Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 215 The Girl and the Flying Mantis!

Chapter 215 The Girl and the Flying Mantis!
While hesitating, Yi Ming had no choice but to get up and open the door.

When he opened the door and knocked, there was a young girl and a leaf elf standing at the door.

It was the girl who didn't show up at the banquet——Irene.

It's just that what she was wearing at this time made Yi Ming's mouth wide open in astonishment.

Irene's body was wrapped in slightly ill-fitting brown clothes, she wore a hood with furry long ears, there was gray-white fluff around her neck, and she had a small tail.

She turned her face away and did not meet Yi Ming's eyes. In the dark corridor, only the candlelight was flickering, revealing her flushed cheeks, and she didn't know if Yi Lin was shy or unwilling.

"you are"

Yi Ming opened his mouth wide, looking up and down at Erin's attire.

"Didn't you say that this apology is sincere? I'm here to apologize for what I said to you earlier—I'm sorry."

Yi Lin resisted the awkwardness in her heart, her little face was burning hot, but she still apologized to Yi Ming seriously and sincerely.


Yi Ming shrank his neck.

This chick is so serious?
Yi Ming didn't expect that Erin would treat the words he changed indiscriminately before, and he shouldn't say anything now.

It turns out that the reason why this chick didn't attend the banquet was because she was preparing a COS costume?
Hmm. COS Ibrahimovic apologized very sincerely.

Yi Ming didn't even know what to say to this competitive girl, cosplaying was cosplaying.

"thank you too."

Yilin raised her head suddenly, her eyes seemed to have a bright Milky Way, and she smiled sweetly, bringing a touch of intimacy and softness to this competitive girl.

"Well, nothing."

Yi Ming knew what Erin wanted to thank him for, and that was the matter of Ye Fairy. As Mr. Eaton said, Erin had always wanted Ibrahimovic's grass system to evolve, and now that she has really achieved this goal, she has fulfilled her long-cherished wish. .

"Thank you, Ibrahimovic and I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish, but."

As she spoke, Erin showed a confident and bright smile.

"However, with the help of Leaf Elf, my ability to make energy cubes will improve a lot in the future. By then, I will definitely become the best Pokmon breeder, and I will be able to produce energy cubes that can satisfy all Pokmon. — surpass you!"

Facing Yi Lin's declaration like an oath, Yi Ming smiled noncommittally, and couldn't bear to discourage the girl's enthusiasm.

It is not difficult for Erin to become an excellent breeder. She has the ability to rival Xiaogang, but she wants to surpass herself. Well, it is equivalent to wanting to make an airplane to take off.

Yi Ming thought strangely in his heart.

As if aware of Yi Ming's perfunctory, Yi Lin frowned slightly, and said seriously again: "I will definitely surpass you."

"Well, you have a chance, come on."

Trying to hide the sympathy in his heart, Yi Minghui replied seriously, finally letting Yilin stop struggling.

"If we meet again in the future, I will have another match with you, and then you will be able to see the change in me. So, I wish you a good dream."

After speaking, Yilin took Ye Fairy and ran away in a hurry like a bunny.

"Hey, isn't it enough to be hit once?"

Yi Ming sighed. Although he knew that the grass-type leaf elves could assist in the production of energy cubes, it was really difficult for Yilin to create a perfect energy cube comparable to her own.

"It's really serious."

Looking at Yilin's figure gradually disappearing at the end of the corridor, a smile appeared on the corner of Yi Ming's mouth.

Pretty character girl.

After seeing off the Ibrahimovic girl who was bothering him in the middle of the night, Yi Ming closed the door and looked at the system's countdown.

[The metal film (fire gem) has been completed. 】

Come on, it's time for Flying Mantis to fulfill its dream.

The dream of the Flying Mantis is to transform and evolve into a new form like Tiejiakun.
"Pikachu, do you want to witness the evolution of the flying mantis together?"


Pikachu nodded heavily, and immediately jumped on Yi Ming's shoulder, obviously very interested in it.

Yi Ming picked up the Pokeball of Flying Mantis and told Flying Mantis to go to the Tree of the Beginning of the World. With a slight sound, Yi Ming and Pikachu disappeared into the room.

In the elf space, the figures of Yi Ming and Pikachu appeared beside the tree of the beginning of the world.

Looking at the empty surroundings of the Tree of the Beginning of the World, Yi Ming frowned.

"Why isn't that boy Riolu here?"

In the past, Riolu had always stayed near the Tree of the Beginning of the World, but this time he didn't see it, which is strange. Could it be that he went to play with other friends?
Yi Ming, who was bored, sat down leaning against the tree of the beginning of the world, staring at the bright night sky of the galaxy in a daze - in order to take care of the habits of Pokémon, the elf space also has day and night.

After closing his eyes and resting his mind for a while, Yi Ming heard the flapping wings and opened his eyes, knowing that it was the Flying Mantis.

Sure enough, in the field of vision is the figure of the Flying Mantis gradually approaching.


Flying Mantis has some doubts in his eyes, this is not the time to eat energy cubes.


Yi Ming smiled without saying a word, just looked at it.

Seeing this, the Flying Mantis looked puzzled, looked at Yi Ming's expression for a while, and then seemed to finally realize something, and widened his eyes, which were flickering with excitement.


Yi Ming nodded in satisfaction, and finally saw the rare change in Flying Mantis' expression.

"That's right, I found the metal membrane, and the evolution you want will be realized immediately."

Yi Ming took out the metal film (fire gem) in the system space, and said solemnly.


The Flying Mantis, whose heart was full of turmoil, excitedly took over the metal film (the gem of fire) with the double sickle, but at this moment, a trace of confusion appeared in its eyes.

It can't feel the changes brought about by the metal film, it seems that everything is in order.

"Don't worry, a little special method is needed, are you ready?"


After receiving the affirmative answer from Flying Mantis, Yi Ming responded to the system prompt.

[It is detected that the flying mantis is carrying a special evolution prop metal film (fire gem), which can use the 'communication frequency' to complete the evolution. Are you sure? 】


The moment Yi Ming confirmed it, Flying Mantis was shocked, as if he had sensed something, and his eyes were momentarily confused.

Its body trembled in a very small range, and the Flying Mantis immediately closed its eyes and concentrated its attention.

Yi Ming and Pikachu took two steps back, waiting to see the change of Flying Mantis.

The air was filled with a dignified atmosphere, and the frequency of the Flying Mantis trembling became higher and higher, and the amplitude became more and more intense, and the metal membrane it held with its sickle actually made a slight piercing sound as if metal collided.

"here we go."

Yi Ming clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

I don't know if the evolution of the Flying Mantis can be successfully completed, it has been waiting for this moment for too long.

"Buzz buzz!!!!!!"

As if the switch of a certain machine was turned on, the reaction between the Flying Mantis and the metal film became more intense, and the sound became more intense, and the vibration of the Flying Mantis and the metal film was already visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it seemed that a certain critical point had been reached.

The bright light suddenly appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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