Chapter 3
At night, I didn't even change my body shape.

The moon hangs in the sky, round and big.

A few miles around, there is a faint medicinal fragrance.

Xiaocao finally couldn't bear it anymore and made a sound. "I said, how long are you going to sit on me?" In fact, it's not Xiaocao's fault. During the day, his head was overwhelmed. No matter how timid or temperless the guy was, he was out of breath, right? ?

The psychopath seemed not expecting to hear the little grass spirit speak, but he didn't panic, and replied softly to him. "Sorry."

Then his buttocks moved, and he sat an inch closer to Qin Ruo.

Xiaocaojing is a familiar chatterbox. Seeing that this person is very friendly, he immediately said again: "Hey, what is this place?"

Qin Ruo got dizzy for a while, Nima, didn't you tell me two days ago that he knew this place very well.Is it a fairy mountain?

The man's voice was ethereal, with a sense of absent-mindedness. "The medicine furnace."

The grass straightened its stems and leaves, and then asked: "The medicine furnace?"



Qin Ruomo was silent.

"Hey, the concoction you gave Xiaolingzhi last time, can you pour me a head too?"

"It's the fifth day of May again."


Two kinds of creatures, chicken and duck talking, Xiaocaojing himself enjoys it.Ask this and that endlessly.

Sometimes the boy would answer his questions, but sometimes he didn't know what he was talking about.

But Qin Ruo finally knew, what kind of fairy mountain is this?

Baicaotang is no stranger to Qin Ruo.

This is a family of medicine.A transcendent existence.

When Qin Ruo was alive, the three factions existed side by side.Baicaotang is not involved in it, but it does not cut down those who please.The doctors here are skilled in medicine, and there are many panacea in the valley.

Thinking of this, Qin Ruo's little heart suddenly shattered into pieces. Could it be that her Ganoderma lucidum was grown for the purpose of refining medicine?
But she remembered that the medicine stove in Baicao Hall was the place where fairy grass was cultivated.

Sitting for a whole day and night until he became insane, Qin Ruo finally said after turning around and leaving, "Xiaocao, have you ever thought about running away?"

She thought it over carefully, and realized that someone around her was coveting her every day, and it was really not a comfortable thing for her. In addition, if she didn't do it well, she would become a elixir refined by others.We must find a way to escape.

Xiaocao's heartless answer hit the nail on the head. "What are you running away from, can you move?"

This answer was like enlightenment, and Qin Ruo was stunned.

That's right, I can't move, it's a Ganoderma lucidum that is obviously waiting for someone to pick it!Depend on.

It was also because of the conversation between her and Xiaocao that Qin Ruo stepped up her practice even more, and at the same time tricked Xiaocao into making a poisonous oath that she must never tell the psychopath about her insanity.

Hard work pays off, until one day, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and there is a dark night in the sky where you can't even see the shadow of a cloud.

Qin Ruo finally took human form.Of course, here Qin Ruo is very grateful for the contribution she has made to the insanity. Those miraculous medicines were poured into her body like money, which accelerated her practice.

Every time the young man appeared, he either had a violent meal or sang and groaned.

Qin Ruo knew that it was only good for her, and because of the formulas spoken by the young man, she had gradually figured out some ways.The cultivation of monsters is not too different from that of humans.If it is said that as a human being, cultivation is mainly internal and external, then a monster is actually simpler, and the circulation effect of heaven and earth aura in the body is more significant.

When she transformed into a human form, she thought, maybe she was scared to go crazy.

Otherwise, why would the first reaction of a neuropathy be to blush when he stepped onto the hill.

The boy with delicate eyebrows, childishness and temptation only glanced in her direction, and then ran wildly.In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from her sight.

She didn't even have time to figure out what the light in his eyes meant, and ran away like a frightened little rabbit.

Something gently wrapped around her ankle.Feels like a feather passing over the skin.

She lowered her head and heard the angry voice of the little grass spirit. "Good brother, be loyal enough."

Qin Ruo suddenly laughed, it was all a mess.I don't know what Xiaocaojing has in his mind.She knelt down and said to Xiaocaojing, "You should practice here obediently, and come to me when you can also transform into a human form."

The little grass spirit does not follow, Qin Ruo seems to be able to see the child that the little grass spirit has transformed into, looking like a little adult, with his neck scratched and his heart furious.

"Where can I find you, where can I find you, you liar!"

Hmm...that's a really annoying little guy.Qin Ruo scratched her head and pulled out a hair.Put it on Xiaocaojing's blade of grass, and said: "This way, you can find me."

Seeing the little guy wrapping that hair with a leaf carefully, he couldn't help but want to laugh again.

The items on the spirit monsters carry their natural aura.Especially the spirit monsters of plants and trees have a stronger breath than the other spirit monsters.

It can be considered that the little grass spirit has been settled, and suddenly a gust of cool wind blows towards his face.

Qin Ruo realized it at that time, damn it.The insanity was not frightened, but shamed by her.She is used to plants, and she forgot to wear clothes when she was transformed!

He casually called out the clothes, and just as he got on, he was shocked again.

The neuropathy came and went, holding a medicine jar in one hand and a small stove in the other.

Qin Ruo was stunned.Looking at this posture, I guessed wrong just now.The psychopath is not a bunny at all, but a ferocious wolf.

If she was right, this very good-looking boy was going to drug her on the spot.

Qin Ruo's first reaction was to fight.Thinking back to the conversation between Xiaocao and him at the beginning, I knew that the magic power of plants was basically limited here.

At that time, Xiaocao asked him: "This mountain is full of aura, if the plants all over the mountain become spirits, wouldn't they beat you to the ground?"

The young man smiled slightly, and said: "There are formations in the mountains, which can infuse the vegetation with spirituality, and the effect of refining medicine is not the same. How can we let them use demonic methods and hurt us?"

Therefore, it is definitely unreliable to fight.

So what to do?run.

"There is a mark engraved on the whole mountain, and you can't escape it by running."

Qin Ruo thought and thought, but he couldn't beat him, and he couldn't escape.

The little girl who has just turned into a human form, looks like eleven or twelve years old, with a red face that looks like a little bun that hasn't opened yet.

With a common sound, he landed on his knees and knelt down.

As soon as he looked up, tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me." Hey, he made a mistake when he got excited.

"Hero, hero, spare me!"

The chubby little paws tugged at the boy's hem, twisting and kneading.The strength was astonishing, and after only a moment, the stretched fabric was crumpled into a handful.

(End of this chapter)

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