Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 224 Wilderness Area?Hunting ground!

Chapter 224 Wilderness Area?Hunting ground!

In the light red gymnasium, A Xing served hot tea to Yi Ming and Bai Xue, and after giving Pikachu Ice Elf and Giant Pincer Mantis some snacks, A Xing sat upright across from them.

"I'm sorry that you have been treated like this. It was my negligence. Please forgive them. They are not very good at contacting people."

"It's okay, I don't care."

Seeing that A Xing apologized for Renju and the others' actions, Yi Ming waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

I still don't know whether Ah Xing was on the tree from the beginning, whether he witnessed and acquiesced to all this happening, it's really hard to say.

Judging from the hostility shown by Ren Ju and the others, A Xing may not have no objection to the Blue Star trainer. As the daughter of the gym master, she cannot be as obvious as Ren Ju and the others.

"They... don't seem to like us Blue Star people."

Petting the ice elf, Bai Xue said hesitantly.

She could also clearly feel the hostility shown by Renju and the others. Baixue didn't understand why this happened. Obviously, when they were at Eaton Manor, the others didn't show anything. Instead, they were very curious about Lan Xing, especially Mr. Eaton. Lin them.

"Well, because too many blue star trainers have appeared recently, it is inevitable that they will challenge the gym, which has brought us a lot of trouble."

Like her capable appearance, Ah Xing also appears to have a straightforward personality, without the slightest beating around the bush.


Hearing this, Yi Ming and Bai Xue glanced subconsciously, and both could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

No way, in the early stage of the game, players knew that they could gain some experience after challenging the gymnasium, so of course they would surround the gymnasium tightly, so it seems that it is normal for Renju and the others to have resentment.

"Why didn't you see the owner of Aju?"

Yi Ming took a sip of tea and asked curiously.

The light red gymnasium was empty, and I didn't see the owner of the light red gymnasium, Ah Ju, who was A Xing's father.

Under normal circumstances, in order to be able to meet the challenge of the trainer at any time, the gym owner will wait in the gymnasium, and only go out at specific times, such as when the nearby area encounters troubles that Miss Junsha cannot solve.

"My father, because there are too many blue star trainers who don't obey the rules recently, so he often rushes to the wilderness area to deal with things, and the time to come back is less—this is why Renju and the others are unfriendly to you , because my father could no longer teach them."

A Xing also took a sip of tea, and said casually.


Both Yi Ming and Bai Xue showed embarrassment.

It seems that the light red gymnasium has been harassed by the Blue Star trainers a lot, and a gymnasium owner was even forced to deal with things outside.

"What is the wilderness area?"

Bai Xue repeated the term "one side" and asked curiously.

A Xing was about to explain, but Yi Ming answered casually.

"The wilderness area, also called the hunting zone, belongs to the Pokémon protected area. The first priority is to protect the habitat of the Pokémon in it. Pokémon battles are not allowed to cause chaos, but Pokémon can be subdued."

"Huh? How did you subdue the Pokémon without fighting?"

Even Bai Xue, who is considered a rookie trainer, already knows how to tame wild Pokémon, and if he wants to tame wild Pokémon, throw the Poké Ball directly unless he is the chosen one, or the Pokmon is one of the green caterpillar unicorns. Otherwise, it would be difficult to subdue wild Pokémon. This is common sense.

"The field area provides special Poké Balls. This type of Pokémon is familiar to the Pokémon in the field area. The Pokémon in it has a much higher acceptance rate than other Poké Balls, and most of the Pokémon in the field area are docile. , not warlike, using special food can also increase the rate of acceptance.”

Yi Ming, who was like a walking encyclopedia of the world of Pokémon, explained casually.

"Oh~ this looks so interesting."

Bai Xue suddenly realized, and after listening to Yi Ming's explanation, she couldn't help becoming interested in the wilderness area near Qianhong City.

The kind and simple Bai Xue doesn't like fighting at all, and the field area where Pokmon can be captured without fighting seems to be very suitable for her, so her curiosity can't help but be mobilized.


Listening to Yi Ming's words, Ah Xing's eyes showed admiration.

Blue star trainers, even those who often go to the wilderness area, may not be able to understand it to the extent that Yi Ming does. Most blue star trainers don't care about the purpose and rules of the wilderness area, they only know that there are rare and precious Pokémon in it , which is why her father had to be stationed in the wilderness area.

The Blue Star trainer who thinks the world is just a game has too deep an obsession to exploit loopholes.

"Actually, this is also a way for the alliance to explore and try to see if there is another gentler way to subdue Pokémon. It respects Pokmon's self-choice to the greatest extent. Pokmon who want to live a carefree life can reject the trainer's offer at will." Those who want to fight fiercely by nature and are not satisfied with living in the wilderness area can consciously choose their favorite trainers."

A Xing's eloquent talk caught Bai Xue's attention, while Yi Ming on the other side seemed a little disapproving.

It's just a legal captivity by the alliance in the name of 'protecting wild Pokémon', and only a silly and naive person like A Xing Baixue would believe such a high-sounding and righteous rhetoric.

If you really want to protect wild Pokémon, the best way is not to interfere or restrict their freedom. They are a part of nature. Where human intervention is needed, we know from the alias of the wilderness area - the hunting zone.

As if seeing Yi Ming's disapproval, Ah Xing smiled noncommittally, and did not continue talking, but looked at the giant pincer mantis: "Your giant pincer mantis is very strong, and what I mean by strength is not just what it appears on the surface. The strength it shows, the tenacity in its eyes is also very dazzling, very similar to a ninja, it is the type that will sharpen itself and train hard."

"Foresight, this guy was the leader of the flying mantis group when he was in the Viridian Forest, and he originally challenged me for his partner."

Hearing this, the eyes of the giant pincer mantis also showed a trace of reminiscence.

Yi Ming smiled slightly, and patted the giant pincer mantis on the back. He remembered that time: "By the way, Bai Xue, there are actually some Pokémon that can be recognized by them even without a poke ball or even food."

"Huh? Really?"

Bai Xue was slightly taken aback, feeling a little miraculous, and subconsciously turned her suspicious gaze to the giant pincer mantis.

"Could it be."

"That's right, back when the giant pincer mantis was still a flying mantis, I didn't have a poke ball, but I used another thing."

"What is it?"

At this moment, not only Bai Xue, but even A Xing couldn't help being curious. It's fine if you don't need a poke ball, and you don't even need food?You must know that food is even more important than poke balls in the wilderness area.



Bai Xue tilted her head, but didn't react for a while.

"Simply put, it's bragging with Flying Mantis and drawing big cakes, you understand."

Yi Ming frowned and smiled.


Hearing Yi Ming's humorous words, Bai Xue couldn't help but smile, not taking it seriously.

On the other side, Ah Xing looked at Yi Ming and Giant Pincer Mantis seriously.

Although Yi Ming seemed to be watching a joke, she could tell that it was true.

(End of this chapter)

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