Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 208 Strengthened Metal Membrane!

Chapter 208 Strengthened Metal Membrane!
".Does this work too? Why?"

Yi Si and Mr. Eaton looked at Yi Ming in disbelief.

Without waiting for Yi Ming to answer, the belated Mr. Eaton slapped his thigh and came to his senses: "Yes, Ibrahimovic is different from other Pokémon. Its extremely unstable genes will cause it to evolve due to the environment. The Leaf Stone can't directly evolve Eevee like the Fire Stone and Water Stone, and you can also try to destroy it to release the energy in it, why didn't I think of it before."

Yi Ming nodded in approval.

Thinking back to the original timeline, it was discovered that Eevee could take advantage of the opportunity to evolve the Leaf Stone because a certain researcher figured out a way to extract the energy from the Leaf Stone.

After witnessing the evolution of the leaf elf with their own eyes, both Ace and Mr. Eaton became short of breath and seemed very excited.

Because it means that what Yi Ming said is true!

In addition, there are sun elves and moon elves that can be found!
"Sun elves and moon elves, do they need a trainer to establish a close relationship?"

"Well, you don't need to use evolution stones. As long as you keep cultivating relationships and intentionally guide them to come into contact with sunlight or moonlight, then Ibrahimovic will evolve into sun elves and moon elves according to your own or the trainer's preference."

Yi Ming put the mace in his hand back to its original position, and explained, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

It's really cool to get a metal film worth hundreds of thousands just by smashing it.

"I really don't know how to thank you. Your information is of great significance to our family and Ibrahimovic's research topic!"

Mr. Eaton was very grateful, and immediately extended an invitation to Yi Ming: "Please, little brother, stay for two days, let us treat you well, by the way, there will be a moonlight party tonight, and there will be mysterious guests coming, as a trainer You must be interested."

As if he was afraid that Yi Ming would not agree, Mr. Eaton smiled mysteriously.

Mystery VIP?

"That's annoying."

Although he didn't know who the mysterious VIP Mr. Eaton was talking about, Yi Ming also wanted to rest in Eaton Manor, so he agreed.

In any case, it is also a good time to experience the life of aristocrats.

After saying a few more words, the excited Yilin ran over with Ye Lingling and the metal film, with a happy smile on her face.

"Hey, this is the metal film, just as my thank you."

Erin, who ran over, adjusted her breathing, and gratefully handed the metal film to Yi Ming.

"The portion is not light."

The metal film was finally purchased, and no price was paid yet, the corners of Yi Ming's mouth curled up slightly.

The special evolutionary prop needed by the Flying Mantis, the metal film, looks like a piece of iron, and you can feel its thickness when you touch it.

"Since you have promised, the money for the metal film will be deducted from your future pocket money."

"Got it, father~"

Erin was straightforward and did what she said.

At this moment, Yi Ming was lost in thought.

Because he's trying to do something.

[Would you like to use the 'props upgrade card' on the 'metal film'? 】

"Sure enough!"

Looking at the system's prompt, Yi Ming subconsciously exerted force on the hand holding the metal film.

The item upgrade card is a special item obtained when defeating Xiao Gang!
At that time, Yi Ming originally planned to use it for the mysterious water droplet of the Koga Ninja Frog, but after thinking about it, maybe special evolutionary props like metal membranes could also be used, so I kept it until now!

Right now, the system's explanation proves that Yi Ming's idea is not wrong.

Prop upgrade cards can even be used for metal films!

Although he didn't see the effect preview, Yi Ming didn't hesitate and immediately chose OK.

[Ding, lost item upgrade card*1. 】

[Get the metal film (groove). 】

Following the system's prompt, the metal film in Yi Ming's hand changed a little, and the surface was actually dented with a badge-sized pit.


Yi Ming squinted his eyes halfway, checking the system's prompt for the new metal film.

【Metal film (groove)】

[Explanation: Some special props required for the evolution of Pokémon, if you embed other props in the groove, you will get special additional effects. 】

ha?Embed other props for special extra effects?

Yi Ming frowned, and immediately on the system interface, removed the mysterious water drop that Koga Ninja Frog can partially increase water-type moves, and previewed the effect.

【Metal film (mysterious water droplet)】

[Explanation: Part of the special props required for the evolution of Pokmon, because the mysterious water drop (water) is embedded, the Pokmon that uses the metal film (mysterious water drop) to evolve will get the following effects. 】

[Water resistance: +25%. 】

If you embed mysterious water droplets, can you weaken the power of water-based moves by a quarter?
Suddenly, Yi Ming suddenly thought of something, took a breath, and immediately raised his head to ask Mr. Eaton.

"Mr. Eaton, I have a presumptuous request."

"What? Please tell me, as long as it is helpful, I will do my best."

Mr. Eaton waited for Yi Ming's answer with a serious expression.

"I want to see your items related to fire Pokémon, including fire stones."


Mr. Eaton, who thought that Yi Ming would make some kind of request, was startled, and then laughed: "Okay, please come with me."

This request is not difficult at all, and Mr. Eaton certainly will not refuse.

After a long while, Yi Ming followed Mr. Eaton alone, retraced the path that Erin had just walked, and arrived at the warehouse of Eaton Manor with various collections. When he entered it, he could see multiple display cabinets full of various props.

"This side is dedicated to storing props related to fire, including various berries and fire stones."

Mr. Eaton briefly introduced, his eyes full of pride.

These collections were able to reach this scale after spending a lot of energy and time.

"Charcoal, Fire Stone, Fire Gem"

In Yi Ming's eyes, the three things that were fixed on the display cabinet, although there were tree fruits or incense, but Yi Ming came here mainly for these three props.

"Can I pick it up and have a look?"

"of course."

"it is good."

Yi Ming picked up the charcoal first.

Charcoal, the original effect is like a mysterious water drop, if it is carried by a fire-type Pokémon, it can enhance the power of the fire-type moves, and if it is embedded in the metal film (groove).
【Metal film (charcoal)】

[Explanation: Part of the special props required for the evolution of Pokémon, due to the embedding of charcoal (fire), the Pokmon that uses the metal film (charcoal) to evolve will get the following effects. 】

[Fire resistance: +25%. 】

Yi Ming's eyes burst out with astonishing light.

Fire resistance, this is what Yi Ming wants!
Anyone who is familiar with Pokémon knows that the giant pincer mantis with steel and insect dual-type is four times restrained by fire-type!Very afraid of fire!

And if this can increase the fire resistance of the giant pincer mantis, it will undoubtedly be a huge improvement for the giant pincer mantis, avoiding a fatal weakness.

Try the other two.

【Metal Film (Fire Stone)】

[Explanation: Some special props required for the evolution of Pokémon, because the Fire Stone (Fire) is embedded, the Pokémon evolved with the metal film (Fire Stone) will get the following effects. 】

[Fire move power: +50%. 】

It's tasteless, and the giant pincer mantis can't release fire moves, even if it can increase the power of fire moves by 100%, it's useless.

Then there was one last prop to try, Yi Ming looked at the crimson ruby ​​that was shining brightly even without extra light on the display case.

The Fire Gem has a similar effect to charcoal, both of which can enhance the power of fire moves, but it can only increase the power of fire once in battle, which is equivalent to accumulating flames in gems. released all at once.

【Metal Film (Fire Gem)】

[Explanation: Some special props required for the evolution of Pokémon, due to the embedding of the Fire Gem (Fire), the Pokémon evolved with the metal film (Fire Gem) will get the following effects. 】

[Fire resistance: +50%. 】

That's it!

Provides a terrifying 50.00% fire resistance!
(End of this chapter)

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