Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 268 Mewtwo and Lightning Bird!

Chapter 268 Mewtwo and Lightning Bird!

The infamous Team Rocket!

At this time, in the airship, there was a young man wearing a black Rockets uniform. His hair under the felt hat was bright green, with prominent temples. He looked like a shark. He was wearing white boots and white gloves.

He looked at the tree of the beginning of the world in his vision, with a wicked smile on his face.

From his different outfit from the rest of the Rockets, and from the awe he looks at him with the rest of the Rockets, it's clear that he's no ordinary Team Rocket.

And it is.


Under Sakagi, one of the most elite four backbone members of the Rockets.

In addition to him, there are Lambda, Athena, and the other three elite members of Apollo. This time, he is responsible for the mission of the original tree of the world.

Looking at the initial tree of the world ahead, several players who joined the Rockets gathered together, feeling overwhelmed.

"Haha, joining the Rockets is indeed the right decision."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect to be able to participate in a large-scale dungeon like this. Hehe, I don't know what the origin of this tree is. It looks so big."

"I heard that it is called the Tree of the Beginning of the World. It is usually surrounded by fog. The Rockets have been targeting it for a long time, but they have never had a chance."

"I hope to catch the precious Pokémon so that I can exchange points within the Rockets. I also want to be promoted to a full member."

By chance, they joined the Rockets and were lucky enough to get the scope of a large-scale dungeon. Looking at the rest of the players starting from the city of Oludran and rushing to the world's original tree, they were fortunate, but also for the Excited to have such a godsend opportunity.

At this moment, another Team Rocket member dressed as an elite member walked to Lance's side.

Seeing him, these players all looked sideways.

A newly promoted elite member of the Rockets with great potential, his status can almost be compared with Lance of the Rockets.

If they remembered correctly, they remembered this person's name, Feiyu.

Sensing Fei Yu's approach, the smile on Lance's face disappeared, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, which was fleeting, but he didn't pay attention to him.

Fei Yu also seemed to know that Lance didn't like him.

Because of their own existence, they threatened Lance Apollo's original status, and it was normal to show hostility towards the new self.

The current Feiyu is very satisfied with the rapid growth of the Rockets due to the influx of Blue Star trainers. If it weren't for the assistance of these Blue Star trainers who joined the Rockets, the recent activities would not have been completed so smoothly.

Right now, it is the new task of Boss Sakagi.

"Mission location, the initial tree of the world, the main mission objective, fantasy, secondary objectives, try to capture the Pokémon on the initial tree of the world as much as possible."

Fei Yu spoke as if talking to himself, while Lance on the side didn't respond.

"I want to act alone, so I say hello to you first."

After finishing speaking self-consciously, Feiyu threw an elf ball, and in an instant, a bird Pokémon with yellow feathers suddenly appeared. It had black ring-shaped feathers around its eyes and long orange spikes. The beak has a large number of spike-like feathers on its wings and tail, and there are black feathers on the back of the wings and the inside of the tail. The moment it appears, the surrounding atmosphere changes.

This is why Feiyu quickly became the top elite of the Rockets, even threatening Lance's status.

Raiden Pokémon Lightning Bird!
The moment the Lightning Bird appeared, Lance and the other players showed envy and jealousy. As long as they were not fools, they could feel the oppression brought by the Lightning Bird.

Feiyu sat on the Lightning Bird, and under the envious eyes of others, he flew to the tree of the beginning of the world.

"Lightning bird, it belongs to the legendary beast, I'm so envious."

"I heard that he captured this lightning bird with the help of Chaomeng, and the leader gave it to him directly."

"It's really a big deal, but its level is only 50, so it doesn't feel right for its legend."

"It's not a secret, let me tell you, I heard that the lightning bird, the frozen bird, the flame bird, there is not only one in this world."

Hearing this, the rest of the players suddenly realized that the legendary Pokémon Lightning Birds had groups, not just one. No wonder Feiyu's Lightning Birds were only at level [-].

Although this level is already very high, it is currently out of reach of them, but I always feel that this is a bit off the level of the legendary Pokémon, and this explanation is immediately relieved.

"It's your acquaintance."

Seeing Feiyu ride the lightning bird to the tree of the beginning of the world alone, Lance smiled coldly.

Feiyu is trying to save face. The Rockets have an incentive mechanism based on rewards for merit, which means that the more you do, the more benefits you will get.

Feiyu's actions undoubtedly made it clear that he would not take credit with Lance, which greatly benefited Lance.

"It seems that he can be quickly promoted to the backbone of the Rockets, and it is not just luck."

Looking at Fei Yu's back, Lance was thoughtful, and at the same time envious, his heart became more and more surging.

He had a vague feeling that if he did this action successfully, Chief Sakagi would definitely not begrudge rewards, and there was a high probability that he would be given the guardian Pokémon in the World's Beginning Tree in the information.

Thinking of this, his body trembled uncontrollably due to excitement.

The current Rocket team, like the Snorlax with a huge appetite, swallows all the food that can be swallowed, and grows rapidly at a terrifying speed.

As for whether this mission can be completed perfectly, Lance has strong confidence.

Because, this time, Chaomeng is here!
As the afterglow of the setting sun dissipated, the night gradually fell, and the moon emerged from the sky, somewhere in the tree of the beginning of the world.

Yi Ming, Pikachu, and Riolu sat on the charizard, trying to find the three-line fruit on the tree of the beginning of the world that they had seen before.

It's a pity that, after several hours of extensive searching, Yi Ming still didn't find the three series of special fruits that he had seen before, but the countdown was gradually approaching.

As for Riolu, he still hasn't woken up.


"Don't worry, it's fine."

Yi Ming smiled, telling Charizard not to worry about Riolu.

Although Riolu is in a coma, his condition is quite good. He has been inherited by Lucario Bird, and his level has been improving!

During this period of time, Riolu's level has been continuously increased by four levels from level 29 to level 33, and this improvement process is still in progress.

"Riolu, it's time to wake up, help me find something with the waveguide."

The waveguide that Yi Ming just mastered is not very proficient, and the search range is definitely not as wide as Leo Road.

As soon as he finished speaking, as if he heard Yi Ming's call, Riolu's waveguide fluctuated greatly, and the system's notification sound came immediately.

[Ding, Riolu has received the power of Lucario's inheritance, and his level has been increased: 34. 】

[Ding, Riolu has received the power of Lucario's inheritance, and his level has been increased: 35. 】

[Ding, Riolu has received the power of Lucario's inheritance, and his level has been increased: 36. 】

[Ding, Riolu has received the power of Lucario's inheritance, and his level has been increased: 37. 】

Another four levels in a row!
(End of this chapter)

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