Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 269 Tianlin and Dream!

Chapter 269 Tianlin and Dream!
After receiving Lucario's inheritance, Leolu has been promoted to a full eight levels in one breath!
After quickly raising the level, Riolu slowly woke up and opened his clear eyes.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for Yi Ming and Pikachu to see Riolu open his eyes.


"Riolu, you're awake." "Pika!"

Yi Ming could see a trace of doubt and bewilderment in Riolu's eyes, obviously he didn't know what happened afterwards.

"It's really hard for you this time, but next time, remember to tell me first, what's the point of running here by yourself?"

Yi Ming reprimanded helplessly.

Although he also knew that Riolu might have been directly taken away by the dream, in the face of the crisis of his companions, it was impossible for Riolu to stand idly by.
It's just that Yi Ming was angry that Leolu hadn't communicated with him before he acted. No matter what, he should have notified himself directly.

Hmph, that mischievous naughty Meng Meng has caused such a big trouble, if you meet him, you have to grab him, knead his little face, and ravage him.


After realizing it, Riolu noticed the change in his own waveguide, and felt it attentively.

"This is the waveguide power bestowed on you by your senior, Lucario. If it weren't for its help, you would have been eaten by this stone tree."

Yi Ming was also a little thankful that he had made the right choice to find Lucario, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and Yi Ming could not save Leolu with his own strength.


Riolu nodded silently, and immediately asked a question, not knowing where its predecessor was.

"It joined its mate."

Yi Ming's eyes flashed, and his tone was calm.

This is Lucario's own choice.

"Can the waveguide be released now?"

Receiving Yi Ming's inquiry, Leolu closed his eyes to feel it.

The reply is that not only can the waveguide be released, but also cover a larger area than before. This may be the inheritance power brought by the predecessors.

"Okay, then you can also use Bird to help me find those three fruits."

Yi Ming told Leo Luting about the general environment he saw and the appearance of the three-line fruit.

Although time has passed, the environment will definitely undergo major or minor changes, but it should not be too different, and there is still a high probability that they can be found. With the assistance of Riolu, the success rate can be greatly improved.

Yi Ming's eyes fell on the crystals on the ground below. Their original radiance had disappeared. Not long ago, they were still in a pure blue state, but now for some reason, impurities began to appear again.

Inhabiting the Tree of the Beginning of the World, the wild Pokémon that had been calmed down once again became restless. Looking at Yi Ming and the others in the air, faint hostility emerged.

"Obviously the riot of the fossil pterosaur has been resolved, and the countdown has not yet come."

Yi Ming hesitated.

This scene is obviously not quite right, and the tree of the beginning of the world seems to have started a stress response again.

"Could it be that Jiang Zuo Tianlin and the others took some inappropriate actions?"

Right now, that seems to be the only possibility.

Because they attacked the wild Pokmon living on the tree of the beginning of the world, destroyed the environment here, caused troubles and caused chaos, and must have caused the instinctive reaction of the tree of the beginning of the world again like the fossil pterosaurs.

Reminiscent of the task of solving the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaurs being completed by Yi Ming alone, which caused them to come here but did not gain anything, they may indeed turn to the second best and attack the wild Pokémon inhabiting the tree of the beginning of the world .

Among other things, just having fossil Pokmon like Fossil Pterosaurs on the Tree of Origin of the World is enough to make them want to move.

Just as Yi Ming thought, Jiang Zuo and the others had already fought in various parts of the Tree of Origin of the World, deliberately looking for their favorite Pokémon.

What's worse, the rest of the players who followed Yi Ming and the others from Ouludran City, as well as the Rockets, also entered the world's initial tree at this point in time!

This series of behaviors caused uneasiness and spread rapidly on the tree of the beginning of the world!
It's no wonder why it quickly aroused the confrontation reaction of the world's initial tree.

The Tree of the Beginning of the World, the central heart where Yi Ming had been before, at this time, a figure quietly appeared in the dim tunnel.


He stepped lightly and quietly entered this area, his cold gaze swept across the surrounding environment.

First, above the center position, it exudes bright colorful light like a bright moon, the heart on the tree of the beginning of the world.

The tree of the beginning of the world is not a dead thing, but a living body.

Tianlin's eyes only stayed for a moment at the heart of the tree of the beginning of the world, and then turned to a small pink figure sleeping soundly and resting under it.

Seeing this figure, Tianlin narrowed his eyes slightly, bursting with excitement.

Dream is exactly his goal!
Tianlin took out a small gun-like object from his pocket, pointed the muzzle at Mengmeng, and slowly approached.

Perhaps because of poor condition and being too tired, Mengmeng didn't notice Tianlin's approach at the first time.

However, as the distance approached, perhaps sensing Tianlin's malice and sensing something wrong, Mengmeng's ears moved, showing signs of waking up.

Without hesitation, Tianlin immediately aimed at Mengmeng and shot, accompanied by a slight sound, a ray of light flashed in mid-air, and shot at Mengmeng.


Mengmeng woke up, surprised at Tianlin's approach, and immediately transformed into a Bi Diao flapping its wings and flying out.

"Hmph, you can't escape, Dream."

Looking at the disappearing Mengmeng, Tianlin sneered, the thing he launched just now could track Mengmeng.

The dream state does not look very good, but it is a good opportunity, and this time the mission will definitely be successful.

At that time, Tianlin, who has made important contributions, will definitely be able to get points within the Rockets.
At this moment, it seemed that a chain reaction was triggered. The heart of the tree of the beginning of the world reacted violently, and a lava-like luster gushed out. At the same time, players within the range of the tree of the beginning of the world received warnings!

[Warning: The current area has become a dangerous area and will attack players. 】

[Warning: The current area has become a dangerous area and will attack players. 】

[Warning: The current area has become a dangerous area and will attack players. 】

The crystal behind Tianlin dissolved and quickly condensed into a colloidal Pokémon that had already disappeared. It hit Tianlin, and Tianlin couldn't get rid of it like glue, and there were signs of swallowing Tianlin in an instant.

Without hesitation, Tianlin immediately returned to the real world.

In an instant, Tianlin's figure disappeared from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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