Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 660 Some People Just Know More 3

Chapter 660 Some People Just Know More 3
Wen Youyuan's mind is eager to come up with only the word absurd.

Wen Mo's death has a lot to do with Qin Ruona.The youngest daughter is also his treasure, how could he really become friends with the person who killed his sister?He heard about it once or twice from the underground people, and he didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was because his subordinates were not good at doing things, and Xiao Tong would never make friends with Qin Ruo.Even if we really let everyone see signs of a good relationship between the two, it is absolutely impossible to be sincere.

His thoughts were shattered by the words spoken by Xiaotong himself, and there was a momentary blankness in his chest.

"Little Tong, come here." Wen Youyuan didn't have much time to think, and Qin Ruo's people were everywhere here.Could it be because of this reason that his precious daughter had to say something against her will?
Wen Youyuan waved and called the little boy.Asked in a low voice: "Daughter, what you just said to me was sincere? Then Qin Ruoke is my Wen family's enemy, how could you be so confused as to befriend her?"

There were still tears in the little boy's eyes, so pitiful.He pursed his lips, but he obviously didn't like what his father said.

"Father!" She has her own views, and she is even more unwilling to entangle with her father about the matter of her sister.Thinking that she had talked with Qin Ruo back then, she believed in Qin Ruo's explanation, and even more believed that she would not misjudge Qin Ruo's character. "How many years have you been with Sister, and I have been wandering outside. Sister is eager for quick success, even if she does not die in the hands of Qin Ruo in the end, she will die in the hands of others. Why do you still not understand?" The simplicity comes from the fact that Wen Youyuan protects her well, but she is not an ignorant person, and she has seen the weakness of her elder sister a few times when she got along with her later elder sister.

Wen Youyuan heard it and was surprised.

In fact, how could he not know what Xiao Tong said?The closest person to Wen Mo's side is him, his father.

But for Qin Ruo, could he really forgive him so generously?Wen Youyuan imagined such a scene in his heart, but he also felt that it was unacceptable.After thinking about it, I asked again: "Also, let's put aside your elder sister's matter for now. Just you and that bastard Yin Chongyang, what's going on?"

When the father mentioned this, he really felt disturbed.Why does he hate Qin Ruo and his group so much? In college, it is for family and country, but in school, it is family hatred.Xiaotong's play just intensified his blind hatred for these people.

The little boy was speechless.Speaking of my elder sister Wen Mo, she naturally has a stomach full of answers waiting to answer Wen Youyuan, but it is mentioned that this is a scene made with her tacit permission.

The little boy bit his lip, Yin Xun's eyes were always on his daughter-in-law.He really wanted to go up and snatch the little boy away from Wen Youyuan's side, but at this moment, the little boy's bright red lips were turned pale by himself, making him even more worried.

Yin Chongyang secretly pulled him back.Shaking his head, he indicated that Yin Xun was not at all suitable to appear in front of the father and daughter who were talking.Yin Xun endured it again and again, and simply turned his head away without even looking at it.Out of sight is pure!

Under Wen Youyuan's persecution, Xiaotong had long wanted to tell him the truth.Originally, what they lacked was an opportunity, but at this moment Xiaotong stomped her feet and made up her mind. "Father, you actually don't know anything. Over the years, you have been prosperous in the officialdom, but I have been wandering outside, and have seen all the smoke between you and the little Hades. You know, the most dangerous time for me was the yin and yang. Xun rescued me from the battlefield, so that I can survive? Have you ever thought about what is the reason for the war between you and You Ming for so many years?" In the eyes of the little boy, Wen Youyuan, a father who has never The strength I have seen is the expression of growing up and transforming in countless times of gunpowder.

The little boy in his eyes is always innocent and carefree.Have you ever thought that today, this daughter will go to tell herself the truth of these family and country.Wen Youyuan didn't know what to pick up for a while.

And Xiao Tong obviously didn't mind his answer.She took her father's hand, sincerely. "Father, so many of us have done so many things just to find a way out in the current world. Fighting for power and profit has nothing to do with ordinary people like us." Although she is innocent, But I have seen more cruelty on the battlefield, and I have experienced the test of life and death.Staying by Yin Xun's side and being attached to him is also a kind of hope for a peaceful life.

Wen Youyuan never knew that this daughter's request was so simple.What came from his palm was the slightly cool touch of his daughter's skin.

"Father, I'm not afraid of you scolding me. Yin Chongyang and I hurry up and clean up. What you saw was only because your people were brought into the mountains according to the original plan." In the previous sentence, "When you meet Xiao Yan Wang's army, it's not up to you to decide whether to fight or not."

Wen Youyuan received countless pieces of information in his mind, the shock that Xiao Tong brought to him was too great, and these words made him unable to even deal with it.

It turned out that he thought he was extremely clever, but it was someone else's plan to lead soldiers into the forest?Then if according to what the little boy said below, would they meet with the army of Little Hades, and everyone will fight to the death first?

Wen Youyuan finally found out and was afraid.

Various thoughts were going back and forth in his mind, and at the moment Xiao Tong told him, he could already think that he had completely fallen into Qin Ruo's trap.Subconsciously, his eyes turned to Qin Ruo.

Just such a woman who looks not much older than Xiaotong, how can she be so vicious!
Qin Ruo naturally felt the resentment in Wen Youyuan's eyes.

Xiao Tong thought that he had explained all the interests of the matter to his father clearly, and the last step was to persuade his father to withdraw from the army.But they didn't know that Wen Youyuan had long regarded Qin Ruo as a snake and scorpion in his heart, and was extremely angry.

Xiao Tong continued her words, "Father, if you go on like this, we will not lose anything at all, and it will only be you and Little Hades who will suffer. So, father, you should stop."

Wen Youyuan's face darkened.In the child's persuasion in silence.It's like a volcano that is about to erupt, just waiting for the last sentence for someone to ignite the volcano.

Xiaotong persuaded him for a long time, but it didn't work, and he felt a little sad.She was still waiting, waiting for her father to give herself an answer, an answer she wanted.

During this time, Qin Ruo only did one thing, that is, under Wen Youyuan's needle-like gaze, he ordered the thoughtful Major General Nei Shi to find him.

Others might not be able to hear the conversation between Xiaotong and Wen Youyuan, but Qin Ruo listened to every word seriously, without missing a single word.

(End of this chapter)

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