Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 213 The Raging Charizard!

Chapter 213 The Raging Charizard!

"Gyarados, use Pray for Rain to extinguish its anger, and then use Tornado to completely eliminate it."

A'Du waved his hand, trying to bring this battle to an end.

And as the champion of the league, he has a lot of combat experience, and the instructions did not give the fire-breathing dragon the slightest chance to turn defeat into victory. Begging for rain is a weather-type move. The power of the moves, while reducing the moves of the fire-breathing dragon and fire!
Even in the current situation where the chances of winning are sure, A'Du has no intention of relaxing at all.


The Gyarados who received the instruction roared up to the sky, accompanied by the sudden formation of dark clouds and thunder in the sky, and raindrops fell from the sky.

Immediately, the Gyarados waved its wide tail and erupted with the power of the dragon, triggering a strong wind to form a powerful tornado in an instant, rolling up raindrops and gravel on the ground, and quickly rolled towards the fire-breathing tornado.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dodge in the air."

Yi Ming thought about the countermeasures.

As expected of Dragon Messenger A'Du, even in the current situation, he has no intention of underestimating his opponent.

The fire-breathing dragon has not yet mastered the sunny move, and cannot disperse the rainy sky. That is to say, it is difficult to use the Great Yan Emperor, because the prerequisite for performing the Great Yan Emperor is that there must be flames.

"Then the only way to defeat the Gyarados now is that I can find a way to use the power of the dragon to enhance the fighting power of the fire-breathing dragon."

Watching the fire-breathing dragon dodge the Gyarados' tornado in a thrilling manner, Yi Ming rubbed his fingers unconsciously, thinking.

Both the power of dragon and the power of Viridian can be attached to Pokémon, but the difference is that the power of Viridian is transformed by the physical strength of the trainer, while the power of dragon is like the dragon dance move, which stimulates the potential dragon in the fire-breathing dragon. Connect the blood to achieve the purpose of improving strength.
"Then the point is"

Yi Ming's gaze focused on the Gyarados, meditating.

Because Yi Ming had already skillfully used the power of Chang Pan, it would not be difficult for Yi Ming to just let the power of the dragon attach to the fire-breathing dragon.

But the problem is that even if it is attached, it does not stimulate the dragon power in the fire-breathing dragon.

The key question is where?

After thinking for a short time, Yi Ming's mind suddenly remembered Yilin's Ye Fairy, and his eyes lit up.

Got it, it's resonance!
Just like Erin's Eevee, who can't awaken the inert energy in the Leaf Stone, it's because he is not a grass-type Eevee, so he can't resonate with the Leaf Stone to extract and fuse power!

Then the key to the power of the dragon to awaken the power of the dragon is how to use the power of the dragon to resonate with the power of the dragon in the fire-breathing dragon!
This point is not difficult, because the fire-breathing dragon absorbed Yi Ming's dragon power when the fire-breathing dinosaur evolved.

Yi Ming, who caught the key point, began to adjust his dragon power fluctuations, trying to get close to the breath of the fire-breathing dragon, in an attempt to stimulate the dragon power contained in the fire-breathing dragon.

In the dark, the fire-breathing dragon in mid-air seemed to feel something, and its body shook.


Roaring and roaring, the fire-breathing dragon's aura suddenly rose rapidly, and Yi Ming's dragon power attached to its body fluctuated violently!
The fire-breathing dragon greedily absorbed Yi Ming's dragon power, and the dragon power in its body surged vigorously, like boiling hot water, making the fire-breathing dragon's body suddenly swell by three points, and its domineering aura enveloped the entire world !
"Sure enough!"

Yi Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

The key is not the transformation of power, but the resonance of power, thus stimulating the power of the dragon blood hidden in the body of the fire-breathing dragon.

[Ding, the level of the host'Dragon Power' has been improved. 】

[The power of the mad dragon: Inspire the potential power of dragons or Pokémon with dragon bloodlines to achieve all-round increases, and dragon moves get an additional 100% power boost! 】

[Note: The specific effect is subject to the dragon blood hidden in the target Pokémon. 】

All-round increase including attack speed and more!

This is undoubtedly a drastic improvement in combat power. Although it can't work on any Pokémon like the power of Viridian, it can be used as long as it is a dragon attribute, or a Pokmon that contains dragon blood!

Most of the Pokmon have dragon characters in their names, or are born with the ability to learn dragon moves. Most of them have dragon blood, such as Charizard, Gyarados, and Fossil Pterosaurs!


At this moment, A'Du was terrified.

As a proficient master of dragon power, A'Du can detect the changes of the fire-breathing dragon, which he is very familiar with, it is the power increase brought by dragon power!
How can it be?

A'Du simply couldn't believe the facts he saw in front of him, and stared blankly at Yi Ming, who was his opponent.

I just demonstrated it once, and he understood the essentials?
At this moment, A'Du felt an unprecedented complex emotion in his heart. This complex emotion is called frustration.

Known as the genius of the Dragon Clan, A'Du has never been the favored child of the sky, and has never been surpassed by others. However, at this moment, he has experienced a profound experience in Yi Ming from Blue Star. frustration
It took him a long time to comprehend the method of using the power of the dragon, but he only told and demonstrated it once before being learned by Yi Ming, what a terrifying comprehension it must be.
After a brief absence, he was the Dragon Messenger A'Du after all, he quickly suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, and looked at Yi Ming with blazing flames in his eyes.

The blood in A'Du's body has not been so boiling for a long time!

"Let's decide the outcome! Gyarados, unleash all your strength and use the waterfall climbing!"

Waterfall climbing, a powerful water-type move, sometimes makes the enemy fearful because of its huge momentum.


Suddenly, the Gyarados spewed out a large amount of water like a waterfall, and the Gyarados went against the current in such a way that it rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon with the turbulent water with amazing momentum.

"Fire-breathing dragon, flash charge!"

Yi Ming's eyes flashed, and he commanded immediately.

The fire-breathing dragon that triggers the fire feature and is strengthened by the power of the dragon, even in the face of the tyrannosaurus that casts the waterfall, has the capital to resist!

The figure of the fire-breathing dragon spins in the air like a top, and the whole body is covered with hot purple flames. The fire-breathing dragon greets the attacking Gyarados with a ferocious aura that looks down on the world!


Under everyone's gaze, it was like a purple and a blue meteor colliding in mid-air, sparks and water droplets splashed in the crackling sound caused by the impact.

This is an amazing, head-to-head duel!

"Roar!" "Coax!"

In mid-air, the angry roar of the fire-breathing dragon and the tyrannosaurus came, and the fierce collision of flames and water made the air suddenly appear purple and blue.

After the violent fire-breathing dragon wrestled with the violent Gyarados in mid-air, they finally fell to the ground, and the Gyarados also showed exhaustion, Yi Ming immediately clenched his fists.

"It's now, defeat it! Dragon Claw!"


The fire-breathing dragon also knew that this was the moment to decide the outcome, roared and raised its claws high, the power of the dragon gathered rapidly, forming a giant dragon claw that was twice the size of the head of the tyrannosaurus, full of domineering aura!
Before the horrified Gyarados and the others came back to their senses, in a blink of an eye, the charizard's giant dragon claws went up and down, slamming on the Gyarados' head!


The head of the tyrannosaurus was smashed into the ground viciously by the overbearing claws of the fire-breathing dragon. The terrifying impact made the ground completely sunken!

The power of the Gyarados was quickly transmitted from the head to the body section by section, and finally exploded to the tail, so that the head of the Gyarados was smashed into the ground, but the body and tail were thrown into the sky!


The terrifying and violent aura of the fire-breathing dragon surged in all directions.

No matter who it is, they are intimidated by the ferocious and domineering fire-breathing dragon at this moment, like an awakened and enraged hell dragon, widening their eyes in horror and holding their breath.

Gyarados, defeated!

(End of this chapter)

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