Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 611 Declaring war is a mana activity 1

Chapter 611 Declaring war is a mana activity 1
It will be some time before they split with Little Hades.On the surface, everything is slowly progressing according to Yin Xun and her plan, and even the difficult puppet army of the living dead can't stop their progress.

"Girl, girl..." She wasn't the only one who woke up early like Qin Ruo, no.It was only when there was light in the sky that Chu Yang suddenly realized that Yin Xun was already waiting outside her door.

Qin Ruo rubbed her head, trying to make herself look more energetic.After a night of nightmares, the most frightening thing is to get up early and let people see her fragility.

"Girl, when you talked to Chongyang yesterday, did you feel a little heavy?" Yin Xun tossed and turned at night, waiting for the dawn to come and talk to Qin Ruo, nothing but Yin Chongyang's sad look , he couldn't bear it.

No, just entered the door and Yinxun opened the skylight to speak clearly, which is already clearly expressing his intention of coming.

"Yin Xun, if you only mention this, get out of my room immediately." Qin Ruo pointed at the door face, before the opened curtain was closed, Qin Ruo's order to evict guests came out.

Last night, Yin Chongyang was not the only one who was hurt.Could it be that she, Qin Ruo, was not hurt during the conversation with Yin Chongyang?The once close and trustworthy person let her down in an instant.

"Girl..." Yin Xun still wanted to persuade him, he was a sensible person, and from Qin Ruo's cold expression, it could be seen that Qin Ruo had really lost confidence in Yin Chongyang.Only then did he call out the previous title, and immediately changed the topic, "Our army is stationed here. According to the plan, it is time to declare war on the living dead."

As a general, as the only general on Qin Ruo's side with heavy troops, his duty was to clear the obstacle of the living dead for Qin Ruo.Right now, he couldn't mention Yin Chongyang in front of Qin Ruo, so he could only casually bring up the old things that the two had discussed, and at the same time add some thoughts of his own.

Qin Ruo's cold light subsided very quickly, "Was the battle yesterday considered a war against them? Wasn't the counterattack of the living dead last night their resistance?"

declare war?Could it be that such an eclectic figure like Yin Xun also learned from Little Hades, reading out the payment documents before the battle, and confronting the generals in the battle?In Qin Ruo's view, those things are always useless means.Fight as you say, and the two sides have reached this stage, instead of fighting each other, can they still negotiate amicably?

"That's different." Yin Xun said: "Our Nether has always been to give courtesy first and then fight. Even when I was in the living dead, every time I came to a handover, I would let the little Hades' army understand my purpose." Yin Xun wanted to say Well, Nether has its own rules, and what Little Hades did seems a bit stupid, but when two armies fight, there must always be a reason to let the other party know their intentions.

Qin Ruo thought about it for a while, and said, "I see. Leave this matter to me. Let everyone rest for half a day today, and we'll go break the city of the living dead in the afternoon."

Qin Ruo's method is not the same as Yin Xun's.

She dismissed Yin Xun, took advantage of the best time in the morning, and went straight to the city of the living dead where she had spent countless days with Yin Chongyang.

This was the first time Qin Ruo had seen the city after he regained his senses. The not-so-magnificent city still maintained the decay it had when it was captured.Ruins and ruins can be seen everywhere, Qin Ruo is wearing a cloak, walking very slowly along the road, she just wants to take a good look at how different her impression is from what she sees.

There are still many residents living in this city temporarily, but Qin Ruo can't tell whether they are the people of Youming or not just from their appearance.The residents of the border town seem to be not much different from those here.

"Have you heard? Nether seems to have the intention of counterattacking." Qin Ruo, who walked into the alley and covered himself in black, relied on his good body to listen to all the big and small things in the city.Only this sentence caught her attention.

She leaned against the wall and let the sun shine down.Close your eyes tightly and allow yourself to give all your attention to this passage.She remembered clearly that discussions of politics among residents were strictly prohibited in this city, and there were many opinions on military matters.If the soldiers on duty hear a few words of criticism from the residents who are not open-eyed, they will go to prison without saying a word.

Therefore, she never expected that she would hear such a passage here.

"Keep your voice down, the team on duty has just passed." At first glance, it was an old man's voice.Qin Ruo could imagine that the person who spoke must be extremely cautious.

"Father, let's run away. If the Nether army can really attack this time, we will take the opportunity to sneak into the army and follow them back."

Obviously, this is a conversation between a father and son at home.

"Escape? You have forgotten how your mother died? How many years have passed since our city was taken over by the living dead, have you ever heard that there is still hope for recovery? How many people in the city have waited for a lifetime , and failed to escape from the city in the end. Do you really think that you can escape back to Netherworld just by relying on your little trick?" The old man sighed.

As if feeling that these words were not enough to persuade the child who was ready to move, he said: "Your mother was too tempered back then. She said that she was born as a member of the Yin family and died as a ghost of the Yin family. The city was occupied by the living dead. She Even if we die, we will not stay in the city any longer. We packed up our things and avoided the patrolling people in the city overnight. We finally left the city, but do you know what is waiting for us next?" The old man felt depressed when he thought of the past.The child's mother left unjustly.

Qin Ruo could tell that there must be a sad story behind this, and she didn't want to focus on the father and son any longer.Because their conversation deviated from what she wanted to know, and she was waiting to collect other information, the old man's voice came when she was about to receive it.

"The Nether army retreated without a fight. A hundred meters outside the city has become a slaughterhouse for the living dead, where corpses are scattered all over the place, all the descendants of the Yin family floating here. The people of the living dead watched your mother pass through the blockade with cold eyes, The spear pierced her body. So, child, don’t tell me about running away, okay? We are lucky to be alive. As for the value of the surname? Who is in power and who is in power? What's the difference? Now, even if this is the world of the living dead, as long as we do our duty and do what they tell us, can't we live a stable life?" The old man was really scared. This son imitated his mother, not only in appearance Even the temper is [-]% inherited.If he didn't explain everything clearly, he was afraid that this kid would have another quarrel with himself after hearing some gossip from somewhere.

As a son, I have never heard such a detailed explanation from a father before.

(End of this chapter)

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