Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 186 Super Ancient Hu Di, I'm Scared!

Chapter 186 Super Ancient Hu Di, I'm Scared!

The super ancient Hudi can become stronger.

It can too!
Yi Ming could see that the burning fighting spirit in the depths of Jiahe Ninja's eyes, even though it was faint and insignificant, was so soul-stirring.


The Koga Ninja Frog finally stopped shaking, as if its body was being shaken by the waves.

It is asking for a fight.

At this moment, Yi Ming was moved.

For the Jiahe Ninja Frog in front of him, Yi Ming's mind recalled the past when it was a croaking frog wandering alone.

Even if you are chased by the violent Gyarados, even if you are taken as prey by the toucan, even if you are caught in the vortex
It has never given up, it has always been fighting against fate without humility!

After a moment of silence, Yi Ming smiled freely and took back the poke ball.

"In that case...then I will fight with you until the last moment."

Even though Yi Ming released the power of Chang Pan with all his strength, he already felt dizzy at this time, but Yi Ming's emotions were unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

If you want to fight, then fight!

An inexplicable throbbing from the depths of the soul caused Yi Ming and Jiaga Ninja to close their eyes at the same time.

The Huiyan trio and the head of the team next to him looked at the bruised Jiaga Ninja, and their eyes flashed with unbearable expressions. The strength displayed by the Jiaga Ninja made them look sideways.

"The defeat is set, let's run too."

"It's a pity. It's almost there."

"It can't be done. Don't force yourself, Yi Ming, you have done enough."

The opponents are too strong, even they can see that Koga Ninja has reached its limit.


The ultra-ancient Hudi's eyes were playful, and he taunted Jiahe Ninja Frog and Yi Ming.

It doesn't think that the Koga Ninja Frog can pose any threat to itself.

Continuing to struggle and fight is just futile. The Koga Ninja Frog has reached its limit, but it is still recovering its strength. Although it also consumes a lot of physical strength, it is better than the previous Koga Ninja Frog. many.

However, looking at the motionless Jiaga Ninja Frog not far away, suddenly, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in Chaoguo Hudi's heart.

It's like the calm before the storm.

The ultra-ancient Hu Di with strong mental power has always believed in his intuition.

But at this moment, it couldn't believe this incredible intuition, because the Koga Ninja Frog had clearly reached its limit, and there was no threat at all.

So, where did that vague premonition come from?
It doesn't understand.

However, the next moment, it finally understood.

"All power."

After holding their breath for a short period of concentration, Jiahe Ninja Frog and Yi Ming suddenly opened their eyes, and a bright light burst out from them.

At this moment, Yi Ming felt an indescribable resonance with Koga Ninja, not only the synchronization of breathing, but also the synchronization of soul and belief.

Koga Ninja Frog.

Bonds evolve!


Under the amazed gaze of the ultra-ancient Hu Di and everyone else, a rapidly rotating water vortex suddenly rose into the sky!

The Koga ninja frog, which is in the center of the water vortex, once again condenses a flying water shuriken like wings on its back, which is a symbol of the evolution of the bond.


The Koga Ninja Frog roared, the water vortex exploded, and the majestic momentum rushed in all directions like a tsunami raised by the sea.

The level 42 that the Koga Ninja Frog originally fell back to has been upgraded again with the evolution of the fetters!
Level 43!
Level 44!
Level 45!
not enough
not enough!
Yi Ming tried his best to release the power of Viridian and attached to the Koga Ninja Frog.

46! 47! 48!


The level of the Koga Ninja Frog has been raised by a full 7 levels under the unprecedented fetters, which is comparable to the super ancient Hudi!

How can it be?

The ultra-ancient Hudi's pupils shrank, his face moved with horror, he couldn't believe what he felt.

In just a few short breaths, the aura of the Koga Ninja Frog climbed crazily, reaching a new peak unbelievably, and that majestic momentum even faintly overwhelmed it!

Facing the super-ancient Hudi who was at a loss, Kizuna Koga Ninja's gaze was like a torch, and he slowly took off the big flying water shuriken on his back, and made a false support above.

At the same moment, Yi Ming raised his hand that exuded the power of Chang Pan to support it, as if to support something, which made Pikachu on his shoulder inexplicably surprised.

"There is no opponent that can't be dealt with by a spiral shuriken. If there is, then another shot."

Spiral Shuriken!

The flying water shuriken in Kizuna Koga Ninja's hand changed, and it quickly changed into a spiral shuriken during high-speed rotation.

It was as if all falcons were screaming together, and the spiral shuriken spinning at high speed was about to tear apart the space.


Facing the spiral shuriken that Kizuna Koga Ninja once again displayed, Chaoguo adjusted his breath and concentrated his mind.

In the mid-air in front of it, suddenly appeared a spiritual blade formed by the materialization of spiritual power.

Mental Blade.

The super ancient Hudi's best super energy move, the materialized heart blade, has terrifying lethal power.

Of course it knows that superpower moves cannot cause effective damage to the Koga ninja, but the purpose of releasing this move is not to attack the Koga ninja, but to fight against the spiral shuriken.

The ultra-ancient Hu Di, who has endured the spiral shuriken, knows that its power cannot be resisted by a light wall, so it decides to use offense instead of defense, releasing the most powerful and powerful spiritual blade to fight.

It has self-confidence, and the spiritual blade that condenses all its strength will definitely be able to defeat the spiral shuriken. Even if it can't, it can also disintegrate the destructive power of the spiral shuriken.

It is very clear that in the state of the Koga Ninja, this time the spiral shuriken is the last means of attack. After resisting it, the Koga Ninja will be slaughtered by it.


The Kizuna Koga Ninja Frog, who witnessed this scene, also knew that if he couldn't win with one move, it would be himself who would lose in the end.

not enough
not enough!
This is a last resort.

Need to be unreserved, completely release yourself!


Suddenly, from the depths of the eyes of the Koga Ninja Frog, a bright golden color bloomed!

The spiral shuriken in its hand is empty, and the spiral shuriken in the rapid rotation suddenly has a touch of gold, and it spreads rapidly, so the light blue spiral shuriken inflated a few points in an instant, and it is actually Like the blazing sun in the sky, it turned into a brilliant golden color!
Not a golden flying water shuriken, but
Golden Spiral Shuriken!
At this moment, everyone's faces and eyes were reflected in gold, and they all held their breath in disbelief, looking at the golden spiral shuriken that bound the Koga Ninja Frog.

Even the ultra-ancient Hu Di, because of the sudden appearance of the golden spiral shuriken, his heart fluctuated like a stormy sea.

Facing the golden spiral shuriken, a long-lost emotion appeared in Chaoguo's mind.


"Koga Ninja Frog, fuck it!"

Yi Ming yelled loudly, and swung his raised hand forward.

Bonding Koga Ninja Frog, Level: 50!

Kizuna Koga Ninja Frog stomped forward, as if it shattered the void, the unprecedented golden spiral shuriken was shot out, and the terrifying power in flight distorted the space.


Driven by instinctive fear, the super ancient Hu Di tried his best to increase the strength of the ready-to-go spiritual blade again.

The spiritual blade pierced through the air, facing the goal that Chaoguo Hu tried to defeat - the golden spiral shuriken.


The golden spiral shuriken and the spiritual blade collided in midair.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing high-frequency sound of rubbing against sharp objects, the next moment, under the horrified eyes of the ultra-ancient Hu Di, the spiritual blade disappeared.

Without any obstruction, the golden spiral shuriken whizzed and hit the super ancient Hu Di with a piercing sound that was enough to make one's heart tremble.


At this moment, everything is silent.

The bright golden color bloomed like a scorching sun, and the originally dark red sky was re-dyed into a brilliant golden color, and the earth was also covered with a layer of golden coir raincoat. Everyone's field of vision was completely occupied by the golden color.


The golden spiral shuriken completely exploded, and the destructive power brought about by the instant release of the compressed energy raged unscrupulously on the super ancient Hu Di.

The terrifying aura released by the golden spiral shuriken caused the Pokémon within a few miles to flee in fear.

The sky resounded with the mournful cry of the ultra-ancient Hu Di
(End of this chapter)

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