Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 217 Special task for the title of insect king!

Chapter 217 Special task for the title of insect king!

"System, check the information of the Giant Pincer Mantis."

[Giant pincer mantis. 】

【Gender: ♂】

'[Characteristics: Skilled master, can increase the power of low-power moves when attacking. 】

【Level: 37】

[Qualification: Champion. 】

(Qualifications are divided into: ordinary, outstanding, elite, leader, quasi-king, king, champion)
[Items to carry: None. 】

[Special title: Insect King. 】

[Skills learned: flash of lightning, gas gathering, shadow clone, wing attack, high-speed movement, split, whirlwind knife, air chop, sword dance, cross scissors, super-tech light cannon]

[Evolutionary prop metal film (fire gem) additional effect: 50% fire resistance. 】

【Lightning Cassette (Left Clamp) Extra Effect: Light Metal Extra Features. 】

[Flame Cassette (right clamp) additional effect: 25% fire resistance. 】


Yi Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

The aptitude of the giant pincer mantis, I remember it was the aptitude of the king before, but now it has been upgraded by one level, and it has become the aptitude of the champion.

Under normal circumstances, evolution would not bring about an improvement in aptitude, maybe it was the improvement brought about by the two cassettes of Genesect.

Just as Yi Ming was immersed in satisfaction, a new system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Flying Mantis triggers the special task of the title of 'Bug King'. 】

What the hell?

Yi Ming was taken aback.

Yi Ming knew the title of Insect King, it was the honorary title left by Flying Mantis when he was in the Viridian Forest for all his victories, but could this still trigger the mission?
['Bug King' title special task. 】

[Challenge target: Genesect. 】

[Success Reward: Extra Cassette, the effect of the title of 'Bug King' is enhanced. 】

"Is the challenge also a bug-type Genesect?"

Yi Ming squinted his eyes halfway, and looked at the cassette that had already been inserted into the pair of mantis pincers, leaving only the lightning and flame logo.

For this task, as long as the Giant Pincer Mantis defeats Genesect, he can get the remaining two cassettes, and the title of Bug King will be further strengthened, which is quite admirable.

But unfortunately, there is no Genesect in the Kanto area, so this task has to be delayed.

"Even if there is Genesect in the Kanto area, with the current strength of the giant pincer mantis, it will be difficult to defeat it."

Yi Ming rubbed his chin and guessed.

With a powerful existence like Genesect, it is impossible to defeat it with the Giant Pincer Mantis, whose current level has not reached level 40. Only when the Giant Pincer Mantis is stronger, can we have a chance to complete this task. Special title task.

"Having said that, Pikachu also has to challenge Pikachu, and Pikachu will become stronger by then."


"It's okay, hey, what's the matter with these tree fruits?"

Yi Ming, who lowered his head, realized something was wrong, that is, under the tree of the beginning of the world, a lot of tree fruits were scattered at some point.

Looking up, the tree of the beginning of the world has no signs of growing fruit. Even if it is a fruit, it should be the fruit of the original source.

"Giant pincer mantis, how did these fruits come from? Are there any fruit trees in the elf space?"

Yi Ming couldn't help being surprised, he didn't remember bringing these fruits here.

And I remember that there are no fruit trees that can bear fruit in the elf space. I also had the idea of ​​planting fruit trees in the elf space to save money, but because of the limitations of time, energy and funds, it has never been done.


The giant pincer mantis shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

"Maybe fruit trees started to pop up in the elf space, and they were noticed by Riolu, so they collected them."

Yi Ming thought of a possibility, and couldn't help feeling relieved for Riolu's thoughtfulness.

Or little Riolu knows that he loves our wallet.

It is not surprising that Riolu, who has mastered the waveguide ability, can find fruit trees that grow quietly in the elf space. Right now, Riolu is not here, maybe it is because he is collecting fruit outside.

Yi Ming thought so.

The lonely peak is the territory of the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaurs, and it has always been like this.

It's just that since the last time it was defeated by the fire-breathing dragon, the fossil pterosaur has been depressed and depressed. It can't figure out why the fire-breathing dragon that was crushed by itself before can master it in a short period of time and easily defeat it. its strength.

Why exactly?
The fossil pterosaur couldn't figure it out, and always felt that he had overlooked something, but the anger in his heart was always burning.

"Kara crackling."

The movement of the gravel rolling down the cliff made the fossil pterosaur suddenly turn its head, its eyes filled with brutal light.

It saw a petite yellow figure, which was Pikachu holding a few berries.

The fossilized pterosaur in a berserk state, its eyes burst out with dangerous light, and its sharp claws suddenly grabbed the boulder next to it.

It cannot tolerate a second provocation!

This lonely peak belongs only to its domain!


With an angry roar, the fossil pterosaur threw the huge boulder suddenly and smashed it at the approaching Pikachu.

Pikachu didn't seem to expect that the fossil pterosaur would be so irritable. In a panic, Pikachu barely avoided the boulder thrown at him.


The boulder hit Pikachu's previous position and shattered due to the impact. It can be seen that if Pikachu didn't dodge in time, it would definitely be enough to eat a pot.


With lingering fear, Pikachu wiped his forehead, as if trying to wipe off the sweat - although there was no sweat on his head.

But looking at the smashed fruit, Pikachu puffed up his cheeks and was very angry. Isn't this a waste of food?

But as if remembering something, Pikachu's watery eyes rolled, and finally he smiled, and greeted the fossil pterosaur with a little apology.



Glancing at the smashed fruit, the fossil pterosaur calmed down, half-closed its eyes and let out a deep, threatening growl.

It doesn't understand what Pikachu is here for, is it just because it doesn't eat, so it specially gives it fruit?

Pikachu looked casual, and immediately seemed to think of some suggestion that could break the embarrassing situation. He pointed to the back of the fossilized pterosaur, and immediately opened his two small hands and flapped them like wings.

It wants to sit on the back of a fossilized pterosaur and fly together.

Remember that facing the same request, Charizard is very happy and useful. There is no reason for fossil pterosaurs to refuse such a simple request from their companions.

However, something happened that Pikachu didn't expect.

As if touching the reverse scale of the fossilized pterosaur, its pupils shrank, its face became more ferocious, and its eyes burst out with a dangerous light.


From the ferocious mouth of the fossilized pterosaur, a powerful dragon's breath spewed out, rushing directly towards Pikachu!

Pikachu, who was caught off guard, was almost hit. Fortunately, it was so fast that it barely avoided the dragon's breath. Before Pikachu could recover, a huge boulder several times its size quickly fell down.

As a last resort, Pikachu had no choice but to quickly escape from the original position. For a while, danger was everywhere, and several boulders smashed several big holes in the ground!
Fossil pterosaurs, go crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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