Chapter 2
Fuxi Mountain is a paradise for plants.

There are hundreds of miles of land here, and there are only plants in the continuous ups and downs.

The first moment Qin Ruo became conscious, she was surprised at first, and then realized that she couldn't move.

A small grass next to her, swaying with the breeze, said to her: "Little Ganoderma lucidum, do you have spiritual consciousness?" The small green body turned left and right for a while.

Everything in the world has spirituality, but she never thought that she would be reborn on a Ganoderma lucidum.

Xiaocao continued: "Shouldn't you tell me? Around, around, there are guys who haven't cultivated their spiritual consciousness yet. Oops, this is too hard. Could it be that I can only talk to the sun and the moon every day? "

If Qin Ruo ignored it, the little grass was making a lot of noise.

The fog in the mountains is misty, containing the aura of heaven and earth.

Compared with her original environment of cultivating immortals here, it is simply not the same. The mist scattered and spread in every corner of the mountain, and the thick fairy air filled with it, just breathing, can let the body naturally enter the cycle of spiritual power .

Xiaocao was still buzzing next to her: "Hey, when will I be able to transform into a human form, there will be no great immortal to teach me, this is the rhythm of letting me fend for myself..." The voice was childish, Like a little doll, there is sadness.

Qin Ruo still ignored it, but he had rehearsed the exercises he practiced in his previous life over and over again, but after thinking about it, those are the laws of human cultivation, and he doesn't know if they are suitable for him now.

In the end, I made up my mind to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, regardless of whether he is suitable or not, I will try it first.

There is no time in the mountains, listening to the strange grass next to her every day, accompanied by the sunset and moonrise, she actually felt a trace of true energy in her body.Even though, when she looked inside, she found that this thread of true energy was thinner than the thinnest thread.Just wandering aimlessly inside her body.Like a free-spirited little fish.

On this day, a person actually came from the mountain.

Xiaocao was so frightened that she didn't dare to say a word, she just shrank her body, wishing she could bury her body in the soil.

Qin Ruo was also very surprised, she had cultivated here for countless years, and had never seen any traces of animals, but today she saw a living person.

She thought and thought, well, she also followed Xiaocao and pretended not yet enlightened.

The first thing that came into her sight was a pair of feet, barefoot, beautiful and upturned, with fat and thin wrists and ankles, which were naturally beautiful.

Next is the corner of the blue robe, covering the feet, leaving only five beautiful fingers protruding faintly.

Sitting next to Xiaocao, Xiaocao trembled three times in fright.

Qin Ruo looked at it, it was very funny, Xiaocao, who never stopped talking on weekdays, is probably going to be suffocated today.

Qin Ruo was thinking wildly, when he heard this man talking to himself, the voice was soft, softening the innocence of the youth and youth, but there was an indescribable charm blending into it: "I don't know how long I will keep you. It's a pity Those geniuses and treasures."

Qin Ruo was taken aback, who to raise?If she remembers correctly, there are many mountains and plains, and only one of her plants is Ganoderma lucidum...

A pair of hands with well-proportioned joints, slender and white.Just like his voice, for some reason, it made Qin Ruo feel captivating.

He picked up a small grass next to him with his fingers and rubbed it back and forth.

Qin Ruo feels bad for that grass.

"Is there something wrong?" The voice was still talking to itself, and Qin Ruo was confused.

Finally, the finger touched Qin Ruo's head, to be exact, it was the fan-shaped ganoderma lucidum.

Rubbing with her fingertips, Qin Ruo was so startled that she shut down all her consciousness.

In the following days, the mountains returned to calm.Every day and night when Qin Ruo just woke up, only the tireless, chirping, baby-like Xiaocao spoke in his ears.

"Everything is done by itself, and I can see its recovery." Qin Ruo was shocked, it was the person from that day again!

This person was drunk and stomped on Xiaocao and her side.Sing and dance.

After saying these words, he didn't seem to be satisfied, so he pulled out the small gourd from his waist and poured it on Qin Ruo's head.

As soon as the water touched Qin Ruo's body, she realized that it was a juice drawn from high-quality medicinal materials.

Qin Ruo was drenched all over, and the small mushroom on the top of the umbrella was dripping with water.

This strange man sighed continuously for three lives, and walked away on the wind.

Neuropathy!At that time, Qin Ruo had only one thought in his mind.

Seeing that the man had disappeared, Xiaocao started a new round of bombing. "I said, these good materials are for nothing, why don't you give me some. Is a plant that doesn't even have consciousness more delicate than me?"

Qin Ruo was already annoyed by that psychopath, but when she heard about this baby, she was dissatisfied again.I couldn't bear it for a while.

"You are enough!" Xiao Lingzhi, who had been tortured by Xiaocao for a long time, opened her mouth with only three words.

"Wow, it's haunted!" Xiaocao screamed, and bent down, wanting to bury her body in the soil again.

The night wind blew over, and Qin Ruo, who was drenched in water, shivered in his heart.This damn is a little crazy.

When will she get out of this damn place.

Just as she was thinking, Xiaocao seemed to have just realized that it was the Ganoderma lucidum in front of him that answered him, and the little guy immediately turned on the chatter mode.

"Let me say, little Lingzhi, can you talk now?" He straightened his drooping body again, "Is it because of the elixir just now? Oh, that thing is good."

"No." Qin Ruo interrupted his nagging, afraid that he would ruin this beautiful night because of this topic.

"Okay, okay, no, it's not. Your spiritual consciousness is developed later than me, and there are only two of us on the whole mountain. Hurry up and call the boss to listen."

Well, Xiaocao's spirit is surprisingly good, and finally changed from a stand-up comedy to a two-person oboe.His voice was a little louder than usual.

Boss, your sister.Qin Ruo became silent again.Come to think of it, the elixir poured out by this person must be of great benefit to him, otherwise the person beside him would not have been talking to himself for so long.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the fog can't block the light cast by the soft moonlight.

Qin Ruo suddenly realized that the words sung by the psychopath, no matter what kind of song it was, were clearly the formulas for cultivation.

Everything grows in a cycle, and I need to carefully observe their cycle operation.

Circulation... Qin Ruo had a thought in his heart, cooperated with the man's few formulas, after a week, when he looked inside, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the trace of true energy in his body had become twice as thick as before.

Another gust of wind blew past, "Ah Choo." Qin Ruo was so cold that he couldn't hold back, and sneezed.

The third time when he met the psychopath, Qin Ruo was so annoyed by Xiaocao that he reluctantly called him the boss.

The psychopath didn't recite poems, nor stepped on the grass and danced wildly, but sat quietly on the grass.

Both Xiaocao and she automatically entered the state of pretending to be stupid.Silent, pretending to be dead.

The insanity didn't care, and he sat in this mountain for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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