Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 658 Some People Just Know More 1

Chapter 658 Some People Just Know More 1
"I forgot. Internal History and Wen Youyuan have a deep relationship. Qin Ruo, you might as well ask Internal History. This time I was able to lead them into the forest. It was also the strategy of Internal History."

Qin Ruo nodded, and sent someone to call Nei Shi directly.

With his stomach on his back, Nei Shi appeared in front of everyone with a round face, and saluted Qin Ruo with a smile.

Qin Ruocai analyzed the situation here, and then listened to Nei Shi's quick words. "What's so difficult about it, Wen Youyuan now has only one precious daughter, and he tied the little boy to the wall. See if that old thing will negotiate with us."

After Nei Shi finished speaking, Yin Xun shot over with cold eyes.

He touched his nose, pretending not to know, and turned his back on his toes.

Anyone can come up with bad ideas, but it's really rare for internal history to come up with such bad ideas one after another.

The three people who rushed on the road one after another and hadn't rested in the past two days, except for Qin Ruo, the expressions of the other two were really not good-looking.Yin Xun realized that Yin Chongyang and thinking less were rare, and showed his exhaustion, he simply stopped the topic, "Forget it, since Qin Ruo you come back, we have nothing to fear. It's impossible for them to stay in the forest We are coming to attack the city tomorrow, you guys should go back to sleep first, let's discuss it when you feel better."

With Yin Xun's words, Qin Ruo nodded in agreement.With the matter in front of you, it is always good to have more time to brainstorm.

She returned to the residence, and took advantage of everyone's stipulated rest time to get into the small space.

Early the next morning, he was called out by the noisy voice in the courtyard.

In this room, just outside Qin Ruo's gate, Yin Xun pressed Nei Shi with a dark face.

What's wrong?When Qin Ruo came out of the small world, at first glance, Nei Shi, who was kneeling on the ground, became rounder and rounder, turning into a ball from head to toe, full of joy.

"Yin Xun, what did he do?" You don't need to think about it carefully, just look at Yin Xun's posture, you can tell that Nei Shi must have done something so big that Yin Xun didn't even want face, early in the morning Bind people in front of themselves.

"Hmph. This old bastard!" Yin Xun's eyes were red with hatred.

Neishi's big lump lay down at Qin Ruo's feet, pretending to be pitiful and crying for grievances.

Yin Xun was about to tell what the old guy had done, when Nei Shiyi opened his mouth faster than him, yelling in front of the door: "The old minister is wronged! The old minister is innocent. General Yin is really wrong." Knowing a good heart, I dig my heart and soul for our girl, and I was beaten and kicked by him, Miss Qin Ruo, you want to make the decision for me!"

Look at his grievances, and listen to his eloquent speech. If Qin Ruo didn't know this old and cunning guy very well, I'm afraid he could really be bluffed by him pretending to be pitiful.

Qin Ruo patted his foot on his buttocks.The soft touch made Qin Ruo startled by how fat Nei Shi was.

"Speak well, it's no use pretending to be pitiful to me." Qin Ruo looked at the internal history, then at Yin Xun, and gave Yin Xun the right to speak, and asked him: "What did he do? Let you Get angry?"

She has known Yin Xun for so long, but she has never seen Yin Xun so angry.

"What else can it be!" Yin Xun wiped his face, but the blood in his eyes couldn't go away. "The old man stole my handsome seal and hid the boy last night while we were resting!!"

Xiao Tong was the only person Yin Xun valued, Qin Ruo gasped after hearing this.She really didn't expect that the big fat man Nei Shi dared to touch Yin Xun's lifeblood after being overwhelmed by ambition.Before she could breathe out and calm down, Yin Xun said again: "Then this morning he hung the boy on the city wall, and issued documents to negotiate with Wen Youyuan!"


Qin Ruo didn't even know what to say.

Wasn't this bad idea completely rejected by them yesterday?The internal history was straightforward, and he did it first and then played it?

Nei Shi clattered to the corner of Qin Ruo's skirt, with a sad expression on his face. "Girl, girl. You heard me. I didn't do anything for myself, I just contributed to the peace talks between us and Wen Youyuan. Yin Xun wanted to kill me, girl!" Qiqi Ai's internal history, no He felt that what he did was wrong, it was all his own, of course he knew how much Yin Xun attached to Xiao Tong.It's just that from his point of view, if Qin Ruo disagrees that a large part of it is directed at Yin Xun, then he will be a bad person and take over Yin Xun's anger.As for things, as long as the desired result can be achieved, isn't it the best?As for the child's safety, he put his head on the bet that nothing would go wrong.

Acting, do you understand acting?Can Xiao Tong suffer from this in his hands?Then he would also be hacked to pieces by Yin Xun.

Therefore, although Nei Shi did this matter extremely dishonestly, in the end it was really for their sake.

Qin Ruo understood the whole story, "You lock him up first, and we will deal with this matter later."

Negotiations with Wen Youyuan are still on the agenda.

Yin Xun said: "Girl, I want to kill this old guy."

He is determined to shoot Nei Shi to death here, and the ideas that Nei Shi came up with these two times are getting worse every time.I'm afraid that if things go on like this, the internal history will really use Xiaotong to the end. With such a person by Xiaotong's side, Yin Xun can't stay.

Qin Ruo stopped him.

"I don't want to defend him. It's just that what he did was wrong, and it was for us in the end. It's just that it's more than meritorious. Since Xiaotong has been tied to the city wall by him, shouldn't what you should do now be to let your wife down?"

Yin Xun was burning with anger, and after Qin Ruo mentioned something, his consciousness finally became clearer.Busily lost the internal history and went straight to the top of the city.

Qin Ruo looked at Nei Shi with pity, "I don't need you to do these things for me. I don't plan to take advantage of the relationship between Xiaotong and Wen Youyuan, because Xiaotong and I are also friends, and that girl is very innocent. , even Wen Youyuan is not willing to let her understand the sufferings of this world, why should we obliterate her innocence?"

This is what Qin Ruo left for Nei Shi.

Yin Chongyang came one after another, but they already brought Wen Youyuan's reply.

Qin Ruo didn't shy away from it, and opened it in front of the two of them.Every line in the letter is full of Wen Youyuan's concern for the little boy, and Qin Ruo feels the same way.

"Come on, let's meet Wen Youyuan right now."

The letter mentioned that this morning he would go out of the forest in person to meet Qin Ruo.

The matter cannot be delayed.

The two acted swiftly and resolutely, and Major General Neishi was arrested and went directly to pay the contract.

This was the first time Qin Ruo saw Wen Youyuan, and it was different from what she had imagined.The letter reveals the person who is full of fatherly love, she will always inadvertently move closer to the image of her father.Only when I saw the real person did I realize that this person was very different from my father.

Qin Ruo's first impression of him was not good, it seems that this person has the outline of the inner history.

(End of this chapter)

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