Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 170 Both Upgrade!

Chapter 170 Both Upgrade!


Seeing that the Toucan was defeated, Fei Yu clenched his fists.

This is different from the battle situation he imagined. He thought that the electric shock monster and the toucan could easily defeat the flying mantis and the dragon.

Unexpectedly, it was the Toucan who was defeated first, and the Flying Mantis took the opportunity to perform sword dance and high-speed movement continuously, not only the speed was greatly enhanced, but also the attack power rose sharply, reaching the level that could threaten the electric shock beast the point.

"Captain Feiyu, do you need our help?"

Seeing this, the rest of the Rockets couldn't help asking.

This kid can do it, even their Captain Feiyu was deflated, and the proud Toucan was defeated.

However, they were astonished as they were, and they didn't have much worry in their hearts, because there was still an electric shock monster. Compared with the toucan, the electric shock monster was stronger and more difficult to deal with, even if it was one against two, it would be no problem.

"No, the electric shock monster can solve it."

Where would Feiyu let them intervene? Doesn't that mean making him admit his failure?

"Electricize the monster, release the flame fist on the ground!"


Under Fei Yu's instruction, the sandbag-sized fist of the Electric Shock Beast burst out with hot flames and hit the ground with a bang.

In an instant, the billowing flames swept out in all directions, and the ice in the area around it melted away one after another, giving the electric shock monster enough room to move, and it was no longer troubled by the ice.

"Riding a dragon, praying for rain, flying a mantis, dancing with a sword!"

Yi Ming looked composed.

The most troublesome situation has been resolved, and the next step is a 2-on-1 advantage match.

Although the Electric Shock Monster has level 40 far surpassing Flying Mantis and Chenglong, the combination of Flying Mantis and Chenglong can defeat it.


The Flying Mantis performed the sword dance again, and accompanied by the intense mysterious battle dance, its attack power reached subversive!

The three sword dances made the Flying Mantis's attack power reach a frightening level. There was a trace of hot air all over his body, and the sickle was so cold that it seemed to be able to cut everything.


Chenglong also released the rain-seeking move, and the raindrops fell, extinguishing the flames on the ground, and the temperature dropped again.

Afterwards, in order to avoid too much rain and let the electric shock monster play its role, Chenglong stopped releasing the begging for rain. Because of the temperature, the rainwater on the surrounding ground turned into hard and smooth ice again.

"Dragon Riding, Absolute Zero, Flying Mantis, Shadow Clone, Cross Scissors!"

This time the absolute zero is released on the electric shock beast!
Absolute Zero is a powerful ice-type move. Once it is hit, it means it becomes an ice cube. Few Pokémon can resist its power. Can be dodged by enemies.

Now that the electric shock monster is trapped on the ice, it is obviously a good time to release absolute zero.

At the moment, Chenglong released a mass of extremely cold air that seemed to be able to freeze everything, and the surrounding temperature dropped until it dropped.

"Electric shock beast, dangerous, jump away!"

Naturally, Feiyu would not let the electric shock monster be hit by absolute zero, and immediately reminded him.

The Electric Shock Beast also sensed the threat of absolute zero. It smashed its huge fists into the ice, and immediately lifted its body from the ground, avoiding the attack of absolute zero.

And at this moment, the silhouette of the Flying Mantis rushing towards him was like a shadow, with the twin sickles mounted as a cross, fiercely imprinting on the Electric Shocking Beast in the air.

The electric monster in mid-air was unavoidable, and was hit by the sharp cross scissors of the flying mantis!


The electric monster with deep cut wounds on its body fell to the ice, extremely embarrassed.

With the superposition of three sword dances, the attack power of the flying mantis has reached a terrifying level. Even if the defense of the electric shock monster is not weak, it cannot bear it.


The Electric Shock Beast roared in pain.

But it didn't bother to check the injuries on its body, so it rolled away from the spot.

In the next moment, the Flying Mantis, who was chasing after the victory, used the twin sickles to split, cutting two deep knife marks on its original ground.

The flying mantis with wings can fly, but it will not be affected by the ice, so it flaps its wings and chases after it.

As soon as the Electric Shock Beast stood up, it was chased by the Flying Mantis again, so it had no choice but to parry it with its fists and tail.

For a moment, under the combined attack of Flying Mantis and Chenglong, the situation turned to Yi Ming's side. The Electric Shock Beast, which was originally a big threat, was now in a state of embarrassment.

"Electric Shock Monster, what are you doing?! Counterattack! Release the electric shock wave."

Feiyu suppressed the anger in his heart.


The Electric Shock Monster was also extremely ashamed, the anger in his eyes almost turned into substance, he turned around and used his twin tails to push away the Flying Mantis's scythe attack, and raised his palm to instantly release an electric shock wave at the Flying Mantis.

At such a close distance, the Flying Mantis couldn't dodge effectively at all. He was hit instantly, his whole body was shaken, a small electric arc surged on the surface of his body, and the attack stopped immediately.

However, at this moment, Chenglong's freezing light also followed, shooting at the frenzied electric monster.

In a hurry, the electric shock monster had no choice but to cast a light wall to withstand Chenglong's freezing light.

The light wall, a superpower move, can weaken the power of special moves.

The freezing light hit the light wall and was hindered. Its power was a bit weaker, but it still passed through the light wall and caused damage to the electric shock beast.

The piercing chill made the Electric Shock Monster shudder, frost appeared on its body surface, and a freezing phenomenon appeared!

"The freezing effect of the freezing light, the battle is over, and the flying mantis will slash!"

A hint of surprise appeared in Yi Ming's eyes, and he immediately commanded.

The freezing light can sometimes cause a freezing effect on the enemy when it hits, and the current state of the electric monster is frozen, which is a good opportunity for the flying mantis to attack and win in one fell swoop.


The Flying Mantis twin scythes swung rapidly, bursting out bursts of cold light, piercing the air with a piercing sound, causing damage to the electric shock monster like a gust of wind and rain!

In just a few breaths, the power of the Flying Mantis's continuous slashing was superimposed rapidly, coupled with the blessing of the sword dance, every swing of the Flying Mantis's scythe seemed to cut through the void, and the power was astonishing.


The Electric Shock Beast could no longer withstand the attack of the Flying Mantis, and collapsed on the ice, completely losing its ability to fight.

[Riding the dragon, the flying mantis defeated the toucan, and shocked the monster with electricity. 】

[Chenglong gained battle experience: 8890. 】

[Due to the aptitude for riding a dragon, you will get additional battle experience points: 6800. 】

[Due to the level gap between the two sides, Chenglong gained an additional battle experience: 7000. 】

[Ding, the experience value of Chenglong battle is full, the level has been increased to: 33. 】

[Flying Mantis gained battle experience: 8890. 】

[Because of the qualification of Flying Mantis, the extra battle experience points: 4900. 】

[Due to the level gap between the two sides, Flying Mantis gained an additional battle experience: 7000. 】

[Ding, the Flying Mantis battle experience is full, and the level has been increased to: 34. 】

After continuous battles, both Chenglong and Flying Mantis just got a breakthrough, and their levels were improved.

This was also expected by Yi Ming, after eating the original fruit, their level progress bar was almost at the level of leveling up, so Yi Ming would let them play instead of Jiaga Ninja Frog or Charizard.

purpose achieved.

"You lost again. You just got this electric shock beast, right? The tacit understanding is not good."

Yi Ming smiled but wasn't smiling.

It seems that Feiyu has not yet mastered the fighting style of the electric shock beast, so he cannot let the electric shock beast show its full strength, and is therefore restricted everywhere, so that he is completely suppressed by the dragon and the flying mantis, and is humiliated and defeated.

The strength of a trainer is also very important, Yi Ming realized this again from him.

The rest of Team Rocket, who were still moving the loot from the warehouse, stared blankly at this scene.

How could their captain be so careless?

(End of this chapter)

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