Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 169 Intense battle!

Chapter 169 Intense battle!

Chenglong, who has the title of "Blessing of the Ice God", exhibited an extraordinary absolute zero, completely turning the entire ground into ice in an instant, allowing the Flying Mantis and Chenglong to control the rhythm of the battle, and the electric shock monster could not move. The Toucan was also attacked repeatedly, and was about to be dealt with first, so Feiyu responded immediately.

"Toucan casts Yan Hui on the flying mantis, shocks the monster with electricity, and releases [-] volts on Chenglong!"

On the slippery ice surface, although the Electric Shock Beast could not move for the time being, besides the Thunder Fist, it also had long-range attacks.


The toucan let out a low cry, shook off the frost on the feathers, and cast Yan Fan with the momentum of thunder, and successfully hit the flying mantis in an arc in midair.

Yan Fan is a flying move, which is very effective for Flying Mantis!

The electric shock beast crawled up from the ground, bursting out with yellow arcs all over its body, and also unleashed a hundred thousand volts, blasting at Chenglong at an extremely fast speed.

Fortunately, Chenglong is quite flexible on the ice. Although [-] volts is fast, there is still some distance, and was successfully avoided by Chenglong's gliding.


One hundred thousand volts hit the ice where Chenglong was originally, and immediately blasted a small hole. One can imagine what would happen if Chenglong was hit by one hundred thousand volts.

"It's a lot harder than I imagined."

Yi Ming thought to himself.

The power of the Electric-type moves of this Electric Shock Beast is extraordinary, and it also restrains the Flying Mantis with the Flying-type and the Chenglong with the Water-type. Once hit, the balance of victory will tilt towards the opponent.

However, it may not be impossible to defeat the strong with the weak!
"Flying Mantis, move at high speed, sword dance, ride a dragon, sing, and cover the Flying Mantis with all your strength."

Yi Ming immediately gave instructions.

It was decided to let Flying Mantis be the main force, and Chenglong be the combat assistant.


The Flying Mantis performed high-speed movement, and at the same time the speed was rising steadily, it also performed the sword dance move, and the mysterious war dance was fiercely danced during the high-speed movement, and the momentum rapidly increased!
High-speed movement can greatly increase the movement speed.

Sword dance can greatly increase attack power.

Flying Mantis seems to have grasped the essence of dual-purpose from the experience of facing the big needle bee in the past, so it can even perform two moves at the same time!

At the same time, Chenglong also sang beautifully, and the melodious and beautiful singing was enough to make people stop and listen, and fell into the ethereal.

Singing and Chenglong's proud moves can put the opponent into a sleep state. If successfully performed, it will make the toucan and the electric shock monster fall into a sleep state at the same time.

"Wishful thinking! Toucan, stop it with noise."

Where would Feiyu let Chenglong sing, and immediately reacted.

Noise, in the past, can only reduce the opponent's defense, but at this moment it has a miraculous effect on Chenglong's singing.


The drowsy toucan opened its beak wide, and the high-frequency noise resounded throughout the forest, successfully covering up Chenglong's singing moves, preventing both himself and the electric shock monster from falling asleep.

However, at this moment, the Flying Mantis also caught the gap and cast a flash of lightning.

Due to the high-speed movement, the Flying Mantis, whose speed had been greatly increased, used the quick move of lightning flash, and the Toucan couldn't react at all, and was hit by the Flying Mantis.

The attack power of the Flying Mantis under the blessing of the sword dance has also been greatly improved, which is definitely not light!

The toucan let out a mournful cry, it was being attacked continuously.Almost unable to maintain the flying posture and fell from the sky.

Seeing this, the Flying Mantis took the opportunity to unleash its wings to attack, flapping its blade-like wings and whizzing out, trying to give the Toucan a final blow.

However, at this moment, the Flying Mantis seemed to sense the danger, and dodged to the side, giving up and continuing to attack.

The next moment, a thick yellow arc shot through the place where the Flying Mantis was originally located.

It was the one hundred thousand volts released by the awakened electric monster.

"Flying Praying Mantis Sword Dance, Double Combo, Riding Dragon, White Mist."

Yi Ming continued to let Flying Mantis superimpose attack power, and at the same time let Chenglong play its supporting role.


With a soft call from Chenglong, he unleashed the white mist skill.

Immediately, a mysterious light white mist emerged from both it and the Flying Mantis, clearing up the discomfort caused by the noise just now.


The Flying Mantis performed the sword dance again, and the momentum of the dance soared again, and the sickle burst out with an astonishing cold light!

It raised its twin scythes high, and roared towards the toucan.

"Take out the flying mantis first! Electric shock monsters, thunder, toucan wings to attack and resist!"

Feiyu had a bad premonition in his heart, as if a sharp sword was unsheathed in front of his eyes, the imposing flying mantis made his eyelids twitch.

The attack power of the Flying Mantis performing the sword dance continuously has reached a level that even the electric monsters would be afraid of.


Toucan never thought that he would face insect-type Pokémon, but he would feel afraid.

In the past, it was the nightmare of bug-type Pokémon!

Shocked, the toucan raised its remaining strength and unleashed its wings to attack. The wide wings shone with sharp light in an attempt to defend against the flying mantis' two combo attacks.


The eyes of the Flying Mantis burst out with a sharp light, and under the majestic momentum, it performed a double attack. The cold light suddenly appeared, just like a sharp sword across a piece of white paper, the Flying Mantis easily broke through the defense of the Toucan!

The toucan, which was already exhausted, was hit hard again, completely lost its ability to fight, and fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

And at this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly erupted in the dark clouds that suddenly appeared above the forest.

It is the unusually powerful thunder move of the electric monster!

There was a cruel sneer on the ferocious face of the electric shock beast, and it let out a roar.


Between the lightning and the flint, the thick thunder and lightning were like the punishment of the gods, from top to bottom as if they were going to tear the sky apart, they smashed towards the flying mantis!
This moment is the stalemate moment when the Flying Mantis defeats the Toucan, and the Flying Mantis, whose speed is stagnant, cannot dodge at all!
It is conceivable that if the Flying Mantis with the attribute of flying is hit by the powerful thunder move of the electric shock monster, it is conceivable what will happen.


Just when Team Rocket Feiyu and Electroshock Warcraft both thought that the Flying Mantis was 100% struck by lightning, at the very moment, a ray of freezing light with icy cold air met the downward lightning.

It was the freezing light released by Chenglong in time.

Although it was impossible to resist the thunder and lightning, the freezing light also provided precious reaction time for the Flying Mantis under the brief stalemate.

The lightning finally fell, but the Flying Mantis had already left the place where the lightning struck.


Flying Mantis looked back and nodded, and expressed his gratitude to Chenglong. Without Chenglong's timely support, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's timely, Chenglong, you've done a good job."

Yi Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The tacit understanding between Flying Mantis and Chenglong is better than expected.

Then, there is only one electric shock monster left.
(End of this chapter)

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