Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 220 Tired Dream!

Chapter 220 Tired Dream!
The Tree of the Beginning of the World, if you look at it from a distance, you can feel its majesty. It is a veritable towering tree, and the crown even breaks through the clouds, as if any Pokémon would appear small and fragile in front of it.

It is not just a tree as it seems on the surface, but a living crystal. Its size is indescribable. Even every leaf seems to be a small world, carrying a complete ecological circle. With all kinds of Pokémon.

Somewhere in the quiet place of the Tree of the Beginning of the World, a bright colorful light suddenly appeared. Then, the light dissipated, and the figures of fossil pterosaurs and dreams appeared.

"Chirp me."

With such a huge body and no coordination at all, the fossilized pterosaurs shuttled through the space, Mengmeng's physical strength was almost exhausted, and she almost fell to the ground with her eyes blacked out.


The irrational fossil pterosaur did not stop destroying due to the sudden change in the environment, and its eyes were still full of brutal scarlet light, full of destructive desire.

Weak dream, looking at the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur that is still out of control.

We can only wait for it to regain its senses first, then explain and seek forgiveness, and finally bring it back.

The helpless dream captures the ethereal but real connection, and the whole body glows with colorful light again.

The next moment, Dream returned to the elf space.

Looking at the unconscious, seriously injured and dying Riolu below, dreamy eyes flickered, and the power in his body surged rapidly, turning into a fossilized pterosaur. Immediately, he gently grabbed Riolu with his claws, and flew wearily towards the elf The initial tree of the world in space.

Its physical strength is not enough to take Riolu through again, and it is not necessary. The tree of the beginning of the world in the elf space can also heal Riolu.
Feeling the whistling wind in his ears, Riolu regained a bit of consciousness, but his trance consciousness couldn't support it to use the waveguide at all.

Forced to do so, Riolu slowly opened its heavy eyes. This was the first time it used its own eyes to see.

What it saw was the fossilized pterosaur flying with it, and the other party no longer looked irrational.

Solve it?

After a little peace of mind, the heavy drowsiness hit again, and in a trance, Riolu closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

As they flew, Mengmeng and Riolu slowly approached the tree of the beginning of the world, and at this moment, Mengmeng, who had transformed into a fossil pterosaur, subconsciously stopped moving forward.

Because it saw Yi Ming and Pikachu under the tree of the beginning of the world, after a moment of hesitation, Dream regained its wings.
"Huh? It's not meal time either. Why did the fossilized pterosaur come here? Could it be because of the smell?"

Yi Ming, who made energy cubes for foodie Pikachu, noticed the fossil pterosaur in the sky, and as it approached, Yi Ming noticed Riolu under its claws, and couldn't help frowning.


The fossil pterosaur carefully placed the unconscious Riolu on the ground, and the Tree of Beginning of the World immediately released a faint refreshing and mysterious white mist, covering Riolu's body, healing its injuries.

"Pika? Pikachu."

"Fossil pterosaur, what happened to Riolu?"

Yi Ming checked the situation of Riolu. Although the injury was not serious, Riolu was a fighting-type Pokémon with excellent physical fitness after all, so there was nothing serious about it.

Yi Ming looked at the fossil pterosaur in surprise while using the power of Viridian to help Riolu recover.

This is in the elf space, how could Riolu be injured?

Although it was brought here by the fossil pterosaur, Yi Ming didn't think about being injured by the fossil pterosaur. According to Riolu's calm temperament, it would not provoke the fossil pterosaur like the fire-breathing dragon.

"roar, roar"

Glancing at the berries on the ground, the fossil pterosaur grunted.

"Where do the berries grow? All right."

Yi Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it seemed that the tree fruit was indeed picked by Leolu, but he didn't expect that Leolu would get hurt because of it.


"It's nothing serious. Riolu is originally a fighting type. With the energy cubes I have always had, its physical fitness is good. Don't worry."

Hearing this, the fossil pterosaur breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unfortunately, the two of you missed the evolutionary moment of Flying Mantis. By the way, Riolu is too stupid. Since fruit trees grow on the mountain wall, it is obvious that there is danger. Why don't you know how to get rid of your winged partner? Flying Mantis sprays Fire Dragon and you, isn’t it okay? I think Riolu is also quite exciting on weekdays.”

Yi Ming shook his head and sighed while recovering Leolu's injuries.

Yi Ming would never have imagined that the first meeting between him and Mengmeng would be in the elf space, and Mengmeng still pretended to be his own fossil pterosaur, and even got into big trouble, and had to send the real fossil pterosaur to another place. The 'world's initial tree' went.

At this moment, Meng Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and she did not expect that her act of hastily transferring the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur to another "Tree of the Beginning of the World" would bring a series of more complicated troubles than it expected

Mengmeng, pretending to be a fossilized pterosaur, scratched his head with his paws, made it clear that he didn't know why Riolu didn't do that, murmured a few words nervously, and hurried away with his tired body.

After a while, under the influence of Bai Wu and Yi Ming's Toki Pan power, Lioulu's injuries recovered as before, his breathing gradually calmed down, and his expression relaxed.


Yi Ming, who was already very sleepy, used the power of Viking Pan to heal Riolu, and his sleepiness became even deeper.

Looking at Lioulu who was sleeping peacefully, Yi Ming smiled slightly.

This little guy doesn't feel so old-fashioned like he usually does when he's sleeping.

Pokémon world, somewhere in the world's initial tree.

With the slight distortion of the space, the tired dream reappeared.


The fossil pterosaur below is still tirelessly destroying, and there is no sign of exhaustion.

This area is a unique area that only belongs to fantasy, and no other Pokémon live there, so the madness of the fossil pterosaur will not hurt other Pokémon.

As long as it is completely tired, it should regain its sanity.
Dream stared intently at the fossil pterosaur below, and gradually, his eyelids, which were as heavy as lead, slowly closed. The loud roar and destruction of the fossil pterosaur did not affect it at all, but seemed to be Compose it like a lullaby, let the waiting dream lean on the soft leaves beside you, and fall asleep sweetly.


The ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur is doing its best to destroy and vent its anger. The more it destroys, the more manic it becomes!

It lost its mind, but its intuition was still there, and it realized that it was trapped!
As if there was an invisible invisible barrier, trapping it in this area, the rare, violent fossil pterosaur stopped its meaningless destructive actions for a short time, with a dangerous arc in its scarlet eyes
Suddenly, the fossilized pterosaur seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly looked back, looking at the wall behind which was intertwined with countless tree roots.
The fossilized pterosaur showed a sinister smile, and under the dim light, its scarlet eyes full of brutality looked particularly scary.

(End of this chapter)

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