Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 657 The High Man in the Mountains 9

Chapter 657 The High Man in the Mountains 9
He returned to the city wall with less thought, and met Shang Yin and Chong Yang's calm face.

Because of her talents, she has accomplished a great event and is in high spirits.It was rare that he actually showed some joy towards Yin Chongyang.

Yin Chongyang kept her expression in his eyes, and said: "Yin Xun's side is almost done with it. When will we let the two parties meet?"

Oh?Double happiness?The wave of good news caught Qin Ruo by surprise.She originally thought that Yin Xun would have to wait a few more days before making her own decision and going out of the city wall to become a liar.

She took off her cloak, and the two mustaches were still hanging on her lips.

"I don't think it's necessary to meet. Right now, Little Hades' army has generals but no soldiers, and they will retreat on their own if they don't know tomorrow." Qin Ruo moved her lips and teeth, and realized that stroking her beard was a little awkward.

Yin and Chongyang seem to have not been seen.He just focused on the topic of the two of them, "I don't know how many days the situation on his side will last. If it's as the girl said, let's go to Yin Xun's place to help tomorrow."

"Let me think about it..." Qin Ruo just guessed that Xiao Yan Wang's people would leave by themselves.But if there really are some idiots who attack the border town with their eggs, what about those idiots who want to attack the border town with their life and death?

"Let's do this. Let them meet!" Qin Ruo made up his mind.The thousands of people of Little Hades, who are always a disaster, will fight first with the army of the living dead. "Let's not wait for tomorrow, we can meet Yin Xun."

Yin Xun got the order and went to prepare immediately.

Thinking less, he leaned forward and asked, "Girl, don't you need to rest?" Just imagine how hard they stayed outside for the past few days, even a tough man like him couldn't bear it, Qin Ruo, a girl from a family , just walk away and obviously still have to face another war, can the body take it?

Qin Ruo didn't realize that she didn't even need to rest?In the past, I always had to meditate and adjust my breath, and now I have not rested for a few days after absorbing the essence of nature. Is it still as good as before?

Yin Chongyang had only just walked away, and he had heard some of the less thoughtful words.

When several people were riding on the horses, but Yin Chongyang asked everyone to rest for a while because he was tired many times, Qin Ruo became suspicious.

"This matter is so urgent, you stayed here for another two days. Why are you complaining about being tired when you just go out today?" Qin Ruo guessed, could it be that Yin Chongyang was passing the message between her and Yin Xun, and it was tiring to ride back and forth between the two places? Arrived?

"Don't think about it. It's just that I slept less today and my spirit is not very good."

He didn't know how to express his concern for Qin Ruo.In the end, I only found a lame reason.

Still thinking less cleverly, after a few days getting acquainted with Qin Ruo, he didn't have so many worries when talking, half-jokingly said: "I see, he is feeling sorry for you, girl."

At least in this group of people, everyone knows about Yin Chongyang's thoughts.Yin Chongyang was thinking about Qin Ruo's matter, and they had already told him that he was dead.

Qin Ruo cast a questioning look, caring about her?
Yin Chongyang turned his face to one side like a shy boy.

After everyone had finished talking, they drove for a while and finally met Yin Xun.

Seeing Yin Chongyang and Little Thinking behind Qin Ruo, the big stone in Yin Xun's heart was relieved.

"Girl, their people have entered the forest."

He raised his eyebrows, and looked at Yin Chongyang's expression, it seemed that there was no progress with Qin Ruo?At the current speed, I'm afraid that both he and Xiaotong's dolls will grow up, Qin Ruo still doesn't know Yin Chongyang's affection for her, right?
Feel sorry for my friend a little bit.

"Bring me the map." Qin Ruo was dusty, but he didn't change much.But those who followed her didn't think much, their eye sockets were all black, which made people feel distressed.

Yin Xun handed over the map of the forest, and thought little of consolation: "Why don't you go and rest for a while, girl, I'll take care of it."

Shaking his head without thinking, he hasn't seen how powerful Qin Ruo is, so how could he be able to sleep. "General, you are overthinking." With two panda eyes on his face, he stayed by Qin Ruo's side.

Yin Xun is no longer persuading.Pat him on the shoulder and give him a thumbs up.Well done.

The maps in Qin Ruo's hands were drawn by Yin Xun himself.Not only detailed but delicate.Qin Ruo hadn't noticed the forest before, but after looking at the map today, he could imagine the appearance of the forest, which shows that Yin Xun's drawing is really good.

"How many people did they come this time? Who led the troops?"

Yin Xun gave a serious look and answered seriously. "The number of people who came should be around [-]." Of course, the [-] did not include the puppet army he had never seen before. "And that general, I'm afraid you'll be shocked if I say it." Qin Ruo apologized to Yin Chongyang when he killed Wen Mo back then. Father, Wen Youyuan. After all, he is still my father-in-law..." Yin Xun took a deep breath, which was very meaningful.He once promised that Wen Youyuan would not be hurt at all, but it was just that Xiao Tong had never seen the cruelty of war. If it was really a last resort, who could guarantee the life or death of the other.

Qin Ruo's eyes flickered.

The last sentence, she knew that was the point that Yin Xun was talking to herself.Now that the army of the living dead is in the forest, how can they not hurt Wen Youyuan and let him lose the battle?

This is really a problem.

Originally, Qin Ruo's idea was much simpler.It seemed that her thoughts might not come in handy.

"Let's do this." Qin Ruosi thought about it, and using force seemed to be the worst method.As long as the two sides open their positions, casualties are inevitable.The threat from Little Hades' army has been reduced to the minimum, so why don't she just go to have a frank and honest talk with Wen Youyuan?
Maybe with Yin Xun, Wen Youyuan can give himself some face?
Qin Ruo told Yin Xun his thoughts.But Yin Xun looked surprised, "I tricked Xiaotong into the forest by making a big show in front of him. Now we two go into the forest in person to talk to him, Qin Ruo, Qin Ruo, you are not afraid of him Just stabbed both of us with a sword?"

Well, it seems to have some truth.What should I do?Can't fight, can't talk.

"Qin Ruo, don't think too much about it. It's better to follow the old method, lure him and Xiao Yan Wang's people together, and let them fight by themselves first." Yin Xun also thought for a long time, the only way he could I haven't even met his father-in-law, so I can't hurt him.

Qin Ruo said: "Since you made a promise with Xiaotong, I have to worry about it. Xiaotong is not only your wife, but also my friend. It's better not to fight."

Yin Xun opened his mouth, feeling uncomfortable.After all, Xiaotong is his closest person, so why doesn't he want to resolve it peacefully?Therefore, the king of the living dead is a man with a bit of scheming, and it is very embarrassing for Wen Youyuan to come and kill them.

Yin Xun suddenly remembered something and slapped his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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