Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 238 Subdue the Mini Dragon!

Chapter 238 Subdue the Mini Dragon!
After the jet of flames disintegrated Feiye Kuaidao, the rest of the momentum continued to sweep towards Miao Frog Flower.

Miao Frog Flower, who was on guard, quickly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame.

However, at this moment, the fire-breathing dragon also flapped its wings and approached rapidly.

"Dragon Claw."

Under Yi Ming's instruction, the fire-breathing dragon's power gathered on its sharp claws, quickly formed ferocious dragon claws, and struck towards Miao Frog Flower.

Caught off guard, Miao Frog Flower was patted straight on, and her body staggered and fell to the side. Fortunately, its reaction was not slow, and it immediately used the rattan whip to stabilize its body.

"Damn it, wonderful frog flower, grow, the sun is burning!"

Yulong'e attempted to reverse the situation.

The skill of growth can improve attack and special attack, and it can promote the release of sunlight and flames.


The Frog Flower immediately displayed its growth skills, and in an instant, its bloated figure swelled up again, and immediately absorbed the sunlight, and the dots of light quickly gathered on its back, compressing its strength.

In sunny weather, the release time of the flames of the sun is greatly shortened, and the flames of the sun and flames of the Frog Flower will take shape in an instant.

"Big character explosion."

Yi Ming's eyes were cold.

Sunshine Flame is the ultimate move of the grass type, and Big Character Explosion is the ultimate move of the fire type. Obviously, the fire-breathing dragon has the upper hand.


The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and spewed out strange purple flames in the shape of big characters, which is the power of the combination of dragon and fire!


Frightened by Miaowahua, who felt the power of the big character explosion, the sun flames formed accordingly, shot out, and went towards the big character explosion of the fire-breathing dragon.


The explosion of big characters and the flames of the sun collided fiercely in mid-air, and the confrontation of forces erupted with a bang.

However, under the restraint of the attributes, the Sunshine Flame couldn't resist the fire-breathing dragon's big character explosion at all. After only a moment of stalemate, the Sunshine Flame was completely defeated!

The momentum of the big character explosion is still unabated, at such a short distance, coupled with the speed of the big character explosion, the cumbersome Miaowahua has no time to dodge, and can only watch the big character explosion approaching in horror.


The big characters surging with majestic power hit Miao Frog Flower viciously, causing a scorching wave of air in an instant!
After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the Miao Frog Flower, who had fallen to the ground and apparently lost the fighting consciousness, suddenly appeared.

Miao Frog Flower, defeated!
Under the double restraint of attributes and levels, Miaowahua has no capital to fight against the fire-breathing dragon.

[The fire-breathing dragon defeated Miao Frog Flower, and gained battle experience: 15620. 】

[Due to the qualification of the fire-breathing dragon, additional battle experience points: 14000. 】


Yu Long'e gritted his teeth, his face flushed red with anger and embarrassment.

Jiang Zuo's expression on the side was also extremely ugly. If Yulong'e lost, it would mean that this plan had failed, and he would not be able to get the cherished miniature dragon.

"Yulongdu is your brother, right? Compared to your brother, you are really far behind."

Yi Ming sighed and said regretfully.

Even if Yulongdu is a tyrannosaurus that has just been subdued, it can fight back and forth with the fire-breathing dragon.

In contrast, this wonderful frog flower is too far away.


The fire-breathing dragon nodded approvingly and grinned.

This scene fell into Yu Long'e's eyes, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, wishing to swallow the hateful Yi Ming and the fire-breathing dragon alive.

"Ah, don't get excited, forget it."

A smile reappeared on Jiang Zuo's face, but it was a superficial smile, which seemed very strange.

Under his persuasion, Yu Longe gave Yi Ming a hard look, as if he wanted to engrave Yi Ming's face deeply in his heart.


"Remember what? Do you remember how you were defeated and fled?"

Yi Ming pretended to be listening carefully, Yu Long'e was so angry that he trembled all over, staggered and almost fell down.

Looking at Yu Long'e's leaving back, Yi Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

I don't know what Yulong'e's status is in the Yulong family.

However, in terms of strength, Yulong's bad luck and Yulongdu are really too much. Thinking about it, his status is not high, at least not as good as Yulongdu, and he should not be able to use the family's power to deal with him.

If it wasn't for Bai Xue Jiang Zuo's presence, and he was worried about whether the other party would have a back move and the possible intervention of the owner of Aju, Yi Ming really wanted to teach this young master a painful lesson. Well, this painful lesson of course includes both physical and mental aspects. .

"How could Jiang Zuo make such an unreasonable friend."

Bai Xue on the side muttered.

Hearing Bai Xue's muttering, Yi Ming smiled helplessly, Bai Xue didn't see the scheming behind Jiang Zuo's smile.

"Things of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. It's normal for a group of people to attract each other."

That Jiang Zuo, at first glance, is not a good person, the smile on his face looks sincere and kind, but in fact his stomach is full of bad water.

"Jiangzuo should be fine."

Hearing this, Bai Xue hesitated uncertainly.

"It's not bad, he's a little bit smarter than this guy named A'er."

There was sarcasm in Yi Ming's eyes.

Compared with Jiang Zuo, the joy and anger are all revealed on his face. The arrogant and domineering Yu Long'er is really his younger brother. He must bully others a lot on weekdays.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this Yulong'e is very jealous of Yulongdu. Whether it is strength, temperament or reputation, Ahdu almost completely crushes him.

"Miniature dragon, come on."

After solving the accident, Yi Ming squatted down and touched the miniature dragon with the wild ball button.

Immediately, the miniature dragon turned into a beam of white light and entered the field ball prepared by Yi Ming.

After a slight shaking, the flashing red light disappears, which means the conquest is successful!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for subduing the 'mini dragon'. 】

"System, check the information of the miniature dragon."

【Mini Dragon】

[Attribute: Dragon. 】

【Gender: ♂】

[Characteristics: Moulting: By shedding the skin on the body, it can sometimes cure abnormal conditions. 】

【Level: 30】

[Qualification: Champion]

(Qualifications are divided into: ordinary, outstanding, elite, leader, quasi-king, king, champion.)
[Items to carry: None. 】

[Skills learned: tight beam, electromagnetic wave, tornado, dragon's wrath, high-speed movement, dragon tail. 】

The quasi-god Pokémon in the Kanto area was finally subdued by himself.

Yi Ming couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

"The mini dragon is level 30, it's much higher than my big tongue shell, and I feel like I can get a good ranking in the competition."

Bai Xue poked her chin with her fingers and guessed.

In this wilderness area, the Pokmon they encountered were at most more than 20 levels, and it was only a very small number of them.

However, the miniature dragon that Yi Ming subdued has a level as high as 30, and he is very hopeful to get a good ranking in the field competition and get rewards.

This point was also in Yi Ming's mind.

It's just that there is still an hour before the end of the game, and I don't know what rewards I can get.

"I hope so, Baixue, do you still want to visit the wilderness area?"

"Forget it, all my energy cubes have been eaten by the big tongue shell~"

Bai Xue smiled, she was already very satisfied to be able to subdue the big tongue.

"Okay then, let's continue on our way."

Yi Ming's purpose of coming to the wilderness area to subdue the quasi-god Pokémon has been achieved, so he naturally doesn't want to stay here.

And in another part of the world, the tree of the beginning of the world, it is not peaceful here.
(End of this chapter)

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