Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 214 Communication evolution?

Chapter 214 Communication evolution?

"Wow what's going on?"

"Is that purple thing the legendary power of the dragon? I'm so envious. It would be great if I could have this special ability."

"I read that right, the Gyarados lost to the Charizard. I thought A'Du and the Gyarados had already won the match."

"I didn't expect Mr. A'Du to be defeated even if it wasn't his strongest fast dragon."

The intensity and weirdness of this battle is beyond everyone's imagination. How can ordinary trainers have seen such unimaginable abilities like the power of the dragon? , they are all there for all to see!
"If there is a chance, I can subdue a tyrannosaurus."

Yi Ming looked at the Gyarados whose head was sunk into the ground, and said thoughtfully.

Judging from this battle, the Gyarados, like the Charizard, can also be affected by the power of the dragon, and can choose to join Yi Ming's Pokémon camp.

The strength and potential of this tyrannosaurus are not bad, and under the leadership of A'Du, the combat effectiveness shown is already very strong, but Yi Ming's fire-breathing dragon has long been inspired by the blood of the dragon 'Dragon of Purple Flame', even if it is at a disadvantage in attributes, can still defeat A'Du's Gyarados.

[The fire-breathing dragon defeated the tyrannosaurus, and gained battle experience: 12600. 】

[Due to the qualification of the fire-breathing dragon, additional battle experience points: 11850. 】

[Ding, defeat A'Du, the fire-breathing dragon will be promoted. 】

[The level of the fire-breathing dragon has increased: 43. 】

[The level of the fire-breathing dragon has increased: 44. 】

[The level of the fire-breathing dragon has increased: 45. 】

Because of accepting and defeating A'Du, Charizard received a huge reward, and his level rose from level 42 to three levels in a row, surpassing Koga Ninja Frog, reaching level 45!

The fire-breathing dragon is enjoying the fruits of victory brought to it by this battle, its strength has been greatly improved, and it has continuously broken through the bottleneck!
It can feel that its current strength has faintly surpassed the Koga Ninja, but there is still a gap from that arrogant bastard.

The huge figure appeared in the fire-breathing dragon's mind, and a cloud of unwilling hot air was blown out from its nose.

One day, it will make fossilized pterosaurs look!
The battle is over.

The night's violent wind finally calmed down, and the cloak behind A'Du no longer swayed. Facing his own failure, A'Du could not see any sign of decadence on his face, and remained indifferent.

However, A'Du's heart, which was concealed under the calm expression, had already set off a turbulent sea.

Before the battle, he never thought that he would lose. First, the Gyarados and Charizard are almost the same level, but the Gyarados has an advantage in attributes. Second, he can use the power of the dragon to bring the Gyarados a battle. strength increase.

No matter how you think about it, the fire-breathing dragon is doomed, but the situation of the battle is completely beyond expectations. Not only the fire-breathing dragon, whose attributes are at a disadvantage, can beat the Gyarados, and Yi Ming also has an incredible comprehension of the power of the dragon during the battle usage.


But no matter how unbelievable A'Du was, he couldn't avoid the fact that he was defeated. He retracted the Gyarados and walked towards Yi Ming.

".It's over. But, it's so strange. Although I lost, I don't feel regretful. Instead, I'm a little happy, because I witnessed the birth of an outstanding dragon envoy!"

"Thanks for the advice."

Yi Ming sincerely thanked you.

If it wasn't for A'Du, I wouldn't have thought that the power of the dragon could be actively released to achieve the effect of enhancing all aspects of the fire-breathing dragon's abilities.

The fire-breathing dragon can do it, and the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur of its own dragon plus flying system can naturally do it. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement in ability.

"Hehe, I was taught a lesson by you. Sure enough, no matter what time it is, you can't underestimate the potential of a young trainer, especially a dragon messenger like me."

As he said that, A'Du looked at the fire-breathing dragon with complicated eyes, and continued: "I can see the bond between you and this purple-flame fire-breathing dragon. Next time, I hope that your strength will allow me to go all out for a battle." Fight with all your strength."

"it is good."

Yi Ming smiled lightly.

Although he defeated A'Du, Yi Ming would not be complacent, because he knew that this was not a real defeat, after all, A'Du's real strength was not revealed.

It's just that being regarded as an opponent by the dragon messenger champion A'Du suddenly felt pressure.

But I believe that after being so stimulated by himself, A'Du also has a strong urge to improve his strength.
"Is it my eyes?"

Bai Xue rubbed her eyes in confusion, but the Charizard's level was still 45, not the previous 42.

what happened?How can there be a reason to upgrade 3 levels in a battle? The fire-breathing dragon has exceeded level 40. Shouldn't every level increase be very difficult?

She couldn't figure it out.
In the middle of the night, the bright crescent moon hangs high in the night sky. The lively atmosphere of the Battle of the Dragon Envoy in Eaton Manor combined with the banquet gradually cools down. The hustle and bustle ceases, and the environment becomes quiet and peaceful.

In the room, Yi Ming was still watching the system's countdown.

"There are still 10 minutes left."


The sleepy Pikachu was drowsy, he didn't understand why Yi Ming didn't sleep yet, and he didn't understand what Yi Ming's countdown meant.

"That thing can make the Flying Mantis evolve, you know? Unlike you, you don't want to evolve into Raichu, but your big brother Flying Mantis' dream is to evolve."

Yi Ming smiled lightly.

The remaining time for the metal film to be embedded in the Fire Gem is coming up soon, and only the last 10 minutes are left.


Hearing that, Pikachu suddenly became energetic. Although he didn't want to evolve, he was also very interested in the evolution of the flying mantis. If the flying mantis evolved, he didn't know what it would be like.

The Flying Mantis is different from the Koga Ninja Frog. Although both of them seem to be the opposite of the Charizard, they are withdrawn and cold, but the Flying Mantis is the type that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. The relationship between Pikachu and the Flying Mantis is not bad.

"Wait a little longer, in the last 10 minutes, I will give Flying Mantis a surprise."

Yi Ming chuckled, he hadn't told Flying Mantis that he had obtained the metal film yet.

I don't know what expression the Flying Mantis, who has always been calm, will have when he sees the metal film, and it is a fire-resistant metal film that has been strengthened by himself.

Although the Flying Mantis uses the metal membrane to evolve and needs to use communication to evolve, but Yi Ming also has a solution.

The so-called communication evolution means that if a small number of Pokmon want to evolve, they must carry special evolution props to exchange with others, and then the evolution reaction will occur.

For example, if the flying mantis wants to evolve it, in addition to obtaining the metal film, it must exchange the metal film with others before it can complete the evolution.

But Yi Ming, who has a system, doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Because the system can imitate the frequency of communication and exchange for the flying mantis, so that the flying mantis can resonate with the metal film and evolve, eliminating the need to communicate with others.

"knock knock"

At this moment, Yi Ming and Pikachu both heard the knock on the door, and couldn't help but looked at each other in surprise.

It's late at night, why is there someone knocking on the door?Do you not sleep in the middle of the night?

(End of this chapter)

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