Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 221 Light Red Gym!

Chapter 221 Light Red Gym!

In Eaton Manor, after Yi Ming experienced a good sleep, he made an appointment with Bai Xue to go to Dead Leaf City together.

Baixue received a mission and needed to go to Dead Leaf City. It happened that Yi Ming's goal was also to go to Dead Leaf City. Maybe he could meet Xiaozhi on the way, so he happened to be a partner with Baixue.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Eaton and Yilin, Yi Ming and Bai Xue left Eaton Manor.

But they didn't leave Light Red City right away, because Yi Ming wanted to challenge the Light Red Gym in Light Red City by the way, so he spared a little way and went to the Light Red Gym in Light Red City.

"Although I heard that there is a Gym in Light Red City, I still don't know what the Gym is like. Yi Ming, do you know about it? There should be one, right?"

"The owner of the Light Red Gym is Ah Ju, who is good at using Poison-type Pokémon, so it's not difficult to deal with."

Yi Ming casually answered Bai Xue's question.

"Hey, is that so? You really know a lot, Yi Ming."

Bai Xue couldn't help sighing sincerely.

Whether it's Eevee's evolution form, Pokémon, or the level of understanding of the owner, Yi Ming knows too much.

At this time, Bai Xue suddenly remembered the paper full of information written by Yi Ming, her eyes narrowed into crescents, and she smiled. At that time, Yi Ming's signature was 'easy to change'.

"what are you laughing at?"

"No~ I just think you are amazing, as if you were originally from this world~"

"Well, I admit that I am actually the spy who traveled to your Blue Star from this world in order to invade your Blue Star."

Yi Ming straightened his face and suddenly became serious.


Bai Xue didn't react all of a sudden, her delicate face was full of astonishment.

"Hahaha, just kidding, your expression just now was really funny, didn't you almost believe it?"

Looking at the sluggish Bai Xue, Yi Ming finally couldn't hold back and couldn't help laughing out loud.


While talking and joking, Yi Ming and Bai Xue finally arrived at the Light Red Gym located on the outskirts of Light Red City.

In the open space outside the gymnasium, there are several teenagers standing, dressed in strange ninja costumes. At first glance, if it wasn't for the Pokémon battle they were engaged in, one could think they had time-traveled.

"Stop, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Seeing Yi Ming and Bai Xue walking together, the ninja at the front twitched slightly, he snorted coldly, and stood in front of Yi Ming and Bai Xue.

The rest of the ninjas also noticed Yi Ming and Bai Xue's approach, stopped the Pokémon battle, and gathered together with the same expression as the leader ninja.

"Trainer, challenge the gym."

Taking a few glances at these people, Yi Ming guessed that the other party should be someone from the Light Red Gym, remembering that the owner of the Light Red Gym, Ah Ju, usually looks like a full-fledged ninja.

It's just that Yi Ming didn't understand why these people showed some hostility.

Most of the trainers who come here are here to challenge the gym, so how can they question someone first.

The group of ninjas who got the answer seemed dissatisfied. They narrowed their eyes and looked at Yi Ming and Bai Xue. Several ninjas whispered beside the leader ninja.

"Renju, based on my observation, these two people seem to be from the Blue Star."

"I've never seen it before. It's definitely not a trainer from Light Red City. It's most likely a Blue Star."

"Hmph, it's another two blue star trainers who don't know each other, senior brother, it's welcome to drive them away."

Yi Ming's hearing is good, and he heard their unfriendly discussions - after all, their whispers did not deliberately lower their voices.


Yi Ming frowned slightly, and from these words, he finally understood where their hostility came from.

The leading ninja named Renju listened to his companion's judgment, and looked at Yi Ming with half-closed eyes: "Are you from the Blue Star?"


Yi Ming didn't deny it, he simply said it.

"Hmph, the Light Red Gym doesn't welcome challenges from Blue Star trainers, so leave quickly."

Ren Ju clasped his hands, his slender eyes were full of hostility, making it clear that he wanted to make it difficult for Yi Ming.

"Really young."

Yi Ming suddenly spat out three words.

"What young?"

Ren Ju and the others frowned slightly, not understanding why Yi Ming said these three words.

"Bai Xue, I didn't expect that the owner of the light red gymnasium is much younger than I imagined."

Yi Ming turned a deaf ear and said to Bai Xue in amazement.

Hearing this, Ren Ju was taken aback, as a disciple of the gym master, how dare he overstep, he quickly explained: "I am not the master of the light red gym!"

"Oh, so you're not the owner of the gymnasium—then what are you talking about here, thinking that wearing a ninja costume is Hokage?"

Yi Ming didn't hide the disdain in his eyes at all, and laughed jokingly.

Although I don't understand the origin of the 'Hokage' in Yi Ming's words, even a fool can recognize the irony in Yi Ming's words, and immediately, Ren Ju's face turned livid: "Just because I am a light red The eldest disciple of the Gym Master! I have the right to refuse your request to challenge the Gym!"

"Oh? I thought it was some kind of big shot. It turned out to be just a small disciple. Okay, it's amazing. A small disciple can have the right to replace the master of the gymnasium. Treating the Blue Star trainer's instructions is really amazing, I have to call the alliance service hotline and ask."

Yi Ming smiled playfully.

Hearing Yi Ming's thorny words, Ren Ju was completely choked up and speechless, his originally livid face turned sharply, first livid, then liver-colored, and then red again. change face.

At this moment, facing the tense situation, the rest of the disciples were silent. Yi Ming was both the teacher who surpassed and who refused the alliance. They really couldn't stand it, and looked at each other for a while, so he had to turn his eyes to theirs. On the big brother.

But seeing Senior Brother Ren Ju who has always been calm and calm, showing the temperament of a teacher and a big disciple, was so angry that he trembled, and he sighed for a while.

The previous Blue Star trainer, who was threatened and chased away by them, could only curse secretly and leave. Why is this person so powerful, he choked the elder brother to death, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Our light red gymnasium has recently set up a condition because there are too many blue star trainers who have come to challenge recently. In order to increase efficiency, we added a condition, that is, whether it is an ordinary trainer or a blue star trainer, you want To challenge the owner of the pavilion, you must first pass through our disciples."

A sinister look flashed in Ren Ju's eyes, and it was fleeting, he said while suppressing the anger in his heart.

This way, there is no compromise, it can block Yi Ming's way to challenge the Light Red Gym, and if Yi Ming dares to follow this method, he feels that he can make Yi Ming deeply realize what cruelty is.

Because he is not the owner of the gymnasium, he can go all out if he is not in the Gym Challenge.
"That's how it is."

Yi Ming smiled lightly.

After all, he is a big disciple, and his brains are quick enough. There is nothing wrong with this statement. The alliance does not strictly limit the way gym owners manage their own gymnasiums.

"That's fine, that's it, I'll challenge you first, as long as I defeat you first, I can challenge the owner of Aju, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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