"That's right, I have news about the metal film, but it may not be that easy to get it, and it may cost a lot of money."

"I know that, where is the metal film?"

Yi Ming nodded immediately, and had already planned to spend a lot of money to buy the metal film.

The metal film is Yi Ming's promise to Flying Mantis, and it is also a key prop for Flying Mantis to make further breakthroughs and evolve into Giant Pincer Mantis.

"In the manor near the west of Light Red City, No. 14 in the third section, there will be a garden fair in the near future, you can try it."

"To the west of Light Red City, the No. 14 manor in the third section, okay, I'll write it down."

After remembering the location Xiaogang said, Yi Ming immediately chose to enter the world of Pokémon.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the figure instantly disappeared from the Tianlang Gymnasium.

In the Kanto area, Nibi City is near Tsukimi Mountain.

The figures of Yi Ming and Riolu suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Let me see what the effect of the item upgrade card will be."

Yi Ming aimed the item upgrade card at the information panel of the Koga Ninja Frog, and there was a carrying item on it - a mysterious drop of water.

[Effect Preview: Mysterious Water Drop (Enhanced)]

[Mysterious water droplet (enhancement): Greatly enhance the power of the water-type moves that carry Pokémon. 】

From boost to massive boost.
It seems to be a good look.

Just as Yi Ming was about to use it, he narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of something.

In the end, Yi Ming withdrew this decision and did not allow the item upgrade card to be used on the mysterious water droplet.

Because he felt that there might be a better way to use this thing, so he put it on hold for the next time.

"Leolu, go back to the elf space and rest first."

In the battle, Riolu's level reached level 19, which is really good.


Riolu nodded, turned into a beam of light and entered the poke ball.

After all this, Riolu has gained a considerable strength improvement.

Not only has it learned a fighting style suitable for it, sleeping and talking in its sleep, it can also accurately attack opponents in sleep, and it has also learned a normal punch.

Well, an ordinary punch with extraordinary power.

"Come out, Flying Mantis."

Let Riolu go back to rest, but it is still some distance from Nibi City, so it is still necessary to have a Pokémon with him to avoid the sudden attack of wild Pokémon.


The Flying Mantis appeared, still with the cold and cool look on his face, his eyes wandered around, as if he was looking for where the attack would come from if he was attacked by a wild Pokémon at the moment.

The vigilance of the Flying Mantis is innate. Bug-type Pokémon are considered weak Pokmon, and they often need to live in groups to avoid being bullied.

"Flying Mantis, I have news about the metal film."

Yi Ming patted Flying Mantis on the shoulder, and said in relief.

Because of his previous status as the leader, Flying Mantis has a strict obsession with himself, thinking that his strength must exceed his companions in order to protect his companions. Therefore, the strength of other Pokmon has increased rapidly, which has brought a lot of pressure to Flying Mantis.

The strength improvement of eating the original fruit before, except for the flying mantis, has a great level improvement, which makes it the most mindful.

However, it also accepted Yi Ming's statement, that is, its power, just like the evolution of a unicorn into an armored chrysalis, is a fundamental change, the energy has been accumulated, but it is a good thing.

Regarding this point, Yi Ming didn't lie, Flying Mantis was the only Pokémon that surpassed two aptitude levels in a row.


Hearing the words "metal film", Flying Mantis was startled, and subconsciously looked at Yi Ming, with a frenzied gleam in his eyes.


It longs to transform!
Flying Mantis also hopes that he can complete the transformation like Iron Armor Pupa or Iron Armor Kun, and have a brand new form of power!
This is the idea that it has been pursuing but cannot obtain, and it is precisely because Yi Ming expressed its deep desire for evolutionary power in one word that Flying Mantis is willing to follow.

The metal film is the evolution condition that Yi Ming told it earlier.

If you can get the metal film, you will be able to complete an incredible transformation like an armored chrysalis and an iron armored kun!
"I haven't got it yet, but it's just news. Don't worry, I will definitely get the metal film for you. You don't have to worry."

Yi Ming said in relief.


Flying Mantis nodded slightly, and also realized that he had lost his composure.

"Go to Nibi City first, and then go to Light Red City to see if you can find a way to get the metal film."

Xiaogang got the news of the badge and the metal film, so naturally there is no need to go to the Nibi Gym in Nibi City, but don't forget that Yi Ming still has amber fossils.

The Science Museum in Nibi City has fossil resurrection equipment, even if it can't be resurrected, Yi Ming can still know the value information of amber fossils.

Flying Mantis naturally has no objection to Yi Ming's plan, and it also understands that it needs to be patient now.

At the moment, Yi Ming and Flying Mantis wandered towards Nibi City together.

(End of this chapter)

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