Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 659 Some People Just Know More 2

Chapter 659 Some People Just Know More 2
A fine and calculating face with an aquiline nose.No matter how you look at it, he will not be a kind and kind father.

Qin Ruo suppressed the thoughts in her heart and looked at him.In his eyes, apart from the depth of the old way, he couldn't see the slightest feeling for the little boy.

"Let's get straight to the point." Wen Youyuan didn't say a word of unnecessary nonsense, and went straight to the point.Almost at the moment when he met Qin Ruo, he started talking. He didn't even have a chance for Qin Ruo to speak, and the procedure of mutual introduction was avoided.

In fact, Qin Ruo didn't mind these details at all.

Wen Youyuan was scheming, thinking that if he did this, he would be able to frighten the opponent with full aura.But Qin Ruo just smiled slightly, listening to what he said next, and didn't haggle over what he said.

Without red tape, the dialogue between the two progressed quickly.

"Little Tong was used by you as a tool to blackmail me. I admit it. I just came here to ask clearly, what do you need me to do to release Xiao Tong?"

Wen Youyuan's lieutenant made it clear to him that the boy was hanging on the city wall, dying.

"Do you still need to ask me this question?" Qin Ruo also turned on the domineering mode. She has always been strong when she encounters the strong, and it is impossible for her to be oppressed.Wen Youyuan's method may be useful for others, but Qin Ruo's method is simply useless.

He might as well show his paternal love for the boy honestly, Qin Ruo can still sit down and have a frank talk with him.

The ball raised by Wen Youyuan fell into his own hands again.

Before Wen Youyuan came, it's not that he didn't think about what Qin Ruo was looking for, but as the coach, he wouldn't fight this battle.Besides, Yin Chongyang in the city is standing behind Qin Ruo at this moment, and Qin Ruo is the woman who killed his daughter's enemy.He hates it!
"Apart from this, is there anything else we can talk about?" Wen Youyuan was very stubborn, he just didn't want to ask Qin Ruo if he could understand what it was like to be a father, and let his daughter go.

Moreover, Wen Youyuan probably doesn't know the current situation outside.Yin Xun had already brought the boy home to comfort him.

As a father, he is negotiating with others stupidly.

"Master Wen, what do you think we have to talk about?" Qin Ruo still answered his question with questions.Every time he opened his mouth, Wen Youyuan would be silent for a while.

He had a lot of thoughts, but he knew that he was utterly irrational to take this trip, so he came here anyway, wanting to fight for a chance for Xiao Tong to survive.

There wasn't much conversation between the two.From the beginning to the present, Qin Ruo actually didn't say anything, it was all supported by Wen Youyuan relying on his own thoughts.

In Wen Youyuan's mind, Qin Ruoke is by no means a good person, but a super villain.Therefore, all his thoughts were based on the most pessimistic direction. At this point, he himself was stopped by Qin Ruo.Thinking in my heart, how can I save the little boy?Could it be that the only way is what the other party thinks, and this battle has become a fantasy again?

He gritted his teeth, and his mind was hard to calm down.After repeated pondering, it was almost decided that this was the only way.

"I..." He opened his mouth slowly, the first word just came out.

There was noise outside the door.With tears in his eyes, the little boy rushed in regardless of the guard's obstruction, and threw himself into his arms.

Wen Youyuan finally restrained his toughness, the weakest part of his heart was touched by the child's cry.

"Good boy, don't cry." He patted Xiao Tong on the back, which was the way he treated his daughter every time Xiao Tong cried in his arms.

The little boy opened his red eyes, and in the midst of sobbing, he finally finished the whole paragraph.

"Father, father...they didn't..." she cried, tears and snot everywhere. "This is simply a bad idea from Nei Shi."

Finally explained it roughly.

Yin Xun followed, took the little boy from Wen Youyuan's arms, and held him in his arms.

"Master Wen, Xiao Tong is fine. It's all a misunderstanding."

The two of them have never met each other, because Xiaotong has become a relative.Even for Xiaotong's sake, Yin Xun would respectfully call him old man.It's just that the two are in a confrontational situation now, and he always finds it awkward to call him old man, so he simply calls him Mr. Wen politely.

Wen Youyuan got rid of the stubborn strength on his face, and his face became much kinder in an instant.After listening to Yin Xun and Xiaotong's explanation, he finally had a general understanding of this matter in his heart.

He looked at the boy with kindness and kindness.

Qin Ruo quietly watched their reunion.

The little boy wiped the tears from his face, and he finally recovered a lot.He said, "Father, I misunderstood you before."

She ran away from home, and Qin Ruo had heard about the reason.Although Xiaotong didn't say much, Wen Youyuan's tough attitude towards her was revealed in every few words.At that time, Xiaotong was young and innocent, always thinking that his strict father only had Wen Mo's daughter in his eyes, but he didn't know that Wen Youyuan was just trying to pretend to be unsmiling in front of Xiaotong because of his loving father.

Wen Youyuan also felt uncomfortable.The look at her daughter became more and more kind. "What to say and do, as long as you are fine, it is great news." No matter how mean he is in the officialdom, this father is really a good father in front of his only daughter.

When Xiaotong heard this, tears flowed silently.Yin Xun took the handkerchief and wiped it silently for her, but couldn't finish it.

In Wen Youyuan's eyes, this scene suddenly made him one head and two big again.Thinking back to a few days ago when he met Xiaotong and Yin Chongyang in the woods for a tryst, his heart was fluctuating and he panicked terribly.

Qin Ruo didn't develop a good impression of this stubborn old man until he saw Wen Youyuan truly showing his love for the little boy.The negotiations that were almost deadlocked did not prevent Qin Ruo from continuing.

She waited until several people had calmed down and Xiaotong explained clearly, then she said to Wen Youyuan: "Master Wen, I'm here to apologize to you on behalf of Neishi for the many matters before."

History!Wen Youyuan bears a grudge in his heart.Even if Qin Ruo said to chop up the internal history and feed it to the dogs, he didn't think it was enough.How could it be possible to forgive that fat man just because of Qin Ruo's apology.Besides, what identity did Qin Ruo use when talking to him?The enemy who killed his eldest daughter?

After Wen Youyuan turned his face away, he became a hard rock almost instantly.

The little boy could feel the change in his father's expression, and secretly tugged on his father's cuff, whispering to the side. "Father, that is my good friend."

Wen Youyuan was shocked.

This, this, he really doesn't understand the relationship between these people.

(End of this chapter)

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