Chapter 42
Such a big ostentation was actually paid attention to by Fat Dad's teacher.The master has read a lot of books, and he has also read a few books on cultivation. When he was young, he also had a dream of becoming a fairy.

Some are mentioned in the book.

The fat old man sighed and was sent to the medical clinic opposite the inn, and the master arrived shortly thereafter.

The two discussed it and finalized this note.

Master said that cultivators should be compassionate.If the county magistrate really offended the immortal, this is the only way to do it.

As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

The people in the whole town didn't offend the immortals.

The fat old man patted his thigh, OK.

Pay attention to this.

The people in the town were immediately called together.

The town is not big at all, and when Qin Ruo and the other three came downstairs, everyone could barely gather.

This scene of people begging was staged directly on the street.

Who is Qin Feng?When I was in the house, I heard the county magistrate talk about it, and no one was killed.It shows that this demon still knows how to restrain himself, and doesn't want to ruin his practice.

He doesn't want to interfere, and doesn't want to interfere.

It's not that something happened to the senior sister, it's none of his business.

It doesn't matter if you say he is cold or cold-blooded.Just don't want to care.

He was about to pass the crowd with his steps, Qin Ruo's little paw was firmly held in his hand, and the little grass spirit followed behind.

The three of them were silent, everyone outside the inn looked at me and I looked at you.

The fat old man glared at the master even more viciously. Didn't this guy swear that the immortal would help them.

The two guards stood up, bent over and followed Qin Feng to the left and right, step by step.And did not give up persuasion.

Qin Ruo was held by Qin Feng's hand, exerting force.

The footsteps stopped.

She raised her head, her eyes sparkling. "Are you really not going to help?"

She remembered that when she was a child, the little wolf she raised was sick and had diarrhea after stealing the elixir, but Qin Feng even helped to get the medicinal materials.

Now that people are asking for it, she can't bear it.

The people kneeling on the ground had expectations in their eyes.

She never forgot her father's teaching.

Eliminating demons and defending the Tao should be the duty of a cultivator.

Qin Feng sighed in his heart.

Still the same, always wanting to help others.

Xiaocaojing felt honored to be watched by so many attentions.

Also add oil and vinegar to the side.

Qin Feng stopped his steps and stopped.

Gougou's index finger pointed at the guard on the left.

"You get those scared people first, and I'll see and talk about it." Qin Feng didn't talk too much, he didn't know much about what was going on.

After a while, four or five people followed the guards.

Qin Feng glanced over and saw that they were all men of Yishui.

There are not many people, and there are only a dozen or so when counting additions, additions, and subtractions.

At first glance, it looks like a villain, but it is still the same when you look closely.Although he was crazy and stupid, the energy in his body was not right.

The few people were so crazy that Qin Feng asked them all they could do was yelling about monsters, and they couldn't explain the reason for the rest.

Qin Ruo was also listening carefully at the side. When she saw this, she stood on tiptoe and whispered to Qin Feng: "I don't think they are good people." There was a hint of begging for Qin Feng's approval in the pupils, and the words were full of the kindness of the little girl towards her best friend.

A good pair of brothers.

The little grass spirit had no scruples, and started yelling in front of everyone. "These guys deserve it for being stupid, there's nothing good about it." After finishing speaking, he curled his lips, for fear that others would not know his dislike for these people.

(End of this chapter)

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