Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 190 Fossil pterosaurs, timid to fight?

Chapter 190 Fossil pterosaurs, timid to fight?
In the ultra-ancient ruins, White's attention was attracted by the 'Bronze Bell' on the stone frame. It was as tall as a person, and at least three people needed to hold hands to turn it into an environmental protection.

After careful observation, we can find that this 'bronze bell' is not made of bronze, but a green crystal with a mysterious luster, and there is a serene atmosphere enveloped near it.

White couldn't help being fascinated, staring blankly at the crystal clock.


The ground shook again, which was caused by the fierce battle between the super ancient Gengar and the fossilized pterosaur.

The ultra-ancient Geng Gui took advantage of the gap when the fossil pterosaur fell to the ground, bullied himself and pressed down on the fossil pterosaur, and slammed his shadow fist viciously on the face of the fossil pterosaur!

The weird smile on the face of the ultra-ancient Geng Gui was a little sarcasm, which stimulated the fossil pterosaur.


How could the rebellious fossil pterosaur tolerate its mockery, and tried to get out of the suppression in anger, but was slapped on the face again by a shadow fist!

The battle situation was completely controlled by the super ancient Geng Gui.

The ultra-ancient Geng Gui, experienced entanglement with the fossil pterosaur, and his level has returned to level 53!

Although I don't know what its real strength level is, but its current level of 53 is already 3 levels higher than that of the fossil pterosaur!
The fossil pterosaur was also gradually opened up because of the gap with it, gradually showing fatigue.

"Fossil pterosaur, dragon tail!"

Yi Ming's heart also sank to the bottom.

Fossil pterosaurs can't perform fetter evolution like the Koga ninja frog.


Under Yi Ming's instruction, the fossil pterosaur also reacted, bent down and used its long tail to perform the dragon tail move.

In an instant, the dragon's tail with a fierce momentum hit the back of the ultra-ancient Geng Gui. Unexpectedly, the ultra-ancient Geng Gui felt the pain of the whip, and fell forward with a low growl. The fossil pterosaur also took advantage of the situation. It slammed away and hit the ground.

As soon as it got rid of the super-ancient Geng Ghost's control, the fossil pterosaur immediately wanted to fight back against him in its own way, pressing the super-ancient Geng Ghost under it and launching a storm-like attack.

However, at this moment, the fossil pterosaur seemed to sense something, paused, and subconsciously looked at the nearby mountain wall.

"Fossil pterosaur! Be careful!"

Yi Ming cursed secretly in his heart.

Being distracted in a fierce battle, especially in the face of an opponent stronger than yourself, the fossil pterosaur's inattention is undoubtedly quite stupid and fatal. Not only did it miss a great opportunity to decide the outcome, but it may also fall into a situation of eternal doom!


The super ancient Geng Gui's huge body rolled away from the fossil pterosaur, and immediately condensed a shadow ball and shot it out.

The huge shadow ball containing the energy of the terrifying ghost system hit the head of the fossil pterosaur without any suspense!
The head is the most important position. After suffering such a heavy blow, the fossilized pterosaur fell to the side in pain and fell to the ground. The continuous fighting made it look sluggish as its physical strength was almost exhausted, as if it could not even flap its wings to fly again. All strength has been lost.


Seeing that the fossilized pterosaur was in a state of distress, the ultra-ancient Geng Gui didn't rush to pursue it. Instead, he stood where he was and let out a mocking laugh.

"Fossil pterosaur...isn't its opponent."

"I don't know what's going on, I feel that Geng Gui is getting bigger and bigger, is it an illusion?"

"It seems to be a little bigger, what's going on?"

"Don't give up, Fossil Pterosaur, I believe you can do it, don't give up!"

Faced with such a situation, the members of the archaeological team couldn't help but feel worried, and couldn't help cheering for the fossil pterosaur. After all, the fossil pterosaur was on their side, but they didn't understand why the fossil pterosaur was distracted just now. , that is simply a stupid fatal mistake.

"Is there no other way?"

Yi Ming looked solemn, and he had already taken out the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball in his hand.

The Fossil Pterosaur is obviously close to its limit, and it can only let the Charizard assist in the battle. Even if it will lose the experience value of the battle, it is obviously not the time to cherish the experience value of the battle.

The super ancient Geng Ghost's level has been restored to level 53, and if it is delayed any longer, the situation will completely get out of control.

Although the fossil pterosaur is seriously injured right now, the ultra-ancient Geng Gui has also suffered serious injuries. As long as the fossil pterosaur and the fire-breathing dragon join forces, they can still be defeated.

Just as Yi Ming was thinking this way, a sudden change occurred!


The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings with all its strength, and flew quickly close to the ground.

However, its sudden action not only stunned the super ancient Geng Gui, but also surprised Yi Ming and the rest of the people who witnessed this scene.

Because the direction of the fossil pterosaur's flight is not towards the super ancient Geng Gui, but in the opposite direction!
At this time, its flying back has a feeling of running away!

"What's going on?! Fossil pterosaur, the enemy is over there."

"This is... Am I right?"

"Are you kidding me? Are you afraid? No way."

"Didn't this fossilized pterosaur really recognize Yi Ming?"

Everyone who witnessed this scene was extremely astonished. The three of them, who were also trainers, Hui Yan, were astonished, and subconsciously cast their strange eyes on Yi Ming.

They couldn't help guessing whether Yi Ming hadn't been recognized by the fossil pterosaurs. Any trainer with a little bit of strength would know that even after subduing a powerful Pokémon with a Poké Ball, they might be disapproved. , the specific performance is that they don't listen to the trainer's instructions.

Looking at the current situation, the fossil pterosaur seemed to have no intention of continuing to fight at all, and flew backwards vigorously without even looking back, completely as if it didn't want to fight the super ancient Geng ghost anymore.

Is it really not recognized?

When they saw that Yi Ming's expression was also full of doubts, they deepened their guesses.

Yi Ming has not yet been recognized by the fossil pterosaurs, so now there is a situation where he refuses to listen to instructions, and even withdraws from the battle voluntarily!

"Fossil pterosaur?"

Yi Ming really did not expect that the fossil pterosaur would suddenly stay away from the super ancient Geng Gui.

This behavior is tantamount to 'admitting defeat' to the super ancient Geng ghost, because anyone can see that the possibility of the fossil pterosaur winning lies in the use of physical advantages to defeat the super ancient Gengar ghost, the fossil pterosaur Naturally, it is impossible not to realize it.

Originally it was the most likely moment to decide the outcome, but the fossil pterosaur lost consciousness for a moment, wasting a hard-won opportunity.

So now, the fossil pterosaur really felt that he could not defeat the super ancient Geng ghost, so he didn't even care about the trainer, and chose to escape decisively?

Yi Ming himself was a little uncertain.

Fossil pterosaurs are powerful first, and second, they have just been conquered. This battle with the super ancient Geng Gui is the first battle in the true sense.
Not to mention, the possibility of getting cold feet is really not small.
"Could it be that the scene where Xiaozhi is disgusted by the fire-breathing dragon will also appear on me?"

At this moment, Yi Ming, with a strange expression, thought of Xiaozhi and his fire-breathing dragon.

Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon once appeared to ignore Xiaozhi, and not only did not obey the command, but even lost his fighting spirit and even refused to fight in the key alliance competition, which made it a pity that Xiaozhi stopped in the top [-]
"Tch Tch Tch!!!"

After the super ancient Geng Gui was dazed, he laughed wildly without restraint.

Even if the fossil pterosaur is not its own opponent in its heyday, it still regards the fossil pterosaur as an opponent that can defeat itself at present, but facing the 'fleeing' fossil pterosaur right now, it has an indescribable contempt in its heart , and even felt ashamed that he had just regarded the fossil pterosaur as an opponent.


The ultra-ancient Geng Gui shifted his gaze to the members of the archaeological team.

The timidity of the fossil pterosaur means that no one can stop it now.
As long as it is restored to its heyday, it can do whatever it wants.

Feeling the continuously recovering and surging power in his body, the ultra-ancient Geng Gui's curved eyes burst out with a dangerous light.

(End of this chapter)

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