Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 239 The Hunted Fossil Pterosaur!

Chapter 239 The Hunted Fossil Pterosaur!
Somewhere in the original tree of the world, the Pokémon who were playing and playing seemed to have noticed something and looked in the same direction at the same time.

Immediately, they panicked and hid in places they thought were safe, such as tree holes, rock crevices, high altitudes and so on.

The sound of the biting wind came from far to near, and a huge figure passed by, and the strong wind picked up with dead leaves.


The ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur was covered in scars, flapping its wings and flying in embarrassment, as if it was escaping from something.


An electromagnetic cannon barely poured past it, bombarded the branch of the big tree in the sky, bombarded it into two pieces and fell to the ground.

If you look down from the sky, you can see the Ice God Pillar closely following the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur, as if chasing down the fossil pterosaur, and the red light spots on its face are flashing rapidly like warning lights.

"call out!"

Bingshenzhu raised his right hand and released an electromagnetic cannon at the fossil pterosaur again.

Taking some precautions, the fossil pterosaur withdrew its right wing, tilted its body in flight, and avoided the electromagnetic cannon. Immediately afterwards, the fossil pterosaur under fury no longer evaded, turned its head and rushed towards the ice god The huge dragon claws seem to be carrying a mighty force.


It seems that it did not expect that the fossil pterosaur would dare to fight back. The Ice God Pillar was unable to dodge in time. The Ice God Pillar was hit by the dragon's claws and shot out. It didn't stop until it hit the rock behind and smashed it to the ground. .


The fossilized pterosaur that had been hunted down seemed to finally let go of its suffocation and roared.

It didn't know why it appeared here. It was clearly in the elf space, and the only memory it had was a pink figure.

In short, the only thing that is clear about the fossil pterosaur is that it is regarded as an intruder here-even if it has no idea how it got here, it never thought it would be here.


The fossilized pterosaur that was hunted down crazily, almost filled its chest with anger, and was transformed into strength by it.

Dragon Fury!
The wrath of the dragon released by the fossilized pterosaur filled with hatred, rushed towards the Ice God Pillar that was temporarily immobilized in the rock.


However, at this moment, a destructive destructive death light shot out from the side rapidly, meeting the Dragon's Wrath, and the two collided at once.

The fossilized pterosaur narrowed its eyes slightly, looking extremely annoyed.

Its wrath of the dragon was resisted by the destruction and death light.

And this destructive death light was not released by the Ice God Pillar, but

The steel god pillar jumped from the side to the middle position between the fossil pterosaur and the ice god pillar.


The fossil pterosaur bared its teeth and growled.

It can defeat a single opponent by relying on its own brutal physical fitness and destructive power. However, there is not only one opponent.


Another figure descended from the sky. Its weight that cannot be underestimated and the momentum of the fall directly smashed a dent in the ground.

Rock God Pillar.

One against one, yes, one against three
The fossil pterosaur glanced at the countless black shadows that appeared silently around it, and the hostility that seemed to soar into the sky made the fossil pterosaur breathless.

Alone it feels like it's up against the whole world!

As if sleeping in the dark underground for a long time, a sense of helplessness and suffocation enveloped the fossil pterosaur's heart. In a trance, it seemed that there was no place for it in this world.

This strange yet familiar feeling resurfaced, making the fossilized pterosaur tremble.

It recalled it, just like the cruel era it lived in before. It never knew what comfort and safety are, strength is everything, and only by fighting desperately can it gain its own shelter.

So, before, was it just my own dream?
The fossilized pterosaur vaguely recalled its leisurely and comfortable time in the elf space, and its eyes were filled with bewilderment and nostalgia.

The burning wounds all over his body made the fossil pterosaur feel as if even his breath was like flames.

Tiredness made the eyelids of the fossilized pterosaurs feel like lead, and every time they closed their eyes, they had the urge to fall asleep immediately.

However, it knew it couldn't do that.

'Cause if you do that, meet yourself, only death
Fossil pterosaurs don't suspect this.

"call out!"

Electromagnetic gun!
The momentary loss of consciousness prevented the fossil pterosaur from noticing the attack quietly launched by the Ice God Pillar in time. After being hit by the electromagnetic gun, it roared, and while fluttering its wings, it released dragon waves into the sky.


The rock formation above was cracked by the wave of the dragon, and in an instant huge rubble and trees fell like a torrential rain, as if the sky had collapsed.

The fossilized pterosaur, whose eyes were a little distracted but unwavering, took advantage of the chaos to escape their attack again.

Elf space, above the tree of the beginning of the world.

A pink figure appeared out of nowhere, instantly attracting Riolu's attention.

It is just a dream, and the dream at this time seems a little anxious.

Because it has not been able to find the location of the fossil pterosaur, but it can feel the subtle changes in the tree of the beginning of the world and the environment, and anxiety permeates the entire tree of the beginning of the world.

Of course, this tree of the beginning of the world does not refer to the tree of the beginning of the world in the elf space, but another tree.

"Chiu Mi!"

The dream in a hurry flew in front of Riolu.

It wants to use Riolu's magical perception to find the fossil pterosaur that was regarded as an intruder by the tree of the beginning of the world.

If it is later, it is worried about irreparable consequences, such as the fossilized pterosaurs considered as invaders being 'eliminated' by the forces that unite the entire world's original tree.

The elimination here is the complete elimination in the true sense.

In any case, the fossilized pterosaur was brought by it, and it needs to bring the fossilized pterosaur back intact. This is for the fossilized pterosaur and also for the tree of the beginning of the world

Knowing Mengmeng's intention, Riolu nodded after a brief hesitation, and was about to say something when Mengmeng flew to its side and held its hand.

The next moment, Mengmeng and Riolu disappeared in place in an instant.

Oludran city, castle, bastion platform with a wide view.

"The recent wind blowing from the north hides uneasiness"

Queen Irene looked at the dark sky in the distance, with a sad expression on her face.

The butler next to him frowned, with a puzzled expression on his face, he couldn't feel anything from the wind.

"Hehe, maybe it's my illusion."

Queen Irene hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly.

"My lord, the ceremony in honor of Aaron will be held soon."

"Oh? Well, is there a problem?"

Queen Irene noticed the hesitation of the person next to her, and asked softly.

"Would you like to extend an invitation?"

"It's natural."

"So, what about the Blue Star trainer? Can I participate?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Since it's a festival to praise Yalang, the more lively the better, Blue Star Trainer. I'm also very curious about the other world."

"Alright, Your Majesty the Queen."

(End of this chapter)

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