Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 575 Seizing the City 1

Chapter 575 Seizing the City 1
Yin Xun restrained a lot of energy.Being dragged to the city lord's mansion is definitely not a good experience. He couldn't stand everyone's enthusiasm. He just didn't want to spoil the joy of people at this moment.

After all, Yin Mingyang is the lord of the city.No matter what he said, everyone was convinced.Standing in front of his own mansion, he bowed to everyone and said, "Let's go away first. It's been a hard night, and it finally came to a good result." Right now, there are people everywhere, and the city lord's mansion is completely surrounded by people, but Seeing everyone's face inevitably brings a little tiredness.The sky was bright, and it was early for their rest time on weekdays.By this time, it is considered the limit.

Yin Mingyang's joy comes from the preservation of the city.Not to mention anything else, the residents of a city alone can finally have a stable environment.

Qin Ruo actually agrees with Yin Mingyang's approach.Different from everyone's tiredness, when Qin Ruo reached the spiritual level, the limits of his body were no longer comparable to those of normal Yin family members.After a night of fierce fighting, at most she just felt a little hurt after having fucked a few places, but her body was fine.She was hiding her words and wanted to have a good talk with the city lord.

In response to all the calls, most of the freshness of people watching the excitement has passed.After hearing Yin Mingyang's words, the crowd dispersed quite a bit, and only a few of them stayed where they were, not moving for a long time.It can be seen that the influence of the city lord is still very large.

Yin Mingyang nodded, and then made a gesture of invitation.Then he said politely to Qin Ruo: "Miss. There is a good tea in the old man's house, waiting for you to taste a cup."

"Go. I have something to tell you." Qin Ruo was not polite.Taking advantage of the trend, he searched for Yin Xun's whereabouts in the crowd. At this moment, Yin Xun, who had just been dispersed, tried his best to squeeze towards them.

The eyes of the two meet in the air.Qin Ruo saw that Yin Xun nodded inaudibly.She flicked her sleeves and immediately opened a way for Yin Xun.As for the yin, it was beyond her ability.

Yin Xun trotted to the front.Low and Qin Ruo whispered: "Go and negotiate with Yin Mingyang yourself. What should be said is that we have agreed earlier, and it doesn't matter whether I am here or not." It's not that he doesn't want to participate in this matter, but those people under him still don't care about it. Waiting for his own arrangements, Yin Xun has a steelyard in his heart, and it is true that he takes care of himself first.

"That's fine. Leave it to me. You can just wait and go." Qin Ruo didn't force him.

The whispers between the two of them were done quietly, and no one really noticed anything unusual.If it had to be more serious, only Yin Rong could see it more clearly than others because her mind was all on Qin Ruo.

When it comes to Yin Rong, it has to be said that this person doesn't know Qin Ruo's thoughts at all, and wants to follow her step by step.After figuring out a trick, he passed through the overlapping crowd and followed.The figure floated, and Qin Ruo only felt the demonic aura when he got close.

"Didn't I say that, let's talk about your matter later." She rolled up her sleeves and spoke to the empty corner, causing many people to look at each other.

Yin Rong's face became darker and redder.Nodding blankly is considered to have answered her words.

Shangli told him to stay here, and he just stayed here.At most it is just waiting for a few hours, this time is nothing.

Qin Ruo looked interesting, but she couldn't bear to drive him away.Just thinking about it, this one doesn't bother her at all, luckily.

A girl ran out of the house, dressed in blue and plain clothes.Quite a bit of the aftertaste of seventeen or eighteen girls in the world.

Before Yin Mingyang could speak, the girl had a bright face and came up to hold Qin Ruo.He said in a good voice, "Girl, come in and sit down."

Both left and right wanted to step into the house and have a good talk with Yin Mingyang, but Qin Ruo didn't refuse.I just feel that I have never seen such a hospitable person in the Netherworld.At this time, I heard Yin Mingyang shout: "You girl. Go back to the house. I'm talking to the girl, you can't listen to me." Listening to the tone, although there is some order in it, there is no scolding on the contrary.

People can immediately guess the identity of this girl, and she should have a close relationship with the city lord.

"Father, can't I deliberately come out to meet this person?" Half wayward, half coquettish.The other free hand went straight to Yin Mingyang's arm.

"You, you..." When the city guard came down, how angry could he be if he was famous.Tianda's temperament can also be healed because of this incident.Even in front of Qin Ruo, if she wanted to turn her face to her daughter, it would be difficult to do so. "Be obedient. When we finish talking, you will have time to meet people."

This reason is somewhat persuasive.The girl responded, walking like a flutter.

"Miss Qin. Let's go in."

Finally sent off a group of people, Yin Mingyang stroked his beard, and then asked Qin Ruo to ask.

As soon as he entered the hall, Qin Ruo took the initiative to speak. "City Master, do you know the reason why I came to drink your cup of tea?" She was neat, she found a chair in the room by herself, and sat down.

Yin Mingyang lowered his head and thought for a while, before returning: "No matter what Miss Qin's purpose is, at least one old man can see it clearly. That is, without the girl, there would be no Yin Mingyang now." These words are really not worth it. Fake.The city was destroyed and people died.The most obvious truth.

"Since the city lord knows what's in his mind, I'll talk to you frankly." Qin Ruo raised the corners of his mouth, as long as the Yin Mingyang remembers their good, this matter can always be discussed.Before Yin Xun and her came, they made up their minds to take this city.They waited for so long, but what they were looking for was just an opportunity.People must be saved, and cities must be defended.Naturally, they cannot work in vain.

It's just that their appetites are relatively large, and what they want is not the return of Yin and Yang, but the city.

This city is at the junction of the two sides, it can be said that danger and vitality coexist.It depends on how the people in charge of the city use the advantages and strategies of the city.Yin Xun, as the one with the best strategic vision among them, had mentioned to Qin Ruo earlier in the morning that they would have the capital to negotiate with Yin Ming if they won this city.As long as the city exists, it will be another potential threat to the living dead and the underworld.

Qin Ruo sipped along the edge of the teacup.He spoke slowly, but in Yin Mingyang's ears, there was always a sense of oppression.This is the coercion that Qin Ruo can give him now.

Yin Mingyang was still in a relaxed mood. "Girl, just say, even if I can't finish it, in this darkness, is there anything that the little Hades can't do? As for the ultimatums issued by the little Hades before, I can even say a few words for the girl." Being rejected, Yin Mingyang was full of respect for Qin Ruo in almost every action.This moment is no exception.

"Wish? Little Hades?" There were smile lines on the corners of Qin Ruo's mouth.I'm afraid that when she opens her mouth, Yin Mingyang's tone will not be what it is now.

"What I want is simple."

(End of this chapter)

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