Chapter 49
a seed.

It is impossible to tell what kind of plant the seed is, black oval, with a glossy surface.

If what he expected is correct, this is what Qin Ruona only wanted to give to them last night.The current appearance is its prototype.

Come to think of it, the ugly monster in the middle of the night yesterday was really ruthless, so he really left this kind of thing behind.

These two monsters that only appeared this morning must also be related to this kind of seed.

Zheng told the banshee who was dealt with by Qin Feng that she came to Mao'er Lane because of this seed.

After several considerations, Qin Feng still kept it in the gourd silently.

He didn't think much about it, he just felt that the source of the accident in the town was the ugly monster and such a little thing.

Now that everyone in the town has agreed, they simply settle the matter completely.

It can also be regarded as a return to everyone's expectations, so that I can feel at ease.

Such a seed, it is estimated that even if it is turned upside down, it will not be able to make much waves...

Qin Feng came out of Mao'er Lane, and the seeds lay quietly in his gourd.

Just as Xiaocaojing was about to speak, Qin Feng swept her over with a sharp look.The words that came out of my mouth got stuck in my mouth.

Since midnight last night, Qin Feng has been full of resentment towards him, and now he doesn't want to hear the little guy's noise.

Qin Feng said: "Let's get out of town quickly."

He doesn't like this damn place.

Qin Ruo nodded, and took the initiative to reach out and hook his sleeve, being too obedient.

If it was before, Qin Feng would never have dared to imagine that Qin Ruo would act so intimately towards him.

He was happy in his heart, but he didn't show a single bit of it on his face, and he still had that bland appearance.

Senior Sister treats herself better and better...

Well, if this goes on like this, it won't be long before the senior sister can't do without me without knowing it.

On the way, of course, it was unavoidable to be stopped by the fat old man again.

Qin Feng's dislike for him was not conveyed through the words between the lines, but his attitude was indifferent.

It was almost seen that the fat old man bowed and bowed for a while, but Qin Feng remained motionless.

After leaving the town, the three of them walked in the air, not in the demon world but near the Yunyang faction, which was completely opposite to it.

The little grass spirit wanted to speak several times, but was frightened back by Qin Feng's cold and stern gaze, she felt wronged and lay down on the magic weapon to count the clouds.

Qin Ruo and Qin Feng still interacted with each other, asking and answering questions.

"The demon power has recovered?" Qin Feng was already clear, he saw Qin Ruo's way of dealing with women just now, but the situation was urgent and he didn't have time to ask clearly.

Now, having left the town, sitting in the clouds, the only thing I can see is the blue sky and the white clouds.

Qin Ruo nodded, she didn't know the situation of the monster power in her body, she just told Qin Feng what happened to her.

Although there were not many words, Qin Feng could still understand the few words and phrases.

Looking at the distant sky, Qin Feng remembered a situation he had heard about.

That happened when he was young, before he was imprisoned in Yunyang.

At that time, Qin Feng didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and he was full of vigor and arrogance in dealing with people, and he didn't know why to restrain himself.He offended many people at a young age.

It was at that time that I heard a saying that the demon is the body, the devil is the qi, and the immortal is the bone. If it comes out for ten thousand years, it is holy.

That's what my father said.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng fell into that long memory...

How long has he not thought of his father and family, and he smiled mockingly.

Qin Ruo didn't speak until the familiar mountain peak in Yunyang could be seen clearly.

"It's still the same." The voice was not loud, almost talking to himself.

Xianshan, which I haven't seen for many years, overlaps with the appearance in my memory.

The three peaks stand side by side, and the main peak is surrounded by misty immortal energy all the year round.

Qin Feng concentrated his attention and his face was solemn.

This place is now one of Qi Tao's assignments, and the mountain is no longer a familiar figure to them.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Ruo is still not in a hurry to register in the demon world.

It's not impossible, anyway, since it's all delayed, it's only a few days left.The demon world is not like here, he can protect Qin Ruo at all times, Qin Ruo's identity is only a low-level monster, and he can see through it, which makes him even more worried.

The foothold is in a little-known hill.

And several mountain peaks are no more than a thousand feet away, and there is no human habitation.

The sound of Yunyang's bell was transmitted through the mountains in the distance, and Qin Ruo only felt that things were different.

This is the sound of morning class... I can still think of my father's serious face, admonishing her with my eyes closed.

Qin Feng led the two of them to walk slowly, passing through the valley in the mountains, and inhaled the scent of flowers into his nostrils.

A few birds were still chirping on the treetops, and I had to admire Qin Feng's choice of residence with good mountains and rivers.

Accompanied by a clear stream, Qin Feng was going up the stream.

"Where is your home?" Xiaocaojing couldn't bear it anymore. Ever since he left the town, Qin Feng had never given himself a good face. He has walked more than 100 steps until now. home.

Qin Feng didn't reply, and led the two of them forward with a dull head, until they reached the top of the peak, and a thatched house appeared in front of them.

If it weren't for the ugly look on Qin Feng's face, the little grass spirit would have complained long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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