Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 216 A veritable fighting machine!

Chapter 216 A veritable fighting machine!
The Flying Mantis has finally evolved!

The light of evolution was dazzling, at this moment, Yi Ming suddenly heard the system's prompt.

[Ding, it was detected that Genesect's cassette fits with Flying Mantis, may I ask if the cassette is consumed and integrated into the metal film to promote the evolution of Flying Mantis. 】


Yi Ming was dumbfounded when he heard the system prompt.

If it wasn't for the prompt from the current system, he would have forgotten that he still had the Genesect cassette from the Nibi Science Museum.

What's the situation now, fusing Genesect's cassette into the metal film, and then let the evolution of the flying mantis go?

What will the result be?

The reason why it fits is because the giant pincer mantis is an insect type plus a steel type, and Genesect is also a bug type plus a steel type, so its cassette can be used by a giant pincer mantis?

After a brief hesitation, because the Flying Mantis was already evolving, Yi Ming didn't hesitate, and immediately chose yes!

[Lost Lightning Cassette*1, Flame Cassette*1. 】

[Importing. 】

After finishing all this, Yi Ming stared blankly at the flying mantis that had turned into a ball of light.

The two cassettes are turned into red dots and yellow dots, which are integrated into the sides of the Flying Mantis.

"What will the Pincer Mantis look like with two Genesect cassettes embedded?"

Yi Ming was a little confused.

In memory, cassettes of different attributes can allow Genesect to release super-technological light cannons of corresponding attributes, but the giant pincer mantis does not know super-technological light cannons.
In a daze, the light gradually dissipated, and a figure with a stern gaze, a red steel body and a pair of pincers appeared in front of Yi Ming and Pikachu.

Insects, steel dual-type Pokémon, giant pincer mantis!


The giant pincer mantis looked at his own pincers, feeling the completely different surging power in his body, his cold eyes flashed with excitement.

It finally, too, evolved!

The new attribute power made the Giant Pincer Mantis tremble with excitement.


Pikachu's eyes were shining brightly, and he felt that the evolution of the flying mantis was quite amazing. The visual impact brought by the giant pincer mantis with a red steel body should not be underestimated, and its eye-catching double pincers.

At this moment, Yi Ming couldn't help looking at the system's prompt excitedly, almost dumbfounded.

[Flying mantis evolves into giant pincer mantis. 】

【Lightning Cassette Extra Effect: Light Metal Extra Features. 】

【Extra effect of flame cassette: 25% fire resistance. 】

[Ding, the giant pincer mantis learns super-tech light cannon, left pincer (electricity) and right pincer (fire). 】

At the critical moment of evolution, the two cassettes of Genesect brought two additional effects to the giant pincer mantis!

One is to give the giant pincer mantis a hidden feature - light metal!

The light metal feature is a very rare feature. It can effectively reduce the weight without destroying the defense, so that the giant pincer mantis with the steel system will not be too bulky to affect the speed, and it can even fly!

As we all know, after the flying mantis evolves into a giant pincer mantis, the speed will be reduced due to the weight brought by the metal film, causing the wings behind it to be useless and can only provide heat dissipation, but if it is light metal, the speed will not be affected. , can also fly!

The effect of the other flame cassette is that the giant pincer mantis has an additional 25% fire resistance.

That is to say, with the addition of 50% fire resistance of the metal film (fire gem), the giant pincer mantis already has a full 75% fire resistance, which was weakened by four times the fire resistance before. It has doubled, that is to say, the Giant Pincer Mantis is not afraid of fire and has no weaknesses!

"The perfect Iron Warrior?"

Looking at the giant pincer mantis in front of him, Yi Ming opened his mouth wide, as if he was watching a battle robot slowly walking out of the culture medium in a sci-fi movie.

The weakness of the giant pincer mantis is that its speed is affected by its weight and it cannot fly, and the second is that it is restrained four times by the fire element.

Now, these two weaknesses have been thoroughly strengthened.
"It's even scarier."

Yi Ming looked at the giant pincer mantis's double pincers with lightning and flame marks, and swallowed hard.

What's even more frightening is that after getting the cassette, the giant pincer mantis will also have a super-technological light cannon with two attributes, just like Genesect.

Lightning super technology light cannon, flame super technology light cannon
"Giant pincer mantis, test the power, lightning super-tech light cannon."

Yi Ming pointed to the open space ahead.


The giant pincer mantis nodded slightly, closed its eyes and rested for a moment, then raised the left pincer with the lightning logo.

Under Pikachu's astonished gaze, the electric arc quickly gathered in the clamp and compressed sharply, and finally, as if reaching a critical point, the next moment.


Accompanied by the roar, a domineering electro-optic cannon burst out from the left pincer of the giant pincer mantis, leaving a deep ravine on the ground.


Pikachu stared blankly at the left pincer of the giant pincer mantis as if he had seen a ghost.

"Flame Super Technology Light Cannon."

Yi Ming clenched his fists.


With a flash of eyes, the giant pincer mantis raised the right pincer with the small flame logo.

In front of Pikachu who doubted his life, hot flames quickly burst out from its right pincer, which was continuously compressed and rotated to form a terrifying small fireball.


Like a cannon fired, with a bang, the fire-type ultra-technological light cannon that raised the surrounding temperature swept across the ground, leaving black ravines with an unpleasant smell of burning.

"Pipika Pika?!!"

Pikachu shrank back in shock, completely unable to understand the phenomenon.

It's lightning and flames again, what's the situation? !It's fine with a little power, but judging from the power shown here, these two moves are clearly not small moves!
Pikachu stared with big watery eyes in shock.

"It's really a veritable fighting machine."

Yi Ming let out a foul breath and showed a satisfied smile.

Even he did not expect that the transformation of the Flying Mantis would be so amazing that it could be called a fighting machine.

Right now, the weakness of the Giant Pincer Mantis being slow and unable to fly is gone, and the weakness of being four times restrained by fire is gone. What does this mean?Anyone who knows the information about the Giant Pincer Mantis knows.

That is the real sense of no weakness ah!
Giant Pincer Mantis, apart from being restrained by fire four times, there is no other attribute that can restrain it, even if it is only doubled, and conversely, the Giant Pincer Mantis with dual worm-steel systems can also restrain ordinary, poisonous, insect , Ghost, Steel, Grass, Super Power, Ice, Dragon, Evil, and even the fairy type that has not yet been recognized by the Kanto area!

"Flying Mantis, oh, no, I should call you Giant Pincer Mantis, hey, let me tell you, I will let you complete the evolution"

Yi Ming patted the giant pincer mantis on the shoulder and corrected his address with a smile.


Giant Pincer Mantis thanked Yi Ming, the excitement in his eyes had not completely dissipated.

It knows that the earth-shaking changes it has brought about all come from Yi Ming, it was endowed by Yi Ming, if it wasn't for Yi Ming, it would still stay in the narrow Viridian Forest and live on for the group.
Feeling the surging power in the body, the eyes of the giant pincer mantis were full of excitement and gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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