Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 574 Awakening 4

Chapter 574 Awakening 4
Just like their orderly actions at night, they neatly started running towards the direction of the living dead.

Qin Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that the house she used to imprison the puppet was already packed to the brim, without even the slightest gap.

"Teng Man, thanks to you this time." Qin Ruo was grateful in her heart.Finally, on the verge of danger, the city was saved.

She stood facing the wind, looking back at Yin Xun.In his smile, he saw Yin Xun, the great general, yawned heavily.

Looking again, the dozen or so people in front of the city gate were already sitting on the ground. No one would dislike the hard ground, and everyone's face was full of joy after the disaster.

Qin Ruochong waved to everyone. "Let's go back to the city and get a good night's sleep." She knew that what the people guarding the city overnight needed most was rest.

Yin Xun is also laughing.The general's battle-tested brows were filled with the joy of victory.Every victory is a matter of pride for him.

Hearing Qin Ruo's words, the smile deepened.It only made this always serious general look gentle at the moment.

"Yeah, I think what everyone needs most is rest. Get a good night's sleep." His eyes also chased those people guarding the city gate. After a tired night and a hard night, the result was sweet.Each of the brothers he brought with him is worthy of pride.

He gave the crowd a thumbs up.Qin Ruo also imitated his movements, and gave thumbs up to those who were already exhausted.

Praise doesn't require fancy words, just like the extremely simple actions Qin Ruo and Yin Xun are doing now, but it can make everyone very moved.

"Shangli..." It was Yinyong's cry that came from afar.

Qin Ruo was discouraged.What kind of reincarnation is this guy?Her good mood was completely defeated by the two words he called out.Fu forehead looked over, and as expected, following the voice, he could see that person, walking towards them.

"Your newcomer?" Yin Xun hurriedly met Yin Rong once at night, but at that time, this guy was no different from the other puppets.Now he has become Mr. Pianpian, so there is no connection between the two at all.

The kitten jumped onto Qin Ruo's shoulder.He said viciously: "My master will not accept this person!"

Therefore, when Yin Rong came to Qin Ruo Zhengzheng, what he heard was exactly this sentence.

"Shangli." The pure and impurity-free call sounded nice from his mouth.But Qin Ruo only felt that the blood was surging, and she was indescribably upset.

"I said, I'm not Shangli." But what could she say?Not long ago, this person helped her a lot, and she could really say some nasty things in front of her?

Yin Rong's face just dimmed for a moment, and then said: "It's okay, if you say no, then you are not." After he finished speaking, he smiled faintly.

During the second half of the time guarding the city gate, he had time to think about things that he hadn't thought about before.Why become a puppet?How long he has been in such a daze, he has no idea.In his memory, he once clearly remembered that Shangli gave his life for himself.But he can't feel wrong, the voice and appearance of the girl in front of him are all carved out of the same mold as Shangli, he thinks the only answer is reincarnation.

As the King of Hades, he has seen too much reincarnation.The best result of what happened back then was nothing more than this, he was able to wake up and meet the reincarnated Shangli.Although Shangli's words repeatedly showed that he was ignorant of the previous events, he was not wrong.The kittens circled around her, meowing one after another, and his intuition was not wrong.

"No matter who you are, I will follow you." Yin Rong made up her mind.In this life, he will be by her side to make up for what he missed before.

Qin Ruo has a big head.

"Forget it. My people are exhausted. What everyone needs now is a good night's sleep. Wait a minute, shall we discuss this issue later?" Qin Ruo began to gather a lot of people. People come, most of these people are masters who followed Yin Xun to stay here all night.Looking for it is also because of Yin Xun's face.

In crowded places, Qin Ruo had no intention of arguing with Yin Rong.So he decided to dismiss everyone first, and then talk to Yin Rong.She just met him last night, who would have thought that this man already had a plan to follow her in his heart.

Shame stepped back.Quiet as if it didn't exist.He got Qin Ruo's guarantee, so he was not in a hurry.They still have too much time to waste.He had already noticed that the crowd gathered in front of him seemed to be people from Shangli.

Yin Xun seemed to be casually leaning over to Qin Ruo's side.He could hear the conversation between the two just now, but he still had some doubts.For this person, the tone sounded like he was here to defect to Qin Ruo, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, he just felt that it was not as simple as he thought.Fortunately, he is not a troublesome person, so he didn't ask about Qin Ruo's relationship with him in front of so many people, but just said what he should say at the moment.He said: "Qin Ruo, I will take everyone to rest first, will you come with us?"

"Naturally. Where else can I go if I don't follow everyone." She answered playfully.I don't want to ruin the rare good mood because of my shade.

In the blink of an eye, he embarked on the road into the city alone.

The city gate finally opened at this moment.Countless people from the city poured out.Yin Xun's scalp was numb, seeing how many times these people were puppets than the number of puppets they dealt with last night.

The crowd rushed towards them excitedly.Before Yin Xun could react, he was already lifted up and held high.

The crowd shouted excitedly.The deeds of defending the city last night have already spread to every corner of the city.People respect heroes, and even more respect those who protect their lives.

Yin Xun was infected by everyone's enthusiasm, raised his eyes to see Qin Ruo who was scattered by the crowd, he was treated no differently from himself, he was lifted up, aloof.

The eyes of the two flicked across the air, and Yin Xun could see Qin Ruoxiao's reluctance.

Crowds of people are crowding and pushing towards the gate of the city.Qin Ruo just felt dizzy, was lifted up and thrown into the air, and then fell down to be caught.In my lifetime, I have never had such an experience.

Excited people, filled with happy smiles.Every hero guarding outside the city gate is an object of their admiration.

Yin Mingyang's appearance is always at the end.The city lord, who was also standing in front of the city gate, finally arrived late at this moment.The crowd automatically made way for his arrival, Yin Mingyang stood in front of them, and said with a heroic smile: "Go, I invite you to drink tea!"

Unable to hold back the enthusiasm of the crowd, Qin Ruo and Yin Xun were both involuntarily brought to Yin Yang's mansion.

The crowd is still lingering.

(End of this chapter)

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