Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 218 Pikachu VS Fossil Pterosaur?

Chapter 218 Pikachu VS Fossil Pterosaur?

It can see that Pikachu is deliberately irritating himself!
Even so, it doesn't need to be polite.


The fossil pterosaur flew and circled rapidly in the air, and immediately rushed towards Pikachu, its wide wings gathered strength like a huge blade.

Wing Attack!


Fortunately, Pikachu was already petite, so he immediately lay down on the ground to avoid the attack of the fossil pterosaur's wings, but the gust of wind it set off was like a blade, cutting Pikachu's cheek with pain.


As if the fossil pterosaur was going to teach Pikachu a painful lesson, it turned back and attacked Pikachu with its wings without sparing any effort.

This time, we must knock Pikachu into the air!

The eyes of the fossilized pterosaur shone with brutal light, its flying speed increased again, and it rushed towards Pikachu.

However, at the moment when it was about to hit Pikachu, the fossilized pterosaur felt his vision blurred and lost Pikachu's figure!

So fast, where did it escape to?

The sight of the fossil pterosaur searched below, but it couldn't find the petite yellow figure.


And at this moment, the fossil pterosaur suddenly heard the clear cry of Pikachu.

The fossil pterosaur's eyes widened, and he turned his head suddenly, only to find Pikachu on his back, who was greeting him!
Pikachu. Is riding on its back!
At this moment, flames burst out from the depths of the fossil pterosaur's eyes, and quickly filled its eyes and heart!

With an angry roar that resounded through the sky, the fossil pterosaur completely lost its mind, and smashed itself to the ground at all costs, wishing to crush the hateful Pikachu into a patty.


Its huge body hit the ground, just like a meteorite falling to the ground, it brought a lot of movement, and the dust filled the air.

The short-breathing fossil pterosaur, even with red eyes, struggled to get up from the ground, but saw the unscathed Pikachu.


Without hesitation, the thoroughly enraged fossil pterosaur roared and opened its ferocious mouth, and the wave of dragon spewed out.


Under such a violent attack, Pikachu, who didn't know why, gave up explaining, and immediately used a hundred thousand volts to resist.


The [-] volts that were deployed rapidly collided with the dragon wave of the fossil pterosaur. The power of the dragon and the power of lightning collided and intertwined fiercely in mid-air, and the light of two colors flickered for a while.

The pupils of the fossilized pterosaur shrank, and doubts appeared in the eyes filled with anger.

It didn't understand why the weak Pikachu could resist his own attack with the one hundred thousand volts unleashed.

However, this doubt was fleeting, and the fossil pterosaur was completely controlled by anger at this time, rushing towards Pikachu, its powerful claws gathered strength.

Dragon Claw!


Facing the attack of the fossil pterosaur's claws, Pikachu jumped up after running on the ground with four feet and accelerated. Instead of retreating, he jumped towards the fossil pterosaur.

When he was about to make contact, Pikachu's figure rotated flexibly in mid-air, and the metal light of the heart-shaped tail at the end rose sharply, facing the dragon claw of the fossil pterosaur.

A bang resembling a strong metal collision reverberated in the air, and the dragon claws of the fossilized pterosaur were actually slapped aside.

Why can it have such a strong force?
Feeling the huge impact, the fossil pterosaur couldn't believe the facts in front of it at all, but its attack did not stop. Taking advantage of the huge impact of the paw being slapped, the fossil pterosaur turned around, and the dragon tail that exploded with dragon power, Viciously whipped Pikachu in mid-air!

Swept by the dragon's tail, Pikachu was like a cannonball that exploded, drawing a straight arc in midair, and crashing on the isolated peak.


Gravel splashed and dust filled the air, completely devouring Pikachu's figure.


The face of the fossilized pterosaur was ferocious, with a cruel grin appearing.

Such a heavy blow, the little Pikachu definitely couldn't bear it, even if he didn't lose consciousness, it was enough to be seriously injured.

Although it was very surprised at the power that Pikachu just erupted, the fossil pterosaur did not have any doubts about Pikachu's rapid defeat, because it knew the power of its own dragon tail, and Pikachu couldn't bear it at all.

However, the next moment, the grim smile of the fossil pterosaur froze on his face.

Because it saw Pikachu coming out of the smoke.

Although its disheveled appearance looked a bit embarrassed, it did not appear to have lost consciousness in the slightest, and it was clearly very lively, as if the stroke of the dragon's tail was just a minor injury to it.


Like the previous fire-breathing dragon, it has a weird aura everywhere.

It's so weird that it makes it angry and angry!

If you don't believe me, I can't even beat you!
The fossil pterosaur roared angrily, gushing out the power of the purple domineering dragon, covering the body of the fossil pterosaur like an armor, making the fossil pterosaur, which is already quite large, like a sky-fallen piercing through the sky at this moment. Like a meteorite, its momentum is terrifying!

Dragon God swoops!

The fossilized pterosaur that was falling rapidly from high altitude had cruelty in its eyes, without any mercy.


Facing the fossilized pterosaur performing Dragon God's dive, Pikachu's little face, which was still smiling just now, showed a dignified expression.

It can feel that the fossil pterosaur has tried its best at this time, and the power of the dragon god's dive cannot be underestimated.

The electric power in Pikachu's body was running rapidly, and the sky where the fossil pterosaur flew was instantly shrouded in black clouds.

But the fossil pterosaur's eyes were full of determination, and it didn't care about the changes in the air at all. The speed climbed again, the wind howled, and within a short breath, the rapidly falling fossil pterosaur was about to hit Pikachu.

However, at this moment, looking at Pikachu who did not avoid it, a sense of crisis emerged in the fossil pterosaur's heart.



Accompanied by Pikachu's cry, a thunderbolt smashed down from the dark clouds above. The terrifying momentum of the thunder seemed to tear apart the space. It crossed a long distance at the very moment and hit the fossil pterosaur in an instant!

The fossilized pterosaur trembled violently, and a terrifying thunderstorm raged in its body. At this moment, its consciousness was lost, and the dragon energy around it collapsed in all directions.


The unconscious fossil pterosaur slammed straight into the ground, and the powerful impact kicked up dust all over the sky, engulfing the embarrassed fossil pterosaur.


Pikachu ran out of the sand, rubbed his eyes that had been soaked in the sand, and after looking back, Pikachu smiled, hesitated for a moment, and was about to leave the lonely peak.

What happened was completely beyond its original expectation.

However, within a few steps, a foot appeared in its field of vision.


Pikachu subconsciously stood up and looked at the owner of these feet, and suddenly found that it was Riolu who had arrived at some time.

After a brief hesitation, Pikachu smiled reluctantly, scratched his head, and immediately raised his hand to greet Riolu familiarly: "Pika, Pikachu~"

However, in the face of its enthusiasm, Riolu didn't have the slightest reaction as it should, and just stood quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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