Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 212 Reversed Situation!

Chapter 212 Reversed Situation!

The Gyarados, which was attached by the power of the purple dragon, seemed to grow a little bigger, and its stern aura rose extremely.

The deterrent power exuded by its sharp claws and sharp teeth is even more amazing. Although the strength level has not been improved, it is still level 42, but its momentum firmly overwhelms the fire-breathing dragon!
The appearance of combat power has been improved.
There was a flash of light in Yi Ming's eyes, which was fleeting.

It seems that the power of the dragon is not only as simple as being recognized by the dragon-type Pokémon, but the power of the dragon can also achieve the effect of enhancing the combat power of the Pokémon just like the power of Viridian!

No, since the power of the dragon is called the power of the dragon, there should be some differences from the power of Viridian. Could it only work on dragons, or Pokémon with dragon blood?

Just as Yi Ming was lost in thought, A'Du had ordered the Gyarados to launch a fierce counterattack.

"Gyarados, let them see your violent power, dragon wave!"


The tyrannosaurus erupted suddenly, and a purple domineering shock wave erupted from its wide-open mouth, sweeping towards the fire-breathing dragon with an unrivaled momentum.

At this moment, the Gyarados no longer has the sluggishness just now, and the swift and violent dragon's fluctuations are full of deterrence!
"Fire-breathing dragon, big characters!"

Seeing that the power of the tyrannosaur cannot be underestimated, Yi Ming immediately asked the fire-breathing dragon to deal with it.


Facing the current Gyarados, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes flashed with fear, and while roaring, it also sprayed big characters from its mouth.

The crimson flame rose against the wind, surging in the air into a big character-shaped flame, and collided with the Dragon Wave released by the Gyarados!
In an instant, the crimson flame and the dragon wave collided fiercely under the night sky, and the terrifying destructive power surged, and the exhausted dragon energy continuously flowed out.

In the end, the unceasing wave of the dragon still defeated the Big Character Burst, and hit the fire-breathing dragon like a broken bamboo!

The injured fire-breathing dragon was almost unable to maintain its figure due to the impact force.


The tyrannosaurus was powerful and relentless, and its body exploded at an extremely fast speed, leaving a pit on the ground, rushing towards the fire-breathing dragon in mid-air like an arrow piercing through the air, and the tail of the water roared and fanned out.

The fire-breathing dragon was not slow to react. Facing the menacing Gyarados, it once again displayed its steel tail in an attempt to resist the Gyarados' attack as before.

However, this time, the situation exceeded the expectations of the Gyarados. The water tail of the Gyarados was far more powerful than before. Caught off guard, the Charizard couldn't resist, and was hit by the Gyarados's water tail, hitting it like a kite with a broken string. ground.

"Gyarados' attack power and speed have been improved in all aspects. It's like a fully enhanced version of Dragon Dance moves."

Yi Ming frowned and murmured.

The improvement brought by the power of the dragon to the Gyarados is even more astonishing than imagined, as if it directly increased the combat power of the Gyarados by more than [-]%!

"Dragon power, for Pokémon with dragon blood, is like throwing dry firewood into a raging fire. It can quickly stimulate the dragon power in their bodies. This is why I have been pursuing powerful dragons. Bloodline Pokémon, and the reason why they are willing to follow me."

A'Du exuded an astonishing aura of looking down on the world, and said in a flat tone.

"So it turns out that the power of the dragon is used to stimulate the power of the dragon in the Gyarados' body, so as to improve in all aspects. Therefore, as guessed, the power of the dragon is only effective for Pokmon with dragon blood."

Well, Charizard can do the same
Yi Ming's eyes flashed brightly, and he also began to mobilize the dragon power in his body, trying to stimulate the dragon power in the fire-breathing dragon.

However, it was not successfully stimulated as imagined. Although his own dragon power could be attached to the fire-breathing dragon, it didn't mean to stimulate the dragon power hidden in the fire-breathing dragon.

The actual use of dragon power in battle seems to be much more difficult than imagined.
"The duel of the strong does not only depend on the strength of the Pokmon, but the trainer's own ability is also very important."

A'Du smiled lightly, feeling that Yi Ming was a little naive at this time.

Even if he is very talented, it took a full year to successfully use the power of the dragon to stimulate the potential of the Pokémon, and the goal is to use the fast dragon with the dragon type, and the difficulty of using it is greatly reduced.

Yi Ming thought it would be too whimsical for a fire-breathing dragon that didn't have dragon attributes to master the dragon's power to activate its potential during battle.

Therefore, in A'Du's view, the balance of victory in this battle has completely tilted towards them, and this process is irreversible!

"Gyarados, release the wave of the dragon again!"

Hearing A'Du's instructions, the Gyarados released a mighty dragon wave again before it fell down in the air, and followed the falling fire-breathing dragon to attack!

The impact brought by the dragon's wave is like a meteorite falling to the ground, accurately hitting the ground where the fire-breathing dragon fell, and the impact immediately raised dust all over the sky, covering the figure of the fire-breathing dragon.

"This battle, I won."

A'Du folded his arms around his chest, and said slowly and confidently.


The tyrannosaurus, known for its brutality, had a savage look in its eyes, roaring up to the sky unscrupulously, declaring its power to everyone.

Under the blessing of Adulong's power, its combat effectiveness has been greatly increased. The fire-breathing dragon who was arrogant just now seems to be unable to become an opponent that can compete with it!

"As expected of A'Du, the Dragon Messenger, who can make the Gyarados explode with such astonishing strength."

"The situation changed all of a sudden. The dominance over the battle is too strong. If it were me, I would be ready to surrender at this time."

"Seeing it with my own eyes is still too shocking. It's really hard to imagine how exciting it would be if A'Du dispatched Kuailong."

"Mr. A'Du and Gyarados are so cool! The battle is over."

Even ordinary people, from being suppressed by the fire-breathing dragon just now to the Gyarados who completely control the battle situation now, can see the obvious gap between the Gyarados now and before, and can't help shaking their heads secretly.

Obviously, the battle has been completely controlled by A'Du and Gyarados.

The fire-breathing dragon was seriously injured before, and now it was fatally hit by the water-type move, the water tail, and another wave of the dragon, the fire-breathing dragon should have lost its fighting ability.

As they thought to themselves, their eyes focused on the ground filled with flying sand and dust.

"How do you know who is in the hands of the outcome until the last moment?"

Facing A'Du who confidently declared the game over, Yi Ming's eyes were cold.


All of a sudden, the wind howled, the sand and dust collapsed in all directions, as if the tail flame that could burn everything in the world burned rapidly, and the scarred but full of fighting spirit appeared in front of everyone!

It cannot tolerate the provocation of Gyarados!
Fire features!
Under the crisis, the fire-breathing dragon erupted with even more turbulent power.

"Haven't you fallen yet? It's just a futile struggle. The power of the fire element of the raging fire is not comparable to the power increase brought by the power of the dragon."

Even though the fire-breathing dragon didn't fall down and the raging fire feature was triggered, A'Du's face remained unchanged, and his hands were still clasped around his chest.

In his view, the fire-breathing dragon is just the last struggle before defeat. As long as the tyrannosaur attacks at will, the fire-breathing dragon has no power to stop it and completely loses its fighting ability.

(End of this chapter)

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