Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 223 Girl Ninja!

Chapter 223 Girl Ninja!
"Smelly mud, after releasing poisonous gas, it becomes smaller."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ren Ju put on a cold face, trying to change the current unfavorable situation for him.

Although the poisonous gas does not work on the giant pincer mantis, the poisonous gas can help cover the whereabouts of the stinky mud, making the stinky mud cast smaller and increasing the evasion rate.


The smelly mud that retreated from practice immediately released poisonous gas to the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, its figure was covered by the poisonous gas.

"Release the whirlwind knife continuously, and see how lucky the smelly mud is."

At this time, Yi Ming had a sense of seeing a cat and a mouse, and smiled playfully.

In the case of being beaten, no matter how you can hide, so what.

"huh, huh"

The giant pincer mantis wields its giant pincers, continuously creating hovering wind blades in mid-air. After a brief stalemate, the wind blades burst out of the air and blast into the poisonous gas where the smelly mud is.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang."

Accompanied by the explosive sound of the whirlwind knife hitting the ground, the poisonous gas all over the sky presented waves of agitation, accelerated and dissipated in the explosion, revealing the figure of stinky mud.

Its stature has shrunk a bit at this time, and it looks like a child and an adult compared to before. There are two deep cut marks on the ground beside it. It can be seen that the two whirlwind knives were only a little short of hitting it successfully.

This is Smelly Mud's miniaturization move, using the reduced body size to achieve the effect of increasing speed, flexibility and the area to be hit. However, in the eyes of Yi Ming and Giant Pincer Mantis, this is undoubtedly a tasteless skill, a shrunken stinky mud It looks even less deterrent.

"Smelly mud, harden."

Ren Ju is still relentless, and wants to continue to let the stinky mud strengthen his state, so as to increase the capital to fight against the giant pincer mantis.

"It's already getting smaller, and it's still hardening. Are you satisfied with turning the stinky mud into a stinky hard rock? You don't look like a real man at all. Fortunately, you are still a big disciple."

Yi Ming was full of sarcasm, and laughed jokingly.

Hearing Yi Ming's sarcasm, Ren Ju's expression froze and turned pale, and the expressions of the other disciples were also embarrassing.

Brother, it's true, when is it, and you still use the protracted combat method that is suitable for the poison system?The giant pincer mantis of the steel system couldn't be poisoned, and they couldn't help complaining in their hearts.

"Let's settle this farce, Giant Pincer Mantis, Bullet Punch."

Yi Ming said casually out of boredom.


The Giant Pincer Mantis, who received the instructions, exploded at an extremely fast speed again, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of the smelly mud.

The horrified Smelly Nit subconsciously wanted to jump away, but in the eyes of the others, Stinky Nit's action was like a baseball that was actively thrown, allowing the giant pincer mantis to hit it better.


Like the explosion of a cannonball, the shrunken smelly mud was directly hit by the giant pincer mantis, and flew back quickly.


At this moment, Giant Pincer Praying Mantis, Yi Ming, and others were stunned, because the stinky mud that flew back like a cannonball happened to hit Renju!

From Renju's frightened expression, it can be seen that he did not expect this scene at all. In his haste, his speed could not avoid the 'attack' of the smelly mud.


The current stinky mud is like mud wrapped around a stone, and it was blown away by a giant pincer mantis punch, the impact force is self-evident, such a stinky mud hit Renju's chest.

In an instant, Ren Ju's eyes seemed to be stared out, his mouth was in the shape of an egg, and in a trance, he rolled back several times with the stinky mud.

"Uh, it was an accident, I'm really sorry, after all, it's not a formal venue, and the space is not big enough, it's inevitable, but it would be nice if you didn't let the stinky mud harden, so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable."

Yi Ming laughed, although he showed apology on his face, but what he said seemed to be sarcastic.

Yi Ming really didn't expect such an accident to happen, he was not so dark-hearted as to secretly instruct the Giant Pincer Mantis to do it on purpose.

It is impossible for the giant pincer mantis to do this kind of thing deliberately, so it can only be said to be an accident. Well, if it was done in the gymnasium, this thing would not have happened, and Renju will not let the smelly If the mud hardened, he wouldn't be knocked into a faint, would he?
So, the wicked will be rewarded with evil, and they are to blame themselves!

Yi Ming thought this rather unscrupulously in his heart.

"Brother, are you okay!"

"This, the hardened smelly mud, is very heavy."

"Are you okay? Can you breathe, senior brother?"

Surprised, the rest of the disciples rushed to check on Renju's situation. Seeing that the other party was still conscious, it was only because he was out of breath that he couldn't get up, and he was relieved.

"How dare you instruct the giant pincer mantis to attack me!"

After recovering, Ren Ju pushed the others away in embarrassment, and pointed at Yi Ming through gritted teeth, as if wishing to tear Yi Ming to pieces. If eyes could kill, Yi Ming would have already been stabbed thousands of times by Ren Ju Hundred holes.

"Hey, be careful what you say, don't slander people, everyone has seen it, it's just a pure accident."

Yi Ming spread his arms and shrugged, acting very innocent.

"Uh, senior brother, it seems that the Giant Pincer Mantis was not careful."

"Forget it, big brother, let's see the injury first."

"No way, this place is too narrow."

The rest of the disciples who witnessed all this couldn't help but echoed.

Ren Ju was furious for a while, almost spat out a mouthful of blood under the rage.

My senior brother was insulted by the enemy in front of your eyes, and he still spoke up for the enemy? !

Renju's anger and sadness were intertwined, making his face extremely ugly, and the veins on his forehead stood out: "You bastards! Others have bullied me to this extent, so hurry up and help me!"

However, before Renju got his wish and saw the rest of his disciples join forces to attack Yi Ming, a cold voice came leisurely.

"Who is bullying whom?"

Hearing this voice, Ren Ju's face was almost distorted due to anger, and the expressions of the other disciples also changed.

Yi Ming looked for the sound, and saw a pretty figure sitting on the branch above at some point. She was also dressed in a ninja costume, and her long purple hair was tied behind her head, exuding a refreshing and capable feeling .

Yi Ming guessed the girl's identity at once. The future owner of the light red gymnasium, A Xing, is also the daughter of the owner of the light red gymnasium, Ah Ju. is hereditary.


Just as Yi Ming was sizing up the other party, accompanied by the slight sound of the wind, Ah Xing jumped down from the tree nimbly and landed steadily, quite like a real ninja.

"I'm sorry, the reception in the gymnasium is not good, I laughed at you, please come with me."

After finishing speaking, Ah Xing glared at the ugly Ren Ju and other disciples, then walked ahead first, pushed open the door of the gymnasium, and signaled Yi Ming and Bai Xue to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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