Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 255 The death of the fossil pterosaur?

Chapter 255 The death of the fossil pterosaur?

[World Announcement: The 'War of Illusion' has been triggered in various cities in the real world. If the challenge fails, the city will disappear. Players are asked to decide whether to return to the real world for support. 】

[World Announcement: The 'War of Illusion' has been triggered in various cities in the real world. If the challenge fails, the city will disappear. Players are asked to decide whether to return to the real world for support. 】

[World Announcement: The 'War of Illusion' has been triggered in various cities in the real world. If the challenge fails, the city will disappear. Players are asked to decide whether to return to the real world for support. 】

Three consecutive world announcements made all players look sideways. No matter what kind of behavior the player was doing, they all stopped their current behavior and subconsciously looked at the system interface.

Another world announcement!
But this time, it seemed to be different from the previous ones. For a while, the entire player group was shocked.

['Battle of the Illusion'. 】

[Description: A large number of violent phantom Pokémon are pouring into the cities, please actively challenge and defeat them! 】

[Countdown: 72:00:00 (three days)]

【Three days later, the 'War of Illusions' will end. According to the number of Phantom Pokémon remaining in the city, the natural environment of the city will be changed, or even wiped out directly. At the same time, all players who stay in the game will be forced to exit and return to the real world. 】

[Tip 1: If you don't want to return to the real world after three days and see your city turn into nothingness, please actively join the 'Battle of Illusions' and do your best to protect the city. 】

[Tip 2: The combat power of the Phantom Pokémon will be greatly enhanced. If you defeat the Phantom Pokémon, you will get double the battle experience. 】

【Hint 3: In the 'War of Illusion', the penalty mechanism of having more enemies and fewer is cancelled. 】

A series of system prompts directly swiped the screen on the virtual interface between Yi Ming and other players.

In addition to these, there is also relevant information about the city where I am in the real world, the most eye-catching of which is a thick percentage progress bar!

This is the important data that determines whether the human city will survive or not!

After a short silence, all the players suddenly shouted.

"Battle of the Illusion, Phantom Pokémon? What is this thing, it seems to have appeared during the first player trial?"

"I remember that there was a phantom fire-breathing dragon in school, and it was huge. The skills I learned in the gymnasium can be used in the real world!"

"Going back is definitely going to go back, you can also fight over there, double the battle experience points, and the penalty for playing more and less is gone, go back decisively!"

"Hey, fighting for the city? I won't go back for such a thankless thing. Phantom Pokémon sounds like it's hard to deal with. Let others go back. I still have a task to do~ Come back in three days~”

"Damn, Phantom Pokmon, shouldn't it attack people? Nima, I have to go back."

Many people chose to go back without any hesitation when they heard that the battle experience points were doubled.

Some people think that this is a good time to show their strength, or they are worried about their family members in the city, or for other reasons, they chose to go back.

However, there are also quite a few people who decided not to participate in the 'War of Illusions' after weighing the balance, and returned after the end of the 'War of Illusions' three days later when they were forced to quit. They don't care.

Yi Ming didn't care about other people's reactions. At this moment, his eyes were focused on Lan Yan and the others in the airspace ahead.

As Yi Ming expected, after the world announcement was triggered, they gathered at Lan Yan, and after a simple exchange, they chose to return to the real world, and their figures instantly disappeared on Bi Diao's back.

"It's half gone."

Yi Ming took a long breath.

Lan Yan and the others withdrew, and the number of elite players blocking Yi Ming was reduced by half.

As for the other ten people, Yi Ming could see the tangled expressions on the faces of a few people, they were clearly debating whether to go back or not.

However, the temptation of the tree of the beginning of the world is not small, they looked around, and finally chose to continue to the tree of the beginning of the world, and did not return to the real world.

This was within Yi Ming's expectation.

To be able to reduce the pressure from Lan Yan and the others, the current situation is already considered good.

The tree of the beginning of the world, somewhere.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The continuous explosions caused continuous vibrations on the ground, and the original peaceful and harmonious atmosphere was suddenly destroyed, and countless weak Pokémon fled in panic.


The ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur, covered in bruises and extremely embarrassed, flew out, with an extremely haggard look and dizzy pupils, as if it would fall down at any time. It is still able to maintain its activities at present entirely by virtue of its willpower.

It's exhausting.

Even though its physical fitness is several times stronger than that of ordinary fossil pterosaurs, and it seldom confronts the enemy head-on during this process, it just tries to escape with all its strength, but even so, under such high-intensity and endless escape, the fossil pterosaurs will still be destroyed. My physical strength is completely exhausted!

At present, it is still able to keep flying, which is completely supported by the strong sense of survival of the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaurs!


Steel God Pillar followed closely behind it. The speed of Steel God Pillar was not fast, but every step seemed to be measured, like a robot that didn't know how to stop.

The light spots on the face of Steel God Pillar flickered rapidly and made a rapid sound. If you can see the sight from Steel God Column, you can see that its 'Crosshair' has been following the fossil pterosaur and locked on quickly.

Lock skills!

Steel God Pillar stepped firmly, raised the steel arm, and the charging beam was released suddenly while the arc flickered!
The powerful electric current burst out, shooting towards the locked fossil pterosaur.


However, the fossil pterosaur had sensed the lock of the Steel God Pillar long before, so it tilted its body during the flight and found the rock peak as a cover.


Yanfeng was hit by the charging beam, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time. It collapsed and fell to the ground.


The fossil pterosaur roared angrily and locked its moves, making it unable to use its speed and flying advantages to get rid of the three divine pillars.

If you fly into the sky at will, you will lose your cover, and if you are locked, you will be unable to evade. The fossil pterosaurs are already exhausted, and they dare not take such a big risk. They can only hope to fly at low altitude. Avoid locking attacks in complex terrain environments, and use speed to completely get rid of the blockade of the three gods.

However, the exhausted physical strength of escaping for a long time put the spirit of the fossil pterosaur on the verge of collapse, and it was impossible for it to notice the surprise attack from the side.

A huge rock was thrown towards the fossil pterosaur with the sound of breaking through the air, and the fossil pterosaur didn't realize it until the rock hit it!



At the same time as the rock cracked, the hit fossil pterosaur fell down like a broken kite with a painful expression!
(End of this chapter)

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