Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 187 Booty!

Chapter 187 Booty!
White and the others, who were gradually moving away, stopped and looked at this scene in disbelief. They couldn't believe it was reality.

The entire sky was reflected in brilliant gold, and the ultra-ancient Hudi was devoured.

"My God. Isn't this really a dream?"

"Can the super ancient Pokémon Hu Di be defeated?"

"It's incredible! I've never heard of such a move!"

After the golden spiral shuriken raged, a shocking huge crater with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the original ground where the ultra-ancient Hudi was located, as if a meteorite had landed here.

To their surprise, just as abruptly as it appeared, the ultra-ancient Hudi disappeared without a sound, as if it had been completely torn apart by a golden spiral shuriken and turned into powder.


The evolution effect of the bond disappeared, and the Koga Ninja Frog was so weak that he staggered, and managed to keep standing.

However, even though his physical strength was exhausted, and his eyelids were heavy as if filled with lead, there was a trace of contented pride in the eyes of Koga Ninja Toad.

It worked.

The strength of the ultra-ancient Hudi this time is undoubtedly the most difficult one it has to deal with.

However, in the face of desperation, Koga Ninja Frog made a breakthrough, and it was with Yi Ming, which made him very satisfied.

"Damn, I'm so tired."

Yi Ming didn't feel well either, and he released Viking Pan's power with all his strength to maintain the evolution of the fetters, exhausting his physical strength to the point where he could hardly keep standing.

The feeling of collapse was like letting Yi Ming sit on a thrilling roller coaster for a day, and the heavy dizziness in his head made him faintly nauseous.

But Yi Ming couldn't help but smile on his pale face.

Because he did it with Koga Ninja and defeated the super ancient Hudi.

[The Koga Ninja Frog has learned a new move (only available in the bond evolution state), please name the new move. 】

"Golden Spiral Shuriken."

Yi Ming didn't hesitate, this name was the simplest and rudest.

[The Koga Ninja Frog defeated the super ancient Hu Di and gained battle experience: 36600. 】

[Because of Koga's Ninja Frog qualification, additional battle experience points: 33500. 】

[Due to the level gap, additional battle experience points: 31000. 】

[Ding, the Koga Ninja battle experience is full, the level has been increased to: 43! 】

Yi Ming and Jiahe Ninja's persistence is undoubtedly correct.

Defeating the super-ancient Hudi brought a huge improvement to Koga Ninja. With a full 43 battle experience points, Koga Ninja was promoted to a level, reaching level [-].

The most important thing is that Koga Ninja learned the golden spiral shuriken, the enhanced version of the spiral shuriken!

This reminded Yi Ming of Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja Frog. In a desperate situation, it learned the golden flying water shuriken, which strengthened the flying water shuriken, while his own Koga Ninja Frog was a strengthened spiral hand. sword.

Although he didn't know why the golden color appeared, and where the power came from, Yi Ming guessed that it was the power from the bond, but it didn't matter where the power came from, as long as the power of the moves was strengthened.

"Koga Ninja frog."


Yi Ming and Jiahe Ninja looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

This battle made Yi Ming and Koga Ninja seem to know each other again, and the improvement of feelings and tacit understanding is intangible and precious.

"Thank you, let's go back to the elf space first."

Yi Ming, who was almost collapsed, couldn't take care of himself. Of course, it was impossible to release the power of Viridian to help Koga Ninja recover from his injuries.

Fortunately, the elf space has the original tree of the world, which can also be restored.

Speaking of which, the tree of the beginning of the world is really a good thing. The white mist last time seemed to have improved his physique invisibly, otherwise he would not be able to persist with the Koga ninja frog to the end today.

After letting Jiahe Ninja return to the elf space to rest, Yi Ming turned his gaze to the system's item space.

The ultra-ancient Hu Di was not blasted into scum, nor did it happen, but was re-sealed after being defeated.

Yes, it was resealed.

In Yi Ming's item space, there is a golden crystal floating quietly, which is the spoils of war for defeating the super ancient Hu Di.

[Golden crystal (seal strengthening)]

[Can be destroyed. 】

[Explanation: After destroying the seal, a super-ancient Hudi with full strength will appear, and it must be subdued after it is defeated again. 】

【It can be carried. 】

[Explanation: Carrying it on a Pokémon of the superpower type will get the power of the super ancient Hu Di's inheritance and improve its strength. 】

"Will there be a full-strength ultra-ancient Hudi after it is destroyed?"

Yi Ming pursed his lips, feeling lingering in fear.

It's not clear how high the level of the full-strength ultra-ancient Hudi will be, but one thing is certain is that Yi Ming is still unable to defeat the full-strength ultra-ancient Hudi.

If you want to conquer the ultra-ancient Hudi, you have to defeat it with full strength.

"At least it's not a challenge now."

Yi Ming's eyes focused on the second role.

There is also a second option.

"As a prop, give it to a super-power-type Pokémon with the same attributes as the ultra-ancient Hudi, and you will be able to obtain the inheritance power of the ultra-ancient Hudi."

Is a good choice
It is equivalent to directly obtaining the power inheritance of the super ancient Hudi, eliminating the challenge.

It's a pity that it's a limited super-type Pokémon, otherwise Yi Ming would have given it to Koga Ninja Frog or Charizard on the spot.

"Huiyan, didn't you say that Yi Ming couldn't be an elite trainer? How does it look?"

The head of the group remembered what Huiyan and the three had said earlier, and couldn't help looking at the three of them with a strange look.

Didn't they talk nonsense before, didn't they say that Yi Ming's strength is very weak?If strength is compared to height, Yi Ming can only stand on Huiyan's knee at most?
Will it be revealed?Will the contrast be strong?

Well, the contrast is indeed very strong, but the positions of the two sides are completely opposite.

The Pokémon of Hui Yan and the others was defeated by the super ancient Hu Di in an instant.

And Yi Ming's Pokémon not only protected the safety of the archaeological team, but even directly solved the hidden dangers. This contrast is indeed very strong, so strong that people can't bear to look directly at it.

Sensing the strange look in the leader's eyes, the three of Huiyan looked at each other, and recalled the evaluation of Yi Ming's strength before, and were speechless immediately.

If Yi Ming's strength is at the knee position, then what are they...
Equal to the soles of the feet?
They laughed and were speechless.

"Don't come here, you'd better leave here and hide away."

The group leader was about to approach, but when he heard Yi Ming's words, he couldn't help being stunned, and looked around in surprise.

Isn't the danger lifted?

Although I don't know how the giant tiger appeared, didn't it have already been defeated by Yi Ming and disappeared?
The few of them glanced at each other, but they didn't understand why Yi Ming still looked like an enemy.

And if they had Yi Ming's vision and could see the fonts on the system interface, they would understand why Yi Ming made them leave.

On the system virtual interface of the Yi Ming system, there is a line of words.

[Countdown to the appearance of super ancient Geng Gui: 00:00:09. 】

After the last ten seconds passed, it was time for the ultra-ancient Hu Di's old enemy-the ultra-ancient Geng Gui to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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