Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 219 The out-of-control fossil pterosaur!

Chapter 219 The out-of-control fossil pterosaur!

Facing Riolu with his eyes closed, for some reason, Pikachu always felt that the other party seemed to be able to see it clearly.

Unsure, it walked to the side, but could see Riolu's head moving with it.

Pikachu was sure that even though Riolu was sleepwalking with his eyes closed, he was actually able to see it.

"Pickup ~ pickup pickup ~"


Pikachu's greeting came to an abrupt end with Riolu's words.

What Riolu said was: The previous Charizard is also you.


Pikachu immediately confirmed that Riolu was able to see his true face, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Immediately, it no longer concealed itself, its figure flickered, and it returned to its original appearance.

A Pokémon that appears to be a pink cat with a long tail, replacing the original Pikachu.


"Chiu Mi~"

Being exposed by Riolu, Mengmeng was a little embarrassed. It floated in mid-air and flew around Riolu with a smile, as if to see where Leolu had eyes.

From the beginning to the end, no matter which angle it flies to, Mengmeng can feel the "gaze" of Riolu, which can't help but be amazed.

It's not that it hasn't seen Riolu or even Lucario, but it hasn't encountered Riolu who directly replaces the line of sight with a waveguide.

It also understood that Leolu could see its true face last time, and felt a little embarrassed.

After all, pretending to be a fire-breathing dragon in order to eat energy cubes is really too much.
But as a 'repayment', it also helped the Charizard. The last time the fossil pterosaur taught the Charizard a lesson, and today it also specially collected various berries as a reward.

"Lu, Lu, Leo." (You provoked it, we can't bear its anger.)
Even facing the dream of being able to easily defeat the fossil pterosaur, Riolu's expression was very indifferent.

It can sense the waveguide, of course it can detect the essential difference between Dream and Charizard, or Pikachu, just like a person who is constantly changing clothes, no matter how the clothes change, the person is still the same person.

Riolu didn't question whether Mengmeng is a partner or why, he was just expressing the problem.


Hearing this, Meng Meng's figure paused, and suddenly turned her head to look at the position of the fossil pterosaur behind her, with a hint of hesitation in her clear eyes.

It understood that what Riolu said was true.

Before, for the reason of eating the energy cube, it became a fire-breathing dragon and taught the fossil pterosaur a lesson. Of course, this would leave hidden dangers, and it also reacted after it finished.

In case the fossil pterosaur encounters the fire-breathing dragon again and fights, it is difficult to guarantee the situation.

Right now, it has turned into Pikachu bringing tree fruit here, although the intention is good, but the situation is completely beyond expectations, and directly evolved into 'Pikachu and the fossil pterosaur have another conflict'.
This will undoubtedly bring greater hidden dangers and uncontrollable risks.

It is difficult to guarantee that a fossil pterosaur that has been severely hit twice in a row will make any out-of-control actions.

Maybe it will no longer underestimate Charizard and Pikachu, but maybe it will be challenged in the future. Once it fights with the deity again, another change in strength and status, what will the fossil pterosaur think, will it think that Pikachu and Charizard are playing? It, or... everything, it is impossible to predict what will happen afterwards.

Thinking of the dream, thinking of these, a look of confusion appeared on the always cheerful and mischievous little face.


At this moment, an extremely angry roar resounded through the sky, and the anger contained in it was enough to make people feel frightened.

Immediately, there was the sound of wide wings flapping, and the fossil pterosaur that could not find 'Pikachu' flew into the sky.

During the thunder just now, Mengmeng didn't try his best, so the fossil pterosaur was only fainted for a short time, and did not completely lose consciousness.

"Leo, the way."

Riolu's brows were full of solemnity, and he raised his face to 'look' at the sky full of brutality.

It can sense that the waveguide of the fossilized pterosaur at this time is extremely unstable, full of violent and furious breath, and the remaining sliver of reason is like a sailing ship in a stormy weather, facing the stormy sea, which is about to be completely destroyed.

Fossil pterosaurs have an extremely bad temper, but they are full of tyrannical power. Once they fall into a frenzy, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Chirp me."

Mengmeng also looked towards the sky following Riolu's gaze, with a complicated look in his eyes.

This is the first time it vaguely feels that its frolic is out of control, causing a complicated situation, and the kind-hearted it can no longer withdraw at will.

Immediately, Mengmeng flew into the sky as if she had made up her mind.

To solve all this, only it can really solve it by itself.

It decided to tell the truth to the fossil pterosaur and ask for forgiveness.

At this moment, the fossil pterosaur also noticed the dream that was flying towards it rapidly, and the cruel scarlet eyes could not see the slightest hint of reason.


It opened its ferocious mouth, and the turbulent dragon wave spewed out towards the dream.

"call out."

Mengmeng's reaction was extremely fast, and she used teleportation skillfully to leave her original position in the air, avoiding the wave of the dragon.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!"

After the dragon wave of the fossil pterosaur was completely released, Mengmeng flew up to the fossil pterosaur and explained guiltily.

However, the fossil pterosaur has completely lost control, its scarlet eyes cannot see any emotional fluctuations, its sharp teeth are surging with a biting chill, and it opens its mouth to bite the dream in front of it!
Meng Meng had no choice but to use teleportation again to avoid the attack range of the fossil pterosaur, appeared on the back of the fossil pterosaur, and continued to explain, trying to awaken the fossil pterosaur's reason.


The fossilized pterosaur that lost its attack target suddenly lowered its head, staring at Riolu below with its scarlet eyes.

The next moment, it flapped its broad and powerful dragon wings, and flew towards Riolu below.

Dragon Claw!

The huge dragon claws roared out, and Riolu couldn't dodge in time in a hurry, so the dragon claws on the ground could only be torn apart by the fossilized pterosaur, and they were blown away together with the gravel!

Riolu collided with large and small gravel on the mountain wall. The mighty fossil pterosaur was merciless under the berserk. Riolu had no ability to resist and bear, and fell powerlessly to the ground .

The dream of witnessing this scene was horrifyingly moving.

It couldn't have imagined that the fossil pterosaur would attack its companion Leolu, and it was clear that Leolu had never had any conflicts with the fossil pterosaur.

In the dream at this time, it is not clear in the astonishment that the fossil pterosaur has completely lost its mind.

Seeing the frenzied fossil pterosaur waving its wings, wanting to continue attacking the unconscious fossil pterosaur, Mengmeng's heart tightened, and without any hesitation, she put her little hand on the fossil pterosaur's back, concentrating on it, surging with majestic power.


The rapidly flying fossil pterosaurs and Mengmeng suddenly glowed with mottled and mysterious colorful light all over their bodies, as if colored ink was randomly splashed, after a short duration.

Just before the fossilized pterosaur's claws were about to hit Riolu again, the figures of Mengmeng and the fossilized pterosaur disappeared suddenly, leaving the wind and sand caressing Riolu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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