Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 207 Leaf Fairy!

Chapter 207 Leaf Fairy!
"To be honest, we have also thought about the possibility of the evolution of the grass system of Ibrahimovic. Irene once wanted to get the evolution form of Ibrahimovic of the grass system, which can help her find the tree fruit, but this has already been tried. Ibrahimovic Cloth cannot evolve with leaf stones."

Mr. Eaton shook his head and explained.


Yi Ming nodded in disbelief.

This is indeed a mystery.

In the Kanto area, no ice stones were found, but there were many leaf stones.

In the first part of the original Pokémon, Ibrahimovic and Leaf Stone also appeared long ago. At the same time, there are also Eaton Manor and major research institutes that specialize in Ibrahimovic, but the grass-type leaf elves have not been discovered for a long time.

It was not until a long time after Xiaozhi left the Kanto area that Ibrahimovic's grass-type evolution form-leaf elf was discovered. The illustrated book also showed that the leaf stone could be used to make Ibrahimovic evolve into a leaf elf.

Exactly why this is so is a mystery.

Since the Stone of Fire, the Stone of Water, and the Stone of Thunder can complete the evolution of Ibrahimovic, there is no reason for the people at Eaton Manor or the research institute not to try to evolve Ibrahimovic with the Leaf Stone.

So, why were the leaf elves not discovered very early like the fire elves and water elves?
Yi Ming had thought about this puzzling question before, and had always felt quite contradictory before, but last night, Yi Ming had a guess.

Now is the time to verify the guess.


"The lie has been exposed, hmph, let me see how you justify yourself."

Erin snorted coldly, touching Ibrahimovic's leaf stone with her fingertips.

When she eavesdropped on Yi Ming saying that there was a grass-type Eevee evolution form, she was very excited, because she had always been eager to pursue the Eevee grass-type evolution.

In her opinion, since Ibrahimovic can evolve into fire, water, and electricity, there is no reason why it cannot evolve into grass.

However, Ibrahimovic could not always react with Ye Zhishi like fire, water, and thunder stones, which made her frustrated and frustrated for a long time.

Now that Yi Ming actually said that Ye Zhishi could make Ibrahimovic evolve into a grass system, she couldn't help it.

"Hey, every mouthful is a liar, that's what you called me before you made the energy cube just now?"

Yi Ming frowned, looking at the noble lady holding Ibrahimovic with great interest.

"I've already apologized to you."

"The apology is to reveal. Cough cough cough."

Yi Ming almost blurted out that sentence, but fortunately he came to his senses, and quickly covered up his embarrassment with a dry cough. Looking at the doubtful eyes of the others, Yi Ming could only continue, "Apologizing can only be done in a cosplay outfit. Neither is sincere."

"Cosplay outfit? What's that?"

Erin had never heard of the term.

"It's just wearing special clothes and pretending to be a Pokémon."

Yi Ming smiled and explained, ignoring Bai Xue's annoyed gaze.

Well, it seems that the topic is a bit skewed. Before the ignorant Yilin could understand, Yi Ming looked at Ibrahimovic in her arms.

"If I let your Eevee evolve into a leaf elf, how are you going to thank me?"

Yi Ming doesn't do things that are not beneficial. If he wants our help, he has to give us something.

Hearing this, Yilin's eyes flickered, and her face was full of seriousness: "If you can help me evolve Ibrahimovic into a grass-type form, I will use all the pocket money I saved to exchange the metal film for it." you."

Hiss, so generous?As expected of a wealthy lady, she can buy metal film with pocket money.

After being astonished, the corners of Yi Ming's mouth curled up slightly.

That's a good relationship, and I can save 20 alliance coins.

With a simple move, 20 alliance coins can be exchanged. There is no more cost-effective deal.

"That's it! Give me your Ibrahimovic."

While everyone was watching, Yi Ming put Eevee on the ground and took off its leaf stone.

However, Yi Ming stepped aside, and under everyone's disbelieving gazes, he stepped aside to the western medieval knight's armor and picked up its mace.

"Ibrahimovic, don't move."

In the blink of an eye, they only heard Yi Ming's order, and the mace they swung up had already slammed down heavily!

After being hit so violently, cracks appeared on the surface of Ye Zhishi!

The grass-type energy contained in the leaf stone is vented, and it gushes out in an instant!

What is he doing? !

Mr. Erin Eaton and the others watched this scene in astonishment.

Once an evolutionary stone is destroyed, its energy will leak out, turning it into a waste rock.

This is a leaf stone worth hundreds of thousands!

One hammer, hundreds of thousands of alliance coins!
For a moment, they couldn't understand what Yi Ming was doing like crazy.

However, as the grass-type energy gushed out quickly, the whole body of Ibrahimovic next to him suddenly glowed with bright light!

The scattered grass-type energy seemed to have been instructed, and quickly rushed to Ibrahimovic's body, making its light even brighter.

"This is the light of evolution?!"

The bright light shone on everyone's astonished faces, making them almost unable to open their eyes.

"Sure enough."

Yi Ming grinned.

The doubts in my heart were solved.

Yi Ming's previous doubts were why the leaf elves, who also used the evolution stone to evolve, were not discovered by Eaton Manor or the research institute very early like the fire elves, water elves, and thunder elves.

It is precisely because the leaf stone that contains grass energy has a kind of inertia.

As we all know, Pokmon's powerful moves of various attributes, water cannons of the water type, and big character explosions of the fire type can be released quickly. Only the sun flames of the grass type can be released after accumulating the energy of the grass type for a round, which is enough to prove The 'inert' of grass energy.

The fire stone, the water stone, the thunder stone, although Ibrahimovic can use them to complete the evolution reaction, the only exception is the leaf stone, and it is precisely because of this.

But why are other Pokémon like Smelly Flower and Mouth Flower able to successfully use the Leaf Stone to complete evolution?

Because they all have the grass attribute that can mobilize the energy of the inert grass!
But Ibrahimovic is a general attribute!
Because of Baixue's ice elf, Yi Ming thought of this.

'Moss-covered rock' or 'ice-covered rock' are not evolutionary stones, they just contain surging attribute energy, which can already make Ibrahimovic react to complete evolution.

Then, cracking the leaf stone to release energy can also achieve the same environmental effect for Ibrahimovic.


After the light disappeared, a petite Pokémon with the appearance of a cat and a fox, with long leaves growing between its body and forehead, and even its ears and tail resembling leaves, appeared in front of everyone.

Ibrahimovic's Grass Evolution, Leaf Fairy!
After the leaf elves rubbed Yi Ming's knee affectionately, who had promoted its evolution, he ran back into Yi Lin's arms.

"Ibrahimovic! No, I'm going to call you Leaf Fairy now, right? ~Wow~ Such a cute leaf, I love you so much~"

Erin happily hugged Ye Fairy in circles, her face flushed with excitement and excitement.

The evolution of Ibrahimovic's grass system is the form that Yilin dreamed of. At this time, her wish has finally come true. How can she not be excited!
"Thank you! I'll get you the metal film right away!"

Excited, Erin didn't forget her previous promise, and after leaving this sentence, she rushed out with Ye Jingling in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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