Chapter 48
Sunflower was suddenly caught by someone's legs and feet, and he screamed violently.

Qin Feng took advantage of the gap when it was charged, and stabbed its body with the long sword in his hand.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, and the once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity could be completed tacitly without words.Both defense and attack are first-class sunflowers, and they were hit right by the two tacit blows.

The woman sitting on the ground snorted, not knowing whether it was the contempt for Qin Ruo and the others or the dislike of the little sunflower demon.

The following words will give an answer to this question.

"You idiot, the Demon Lord never said you were such a waste when he asked you to come. Thanks to my old lady, I thought you were really guaranteed." This woman was very strange, and the defeated general didn't show any signs of depression. She first complained about Sunflower.

When she spoke, her eyelids drooped, as if everything just now was a dream, and she was an out-and-out gorgeous woman, her eyes were fixed on the nails she had split after touching Qin Ruo just now.No disdain can be heard in the frivolous tone, some are just simple and straightforward.

Hearing this, Sun Kui shook her head, Qin Feng's sword in her body did not fall down, her body swayed from side to side, Qin Ruozao let go of his leg.At this moment, this guy looks like he is walking in a spacewalk, or he looks like someone who has drunk too much alcohol, and his shaking path is crooked.

Qin Feng felt that something was wrong when he heard this woman talking just now, but now seeing that both of them were seriously injured, they were still so leisurely.

Of course, the most important thing was Qin Ruo, most of his mind was on Qin Ruo, and he had seen Qin Ruo sitting upright when the woman was talking.

Qin Ruo closed her eyes and sat cross-legged.While looking inside, I was caught by the extra star in my body.

The devilish energy that the woman hit on her just now was sucked in by the only light spot, and it spontaneously came out.

The darkness in the rest of the Sea of ​​Consciousness and this brighter light became two extremes.

She searched hard for the thread of spiritual power that should be in her body, but she couldn't find it anywhere.

But the changes in her body reminded her of the return of her demonic power all the time.Coupled with the magic energy that Guangming absorbed just now, it seems that the monster power around her is more refined than before?
What the woman just said about Ganoderma lucidum also made him feel uneasy and vigilant.The identity of Qin Ruo's Ganoderma lucidum can be recognized by a woman just by looking at it, so she is probably an expert in this area.Never let it go!

Qin Feng made up his mind, and the sunflower monster finally fell down after stumbling around for a long time.

Qin Feng's eyes were bottomless, and the killing intent was already out.With ten successes in his hand, he slapped the top of the woman's head with a palm.

This woman was no different from the sunflower that walked with her, she was just the most obvious monster.

With a palm strike, the enchanting woman turned into a puff of smoke, leaving green blood stains on the ground.

Qin Ruo was startled, the sunflower and the woman were covered in black mist.

Qin Feng struck down with his palm, and Qin Ruo saw that the black mist also disappeared.

All that's left is the obedient sunflower with the big head.

Qin Feng's face was expressionless, and after dealing with the enchanting woman, he was about to give this palm too, but in the blink of an eye, the sunflower disappeared without a sound... Just when Qin Feng was dealing with the woman.

Originally, things were over here.

The little grass spirit poked her head out leisurely, pointed at the place where the woman was just now, and said, "What is this?"

Qin Ruo and Qin Feng looked over.

(End of this chapter)

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