Chapter 43
Qin Feng listened to Xiaocao Jing's unavoidable words, which seemed to wake him up, and his attention was drawn.Facing him, he asked, "You said you met a beautiful sister?"

Hastily nodded.

"In Cat Lane?"

Nod again.

"It seems that even if the one in Mao'er Lane is a monster, he's not that bad." Qin Feng said the last sentence to Qin Ruo, maybe things weren't as bad as he thought.He is really a monster, he has never harmed his life, and he has never attacked ordinary people.

Qin Ruo felt that Qin Feng thought of something with himself, and she also had the same idea.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the wild cats outside the inn called out from time to time.The passionate melody of meow indicates that the warm spring days are rushing to this land.

Qin Feng was at ease in the room, meditating and adjusting his breath.

To prepare for finding that famous monster in Mao'er Lane tomorrow.

It's not easy to grind your guns in front of the battle.

Qin Ruo was disturbed by the meowing of cats, and deeply understood the difficulty of ordinary people.

This damned cat didn't let her sleep anymore.

It would be fine if there were a few meows normally, but it was so intense in the middle of the night...

Simply sat up.

The cry became louder and then quieter, Qin Ruo listened attentively, and found that the sound was getting closer and closer to her window.

Yi Gulu got up from the bed.

He walked to the table and brought a pot of tea.

Open the window lattice, just about to pour the whole pot.


Damn, Qin Ruo feels that the whole person is not well.

On the second floor of the inn, a person was floating outside her window.

Yes, float.

With his feet not touching the ground, he stood floating in front of her.

Red face, green hair.Just like Xiaocaojing described.

There is fog on his body, surrounded by clouds.

She is afraid.

Qin Ruo is very timid, and suddenly she was shocked to see such a completely different existence from ordinary people. She is not a grass spirit, and she can appreciate this abnormal color tone.

She, she, she couldn't move.

Whoever has such a monster floating outside their window in the middle of the night will probably be frightened.

His feet were soft and his whole body was weak.

"I, look at you."

The voice floated in, and it was exactly in line with the fearful feeling this person gave Qin Ruo, with a gloomy and cold air.

Even though the tone of the green-haired monster's speech was not malicious, Qin Ruo felt that the temperature around her was a little lowered by her words.

Qin Ruo didn't reply.

Zhang didn't open her mouth... She was just so courageous, she was the only one in the room at this moment, and all the ghost stories told by her brothers and sisters when she was a child ran into her mind.

Now she doesn't have any evil spirit in her body, so she is very frustrated.

It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I'm too scared to open my mouth or move my body.

The cold came out from the top of his head immediately.

Just when he didn't know whether to play dead or play dead, Qin Feng appeared in the house.

Turning around, he stood in front of Qin Ruo, his whole body's spiritual energy condensed in his hands, ready to go.

The figures outside the window fluttered and fluttered, watching Qin Feng's movements curiously.Ask again: "Is this spiritual energy cultivated by human beings?"

She was closer than before, less than two feet away from Qin Feng.He stretched out his fingers, as if he wanted to touch the aura in Qin Feng's hand.

Qin Ruo hadn't slowed down until now.With Qin Feng by her side, her courage suddenly expanded several times from the size of a fingernail.

The brain also followed suit.

It was only at this moment that the person outside the window came into Qin Ruo's eyes.

Hair loose, two eyes, one mouth, covered in a green dress, bare feet.

It is no different from the human beings she has seen in normal times, at most it is a different color.

(End of this chapter)

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