Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 171 Complete Control... Mewtwo?

Chapter 171 Completely Control Mewtwo?


The rest of the Rockets members looked at each other in blank dismay, and all the carrying movements stopped.

How could they have imagined that the captain who was the strongest among them and possessed the Electric Shock Beast would be defeated by a young trainer?

They froze in place, for a moment, not knowing how to face this situation.

The two Team Rocket members who had been tied up with cloth strips in their mouths had extremely bitter expressions on their faces.

Originally thought that the rescuers were coming, but unexpectedly, the company captain fell into the hands of this kid.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed a little awkward. Feiyu's expression changed drastically, from astonishment as if he didn't believe he would lose, to embarrassment, anger and resignation, which can be described as extremely exciting.

"Jingle Bell"

At this moment, his communicator rang, and after hearing a few words, his face became even uglier, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

He got bad news.

Junsha seemed to have gotten the message, and was turning around and rushing to this side, and was about to enter the forest.

This meant that their operation was doomed to fail. Even if they could defeat Yi Ming, it would be too late to avoid Junsha and the others.


With an ugly face, Feiyu had no choice but to grit his teeth and order to evacuate, and took the unconscious toucan and the electric shock monster back into the elf ball.

"But Captain, what should we do with these things? We managed to get them."

The rest of the Rocket team were stunned, hesitating to speak, apparently unable to accept Feiyu's evacuation order.

However, facing Feiyu's cold gaze, they still swallowed the next words in their stomachs, and they all put on strange-looking gas masks in tacit understanding, and the scene was a little funny for a while.

"Do you want to use this trick to escape again? Fire-breathing dragon, hot wind, Riolu, stop them."

Yi Ming, who had the previous experience, how could he not know what they wanted to do?Immediately released the fire-breathing dragon, ready to let the fire-breathing dragon use hot air to disperse the smoke, and follow up at any time, and at the same time let Riolu get ready.

Riolu who has mastered the waveguide will not be hindered by the smoke, and can capture the enemy's actions even in the smoke.

As Yi Ming expected, these Rockets threw smoke bombs again, and at the same time, the double bomb gas released a lot of smoke.


The fire-breathing dragon that appeared in time immediately released hot wind in an attempt to disperse the surrounding smoke.

Riolu also calmly left his side and started to act.

But at this moment, Yi Ming felt the vibration of the ground and frowned.

Under the hot wind from the fire-breathing dragon, the smoke quickly dispersed, but Feiyu and the other Team Rocket members were nowhere to be seen.

Yes, there are just pits that appear on the ice surface impressively.

"Isn't it just a big rock snake?"

Yi Ming was a little surprised.

The Rockets fled underground, but there was really nothing they could do. They didn't have any ground-type Pokémon they could dig.


Riolu handed Yi Ming a special item that seemed to be a machine energy component.

"You mean he wanted to snatch this thing from the warehouse before he ran away?"

Yi Ming looked at the item in his hand that glowed with a strange luster, and frowned slightly.

Riolu nodded.

In the smoke, it sensed Feiyu's movements and intervened in time.

It's just that Feiyu has double bombs for self-defense. Although he has the advantage of ignoring the smoke, Riolu can only snatch it back from Feiyu. He has no ability to stop the Rockets members and can only let them dig it. hole left.

"Well, Riolu, you're doing great."

Yi Ming pondered for a moment, then took this thing and walked over to the two Team Rocket members who were caught at the beginning.

"This thing was taken from the fossil resurrection instrument in the Science Museum."

The two Rockets members still couldn't accept being abandoned by their companions, their faces were full of disappointment and confusion.

The other party is just a kid, why did he withdraw?

At least save them too!

Regarding Yi Ming's question, the two members of Team Rocket who were tied up turned their heads away, as if they didn't want to talk to Yi Ming.

"As long as you answer my question, I can let you go, hurry up, Junsha and the others are already on their way."

While speaking, Yi Ming showed them the unknown parts that seemed to be energy sources in his hands.

let them go?

Hearing this, the two Team Rocket members looked at Yi Ming in amazement, still in disbelief.

Yi Ming snapped his fingers and gave Chenglong a look.

Chenglong understood immediately, the biting cold gradually spread over them, and the two members of Team Rocket shivered from the cold.

"I don't mind letting Junsha bring back a big ice cube."

Under Yi Ming's threat, the two members of Team Rocket exhaled and looked at each other.

"Are you really willing to let us go?"

"Of course, as long as you answer my question, I can let you go. My task is to recover the stolen things from the Science Museum."

Yi Ming was very sincere, it seemed that he really planned it that way.

"...That's right, this thing was taken from the fossil resurrection instrument, and it is the most critical part."

The tall Team Rocket member, who had nothing to do, gritted his teeth and accepted Yi Ming's exchange terms.

It seems that the main goal of the Rockets is indeed this thing, and other things are just secondary goals.

The clear Yi Ming asked again.

"What do you want it for?"

Hearing this question, the two members of Team Rocket kept their secrets in secret. They bowed their heads in silence for a while, and then the short Team Rocket member said, "Take complete control of a magic."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the tall Rocket team member: "The main purpose is to extract the energy in it, control and drive a machine inside our Rocket team, which can be used for combat."

At this moment, it was Yi Ming's turn to be silent.

The short Team Rocket member clearly wanted to say just now that he completely controlled a Pokémon. Although the tall Team Rocket member obviously wanted to hide it, this statement reminded Yi Ming of a certain Pokémon even more.

Yi Ming narrowed his eyes, and a wave suddenly appeared in his heart.

Take full control of a Pokémon.

A 'battle machine' that rockets to a machine that can be used in battle. .

Yi Ming looked directly into their eyes, opened his lips slightly, and suddenly spit out two words.

Hearing these two words, the two Team Rocket members looked at Yi Ming in disbelief as if they had seen a ghost. They obviously didn't expect Yi Ming to know their secret!

Seeing their reactions, Yi Ming knew that his guess was right!

"It's a super dream"

Since the word they use is not manufacturing, but complete control, that is to say, Chaomeng has already been manufactured, and it has fallen into the hands of the Rockets and has become a fighting machine.

"With this thing alone, can you help your leader completely control Mewtwo?"

Yi Ming felt a little unbelievable.

Can Chaomeng be completely controlled easily?This is unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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