Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 189 The power to calm down everything?

Chapter 189 The power to calm down everything?

The sky, which was supposed to be clear, turned dark and gloomy like a pond where ink was sprinkled on it, causing everything under this sky to feel a disturbing and chaotic atmosphere.

"The duel of super ancient Pokémon. The two forces that destroy the world, the black darkness, blackened the sky, and the golden eyes, stained the air"

White stared blankly at this scene that seemed to be the end of the world, and was suddenly infatuated.

Obviously, the words inscribed on the ancient stone tablet are describing the previous ultra-ancient Hu Di and the current Geng Gui.

As the inscription said, people did feel helpless, but there was one exception, and that was Yi Ming who was fighting the super ancient Geng Gui at this time.

First defeated the ultra-ancient Hu Di, and now confronted the ultra-ancient Geng Gui!

However, the situation is not optimistic. Although the fossil pterosaur had an advantage at the beginning, the situation was reversed by the super ancient Geng Gui in a blink of an eye.

"The power that calmed everything down turned into a ball and returned below the horizon. What is the power that can calm everything down?"

White muttered to himself in bewilderment.

According to the inscription, there seems to be a way to calm the chaos.

below the horizon.
White, who was standing on the hillside, shifted his gaze to the small pit on the nearby mountain wall, which was the place where Leolu found the super ancient ruins, and there was a small hole blasted out by Leolu.

"Everyone, please come with me."

Gritting his teeth lightly, White felt that he should do something, so he spoke immediately.


The angry fossil pterosaur wrestled with the super ancient Geng Gui.

The duel of super ancient Pokémon, because of their huge size, looked so exciting that the whole ground was shaking because of their scuffle.


After performing a licking attack and forcing the fossil pterosaur back, the super ancient Geng Gui got a chance to get away.

It also realized that the attack method that the fossil pterosaur is good at is close combat, strong physical fitness and skilled fighting style, so that the fossil pterosaur is enough to suppress it that is not good at this aspect, so it knows that it needs to use its strengths to avoid weaknesses .

"Use wings to attack and pursue!"

How could Yi Ming just sit back and watch the super ancient Geng Gui leave and react immediately.

During the battle, Yi Ming had already made the fossil pterosaur perform Dragon Dance twice, and its attack power and speed had been strengthened.


The fossil pterosaur also knew that once the ultra-ancient Geng Gui stayed away, the fighting rhythm would lose control. Now the wide dragon wings turned into blade-like light wings, and chased towards the ultra-ancient Geng Gui.

However, at this moment, the ultra-ancient Geng Gui showed a sly smile on his face, exuding malice all over his body. Amidst the whistling sound, his pitch-black body turned into a fast-moving black ball, and hit the fossil wing first at an extremely fast speed. On the dragon!

Evil moves, absorbing the maliciousness of the opponent's attack and launching a counter attack, the premise is that the opponent needs to attack when the power is stored for a short time, otherwise it will fail to perform, so the surprise attack needs to grasp the timing of the battle.

The ultra-ancient Geng Gui pretended to stay away from the fossil pterosaur, but actually lured the fossil pterosaur to attack so that it could perform a surprise attack.

The fossilized pterosaur caught off guard was hit in the arms, and the evil energy rushed into its chest, making its breathing stagnate, and it almost fell over.

"Dragon Claw!"

Yi Ming's eyes flashed, and the super ancient Geng Gui's choice surprised him.

But it happened that after the ultra-ancient Geng Gui performed a surprise attack, he returned to the fossil pterosaur again, which was the range of close combat that the fossil pterosaur was good at.


In anger, the dragon claws of the fossilized pterosaur roared out, and slapped the ultra-ancient Geng Gui viciously on the face.

"Tch Tch Tch Tch..."

Withstood the attack of the fossil pterosaur, but the ultra-ancient Geng Gui still kept a sly and playful smile on his face, as if he didn't take the fossil pterosaur seriously.

At this moment, in the view of the fossil pterosaur, the ultra-ancient Geng Gui raised his hands aimed at it, suddenly bursting with evil colorful light, as if shooting into the fossil pterosaur's mind from the eyes in an instant, the piercing stabbing pain The pain hit, and the mind of the fossil pterosaur fell into chaos!
The ghost move, strange light, also called chaotic light, can be known from the name, this move can make the enemy fall into a state of chaos.

Chaotic Pokémon will lose their minds and even self-mutilate.

"So Difficult"

Seeing that the fossilized pterosaur was staggering and unable to maintain its flight, obviously in a state of confusion, Yi Ming frowned and his heart sank.

The attacks and moves of the ghost-type Pokémon are known for being weird and elusive. From this super ancient Geng ghost, it can be seen that the ghost-type is a very difficult opponent.

And after this short battle, the super ancient Geng Gui has also undergone new changes.

Its level has been raised to level 52 impressively!
The strength level of the ultra-ancient Geng Gui has surpassed that of the fossil pterosaur by two levels. In this strength range, the difference in strength represented by one or two levels cannot be underestimated.

"It really wasn't an illusion."

Yi Ming has long realized that the recovery speed of the super ancient Geng Gui is much faster than that of the previous super ancient Hu Di. From appearance to promotion to two levels, the former is at least half faster than the latter!
With the recovery of strength again, the super ancient Geng Gui's aura rose again, overwhelming the fossil pterosaur, and even the injuries on his body seemed to have recovered a little.

"... No, at best the fossilized pterosaur can recover its sanity."

Yi Ming tried to release the power of Chang Pan, trying to restore the state of the fossil pterosaur and at the same time restore the injury.

However, his physical strength had already been exhausted, and Yi Ming felt his head was like a paste. The tingling and dizziness made him resolutely give up this year, and he had to force the fossil pterosaur to calm down and regain his sanity.


In the chaos, a trace of clarity appeared in the eyes of the fossilized pterosaur, releasing the wrath of the dragon and hitting the super ancient Geng Gui!

Unexpectedly, the fossilized pterosaur could attack accurately in a chaotic state. The super ancient Geng Gui was caught off guard and was hit by the dragon's fury. The considerable impact made it fall backwards and slammed into the mountain wall. Shake down the gravel and gravel.

However, because the fossilized pterosaur was released in a hurry, it did not have all the power, and the damage it caused to the super ancient Geng Gui was limited.

The super-ancient Pokémon battle, which was full of noise and movement, left everyone present dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that an archaeological excavation operation would awaken a super ancient Pokémon and face the danger of such a situation.


On the nearby mountain wall, White and the others withdrew from the super-ancient ruins one after another, waiting for the mountain tremor to subside this time.

Their minds are now firmly attracted by the cultural relics in the super ancient ruins.

These are all precious heritages left by humans in ancient times. Even if there is danger, they want to transfer the internal cultural relics out urgently to avoid damage.

"What is the power that can calm everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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