Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 254 Chaos is coming!

Chapter 254 Chaos is coming!

The office worker who was still anxious because of no signal suddenly felt that the light was different, as if there seemed to be a huge monster in front of him, and subconsciously raised his head.

After seeing that in front of him was a Nido King who was much stronger than him, he instinctively backed away in fright, and immediately relaxed.

The existence of Pokémon has been accepted by the world, and he has seen Pokémon with his own eyes many times, but he was only frightened by the sudden close contact.

"Whose Nido King is it? It's so unreasonable to be scary?"

He looked around angrily.

Are gamers, are there Pokémon amazing?Can it be scary?

At this time, he ignored the strange dark purple color that should not exist on King Nido in front of him, and also ignored the scarlet and fierce eyes of King Nido.

"Boom!" "Crack!"

The arm hammer that King Nido roared out hit the office worker's shoulder, and the sound of bones breaking was clearly audible!

The next moment, as if being hit head-on by a truck speeding at high speed, the office worker left his feet off the ground and flew to the side like a rag sack, directly crashing into the display case of a clothing store, causing people in the store to scream .

After a short moment of astonishment, the rest of the pedestrians on the road looked terrified and horrified.

It's not just because of King Nido's violent rise, but because a lot of Pokémon have sprung up on the road!
"It shouldn't be! Don't most players enter the game? How come there are so many Pokémon?!"

"Where did King Nido come from? Pokmon that appear in the real world are all owned by their masters. Where is its trainer? Don't dare to attack people if you don't want to die?"

"I have a bad feeling, you see, other Pokémon are a little different from normal Pokmon! But they are very similar to this attacking Nido King!"

Some people recalled that this Nido King who attacked people had a dark purple luster on his body, which was different from the other Nido Kings they had seen, and its eyes seemed to be scarlet as if they had lost their minds!

And at this moment, the same goes for the body and eyes of the other Pokémon that suddenly appeared on the street!
A kind of uneasiness quickly covered everyone's heart.


With King Nido's roar, it raised the car parked on the side of the road and smashed it at the pedestrians on the road!


As if some kind of switch had been triggered, the pedestrians who had froze because of the sudden incident finally came to their senses.


"Pokemon is crazy!"

"These Pokmon are not like the Pokmon of the players, everyone run for your life!"

"Nimma, what's the situation?!"

The tense heartstrings finally broke, and for a while, the streets were in chaos, human screams, car horns, and sirens of things being destroyed were intertwined, like a doomsday symphony!
This chaotic scene happened simultaneously in various places in City H, and even in other cities!

"The communication was cut off in order to isolate each city and let each city complete this test with its own strength."

Looking at the system's prompt, Yi Ming shrank his pupils and muttered to himself.

Now I finally know why the third major update will cut off the communication first.
At this moment, the real world has been flooded with phantom Pokémon in a state of madness.
No matter what, Yi Ming didn't expect such a thing to happen in the third update. He originally thought that it was just like the failure of the previous modern weapons or the slow change of the environment, which was considered insignificant.

However, this time it was so violent and abrupt that no one could react.

The aggressive phantom Pokémon cannot be cleared or the level of clearing is not enough. The human city will disappear directly and be replaced by a natural environment suitable for Pokémon's habitat.
very cruel.

It is conceivable how many human cities in the real world will change or disappear after this round, which fully explains what survival of the fittest is.

Just as Yi Ming was immersed in shock, a new reminder came from the system.

[The host of the previous world pattern was selected as 'chaotic neutral', and new choices have been generated correspondingly: 'evil' and 'good': please make your new choice for the current situation. 】

world change
['Evil': Conceal the situation in the real world from the player, and do not initiate a world announcement]

[Note: After the end of the three-day illusion battle, the player's forced exit procedure will be executed. 】

Listening to the prompt from the system, Yi Ming frowned.

Like last time, the tendency of players who choose to enter the Pokémon plane?

Concealing the current crisis facing the real world from players, and not launching a world announcement?And unlike previous updates, players who are currently in the Pokémon plane are forced to quit.

"As expected of using the word 'chaos' to describe it."

Yi Ming let out a breath, his eyes were cold.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about what this choice means.

You know, most of the players are in the Pokémon plane!
If we hide from them the current crisis that the real world is facing, and don't launch a world announcement, it means that the real world can only allow a few players who stay in the real world to resist this chaos!

One can imagine what it would mean if this decision was made.

That is a small number of cities in the real world, no, it should be said that only a handful of big cities can survive this difficulty, and this requires a few players in these big cities to unite as one and do their best in order to have the opportunity to do so.

It means that this choice is equivalent to restarting the environment of Blue Star, erasing the traces of human beings, and returning to the original.
Naturally, it was impossible for Yi Ming to choose this choice, so he immediately looked at other choices.

['Good': Announce the situation in the real world to the player, initiate a world announcement reminder, and let the player decide whether to return. 】

[Note: After the end of the three-day illusion battle, the player's forced exit procedure will be executed. 】

The 'evil' choice of concealing the truth and not initiating a world announcement corresponds to the 'good' choice, initiating a world announcement reminder, allowing players to return to the real world to fight against phantom Pokémon.

After knowing that their city was attacked by a phantom Pokémon, I believe that most players who heard the news would immediately choose to return to the real world to assist in the battle.

"It turned out that the one-time privilege of returning to the real world was to prepare for now."

After seeing this option, Yi Ming glanced at Lan Yan who was flying in front.

Obviously, after making a decision, Lan Yan and the others will definitely return to the real world as soon as possible to maintain order.


Yi Ming didn't hesitate at all.

Is this still worth thinking about? The choice of 'good' can even help Yi Ming to solve half of the obstacles of the players right in front of him!
Other players would most likely choose not to return to the real world because of the temptation of large dungeons, but Yi Ming believed that it was impossible for Lan Yan and the others to do so!
(End of this chapter)

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