Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 237 Yulong Family!

Chapter 237 Yulong Family!

"Mini dragon, do you want to be my partner?"

A new field ball appeared in Yi Ming's hand, intending to subdue the mini dragon.

Judging from this situation, the miniature dragon will not reject himself.


Sure enough, the mini dragon nodded, obviously very happy.

Just when Yi Ming wanted to subdue the mini dragon with a field ball, a sudden change occurred!

Amidst the whistling sound, Yi Ming felt a dangerous aura.

Pikachu and the ice elves were the first to react, and immediately cast one hundred thousand volts and freezing light respectively.


The vine whip that was whipped quickly was immediately repelled by Pikachu and the ice elf.

Turning his head to look, it was Jiang Zuo with livid complexion and the boy named A'er, and in front of them was a Miao Frog Flower.

The level is as high as 43, and it seems to be the trainer named Aer.

"That miniature dragon is ours."

Yu Long'e's expression was not good, he stared at the miniature dragon under Yi Ming's feet, and said viciously.

"What, the miniature dragon was obviously caught by Yi Ming."

Bai Xue who came back to her senses was filled with righteous indignation.

The miniature dragon was clearly caught by Yi Ming, when did it become theirs.

"Bai Xue, don't interfere."

Jiang Zuo showed a helpless smile.

This miniature dragon was supposed to be caught by Yulong'e and tamed by him to become his Pokémon.

Now that the situation is changing, how can he not be in a hurry.

"Want to steal it?"

Yi Ming's half-smile was not a smile, just now the two of them were swearing that they would be able to catch the miniature dragon, but now that the miniature dragon was caught by him, they were in a hurry.

"It originally belonged to us, miniature dragon, come here."

Yu Long'e sneered, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, mobilized the power of the dragon in his body, and a purple light surged deep in his eyes.


In an instant, the mini dragon's eyes showed confusion, and it moved forward in a daze, as if it was being controlled, and its pupils were slack.

Yu Long'e looked at Yi Ming provocatively: "This is the evidence."

The power of the dragon is a special ability of their family, which can make the dragon Pokémon submit. Of course, this also depends on personal strength. A dragon-type Pokémon that is too powerful needs a more powerful dragon power to obey orders.

"The power of the dragon? Yulong family?"

Yi Ming observed with great interest, what the other party displayed was the power of the dragon.

"You have some eyesight."

Yu Long'e raised his chin proudly, however, the next moment, his face was terrified!
Because, he suddenly felt that the dragon power he exerted on the miniature dragon was directly dispelled by arbitrariness!

"That's it? Compared with A'Du's power, this dragon's power is like a world of difference, and he dares to come out arrogant."

Yi Ming sneered, looking at the astonished Yu Long'e, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Yi Ming's dragon power is still a strengthened mad dragon power. Compared with Yi Ming's mad dragon power, this person's dragon power is like a child without pure iron facing a fully armed adult. There is no capital to fight against.


The mini-dragon's eyes regained clarity, and it seemed that he hadn't figured out what was going on.

"Is it the power of the dragon?! Who are you?"

Yu Longe came back in shock, looked at Yi Ming opposite him in disbelief, and gritted his teeth.

He has never seen such a person in his family. Even if he is a member of the Yulong family, there is a distinction between strong and weak dragon power. Most of them can only use the power of dragon to gain the favor and recognition of dragon Pokmon.

But like him and Yulongdu, there are only a handful of dragon Pokmon who use the power of the dragon to command them!

However, an outsider who has never seen before actually has the power of a dragon that can surpass him, which makes Yu Long'e not surprised.

"I am a dragon envoy from another world. Why, do you think that only members of your family have the power of dragons?"

The sarcasm on Yi Ming's face remained unchanged.

"Blue Stars"

Yulong'e was even more unbelievable.

Another world, isn't there no Pokémon?How can you master the power of the dragon?
"You are also from the Yulong family, right? Who is the alliance champion Yulongdu?"

Compared with the righteous and enthusiastic Yulongdu, this young man who can also exert the power of the dragon seems like a world of difference.

What surprised Yi Ming was that since the opponent was from the Yulong family, shouldn't he be a dragon-type Pokémon or a dragon-related Pokémon like Yulongdu?How could there be a wonderful frog flower?

The corners of Yu Long'e's eyes twitched slightly when he heard the words Yulongdu, and the veins on his head protruded: "Yulongdu Yulongdu. Don't mention these three words in front of me!"

As if being touched against the scales, Yulong'e's face was ferocious, and he was planning to grab the miniature dragon by force!

"Hand over the miniature dragon, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Yi Ming naturally didn't care about the other party's threats.

The level 43 Frog Flower can be easily dealt with by the Charizard.

"Come out, Charizard, it's time to move around."

Yi Ming threw the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball, and in an instant, white light flashed out of the elf ball, and the fire-breathing dragon appeared.


The fire-breathing dragon roared and threatened Miaowahua, and its domineering aura immediately swept in all directions.


At this moment, Jiang Zuo's face became extremely distorted, as if he saw some unacceptable facts.

Yi Ming's Charizard, level 45!
Level 45 Charizard?What are you kidding? !

Jiang Zuo, who has always considered himself the number one trainer of Blue Star, now has a turbulent heart, his face is extremely ugly, and he can no longer maintain the usual disguised smile on his face.

He felt his position was seriously challenged.

His strongest Ma Yula, the current level is only 36, which has made him very satisfied before. At present, when most blue star trainers are still hovering in the 20s, they can far exceed the 30th level, which is already It was enough to make him complacent.

As a result, it turned out.
Jiang Zuo stared at Yi Ming with an indescribably ugly expression.

"Purple flame."

The appearance of the fire-breathing dragon also surprised Yu Long'e. The fire-breathing dragon with a purple tail flame seemed not easy to mess with, which undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

But it was obviously impossible for him to stop there, and immediately let Miao Frog Flower attack.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

Upon hearing the instructions, Miaowahua immediately released the flying blade, and a large number of green leaves floated out from both sides. Immediately, under the high-speed rotation, it formed a flying blade that seemed to be able to cut through the air, and shot towards the fire-breathing dragon rapidly.

"Spray flames."

Yi Ming looked relaxed. Under the restraint of attributes, the difficulty for the fire-breathing dragon to defeat Miaowahua was really too low.


Facing Miaowahua's attack with flying leaves and sharp knives, the head of the fire-breathing dragon slightly tilted back, and the flames quickly gathered from the body to the mouth, compressed and then spewed out suddenly.

Under the influence of the purple jet flame, the surrounding temperature rose sharply, and the seemingly powerful Flying Leaf Kuaidao had no ability to resist, and was burned to ashes by the hot flame in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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