Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 610 Preaching 4

Chapter 610 Preaching 4
Yin Xun confronts Yin Chongyang, there is always something pitiful.In the beginning, it was Yin Xun who first knew about his secret love.Finally, Wen Mo appeared, another unreliable guy who added a lot to Yin Chongyang's failed and ignorant love life.

Finally, he stayed by Qin Ruo's side, but after a few days of good times, a shady face appeared again.It is indeed true that he is a little bit unlucky.So many things put together are enough for someone to compile a notebook and tell everyone.However, the corner of Yin and Chongyang is a tragedy.He himself was not up to date, inexperienced and scheming, which made the relationship between Qin Ruo and him suddenly drop to freezing point.

Come to think of it, it's all a headache.Yin Xun stroked the endless words in his mind, and simply asked: "If you say that Qin Feng is still there, will you allow yourself to indulge your feelings for Qin Ruo?"

Ok.No way forward, he assumed.The facts that have happened cannot be changed, so let them fantasize about it.

As in a dream, the young man who was completely hurt by Qin Ruo answered freely in a trance. "I can't control what love is about." He shook his head helplessly and lonely, but he gave the most truthful answer in his heart.Yin Chongyang understands that even if Qin Feng is still alive, he can see the two of them making love to each other all day long, but his feelings for Qin Ruo are unshakable, and he can't break free even if he wants to give up.

What's so good about Qin Ruo? !The woman said that what he said was worthless, and even ignored his true feelings.Why should he bother with others, and still hurt his feelings for her?Yin Chongyang couldn't tell.

Even Yin Xun asked him, "Then do you know what exactly I like about Qin Ruo?" He couldn't answer.

What does he like about her?have no idea.It was completely blank.

"Forget it. I don't feel sleepy tonight, so I'll blow the cold wind with you and be in a daze." Yin Xun talked to himself, and sat down next to Yin Chongyang.

In the night, Yin Xun heard Yin Chongyang softly whisper: "What's so good about her?" She is neither the most beautiful nor the one with the best temper.She is even a widow whose husband died. What good is she?

"Okay, there is only one Qin Ruo in the world. If you really like it, I advise you a few words, just listen." The land on the border is bare and nothing grows, but Yin Xun can catch a tree. The dying grass, contained in the mouth.He pretended to be indifferent, but with a bit of yin and yang, he replied casually.

In the quiet space, it seemed that even the only breathing of the two of them slowed down.

Yin Xun smiled knowingly, but finally didn't point out Yin Chongyang's little trick.At the same time, he also imitated the tone of Yin and Chongyang, speaking very lightly and slowly. "Follow her in all things, and listen to her advice. Think about it, who else can talk to Qin Ruo in this Nether world besides us? You only think about her hurting you Heart, have you never thought that what you did was to break her heart in advance?"

Yin Xun finally said these few words.Putting down his burden and having nothing to do, he patted the ashes on his buttocks, and strolled out a long way.

Brother, I know everything and say everything.Qin Ruo's approach is actually not a problem in Yin Xun's view. With Qin Ruo's character of ignoring all men, I'm afraid he didn't take into account Yin Chongyang's recent ups and downs, and his mood swings. For the word of love.Should he find another chance to blow Qin Ruo's ears?
Besides, although in his Yin Xun's eyes Qin Ruo and Yin Chongyang are not right, but Yin Chongyang's secret love is really bitter.If Qin Feng had any hope of surviving, he would not have participated in this matter.But in his opinion, Qin Feng must die.It's not a big deal for Qin Ruo to be alone for the rest of his life.Since Yin Chongyang liked it, he took advantage of the opportunity to make more arrangements.

Yin Xun gradually drifted away.In Yin Chongyang's eyes, until he could no longer be seen, this man refused to get up for a long time, still squatting on the spot.

If you ask Yin Xun's persuasion, has he listened to it?It was verbatim, and I have passed it a hundred times in my heart.

Yin Chongyang thought, yes, it's really not up to him to let him give up his feelings for Qin Ruo, and it's even more impossible for him to do it.Otherwise, what Qin Ruo said today would not make him feel so uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took, but the silent lonely figure on the border finally stood up.Yin Chongyang became more and more aware of what he was looking for.A word from Yin Xun is better than a century-old book.When it comes to love, he is very immature.But he needs to understand, he needs to grow up, and he needs to grow up rapidly for his own feelings.

On the other hand, Qin Ruo quarreled so fiercely with Yin Chongyang.Where can she feel better?Quarreling is not based on sound to measure how much it hurts people. Many words can hurt people to pieces just by talking up and down.Qin Ruo, who sat under the lamp and thought for a long time, was also saddened by her.

The heart has been sore for a long time, Qin Ruo is very numb.He lay down under the light and closed his eyes in a daze.

With a flash of yin, the protagonist, who is full of yin and yang and is jealous but has nowhere to vent, finally appears when everything is in a mess.He approached Qin Ruo slowly, and looked at Qin Ruo by the light.

Good, she fell asleep.

Qin Ruo didn't sleep well, and with a flick of her eyelashes, her shadowy face blended into the darkness of the half room.

What kind of worry made his girl so uncomfortable even in her dreams?
sleep.He searched for her dream and found the reason.At least he is bound to let her have a good dream.

In Qin Ruo's dream, there was only a drowsy sky and a vast land.As soon as Yinrong came in, I couldn't adapt for a long time.

In the dream, Yin Rong searched for a long time and finally saw Qin Ruo in a forest.

She is talking to someone?Yin Rong hides in the dark, looking over quietly.The man had wolf-like eyes, deep and fierce.

The fragments in the dream are unconnected.One moment Qin Ruo was still talking to that person, the next moment Qin Ruo had entered the bridal chamber with him.

Yin Rong was amazed, but had to comfort herself, these were just dreams.

Every fragment of Qin Ruo's dream has this man's figure.Until the man was buried for Qin Ruo, Yin Rong was also sweating profusely.He thought to himself: It turns out that Shangli already has a sweetheart.

Could it be this man's death that kept his girl awake at night, and even her dreams were filled with terrifying memories?

Yinrong has a plan, so she won't be obsessed with Qin Ruo's dream, and retreats.

During this night, Yinrong made the decision for herself.

Since Shangli loves him, he will find him back.

It was dawn, just dawn.Qin Ruo woke up from the nightmare with a heavy heart.She dreamed of Qin Feng's death again.It's been like this for a month.Every day she wakes up, she is dull and can't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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