Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 661 Taking down the coach 1

Chapter 661 Taking down the coach 1
"I'm not talking nonsense with you. You have been to the border town. You have come and gone to this city several times. Do you know what the life of these people is like now? It is just like your ideal, peaceful and happy. What's wrong? You just want to take the army in your hand and smash the last dreams of these people? To fulfill your family feud alone?"

The internal history really knows Wen Youyuan very well.

Although this person was fighting openly and secretly with him in the court, it was only for one purpose, the Utopia in his heart.

He has seen it for a long time, so when he fights with Wen Youyuan, he always leaves room for it.Nei Shi still has some appreciation for Wen Youyuan, which further establishes that he will pay more attention to Wen Youyuan than others.What he said this time was actually based on his knowledge of Wen Youyuan so well that he could get stuck on the point of every sentence.

Xiao Tong took advantage of the situation and added a few more sentences. "Father, Yin Xun and I are following Qin Ruo, what Nei Shi said is true. If you don't believe me, you might as well go to the city with me to have a look."

As a daughter, I always have some imagination with my father.Xiaotong's kindness is inherited from Wen Youyuan. Xiaoyan and the living dead have been fighting for many years, and the two sides have advanced and retreated.The two kings sitting in high positions were full of words to fight for their people, but they never really sympathized with these suffering people.

Wen Youyuan remained silent.But at this moment, he remembered the scene when he sneaked into the city to check on the child's condition.Those scenes are still vivid in my mind, and it seems that the city is really just like what these two people said, and there is no clear barrier between the two factions.

"Fatty, I've fought with you for the rest of my life. I'm still willing to believe what you say." Wen Youyuan escaped from his memories, looking at Nei Shi, his eyes finally had the brilliance that they admired each other before.This is respect for the opponent, but also respect for himself. "I will believe what my own daughter says. Let me think about it, let me think about it."

It seems that the country in his ideal is growing fragile buds under Qin Ruo's hands, just like a little flower that has just been unearthed and needs to be cared for urgently.

Xiao Tong's words and Nei Shi's words were all true to the apex of his heart.Let him think about it, whether he really wants to agree with Xiaotong and confirm the internal history.

Wen Youyuan's firm heart was shaken.

He raised his lowered head, and when he saw Yin Chongyang and Qin Ruo in an instant, he still couldn't face it.

What about Wenmo's hatred?Did he really let this vicious woman go so easily?

"Father." The boy was connected with him by blood, as if he understood the obscurity in his eyes. "Don't you understand my sister's death?"

Wen Youyuan hesitated for a moment, Xiao Tong said: "I can let go of Sister's death. How about you?"

Wen Youyuan's eyes were big and round, which was supported by all the strength in his body.What the hell is the kid talking about!It was her own sister they were talking about.No matter how many mistakes Wen Mo has, he is Wen Youyuan's treasure after all.He couldn't understand what Xiaotong was talking about when he called letting go.

Nei Shi watched the interaction between the two.Finally, he understood that there was still such a thorn in Wen Youyuan's heart.So is he, a bad guy, going to do it to the end?He stroked his chin, thinking.Although Qin Ruo was a little violent towards him, he was actually very friendly when he spoke his conscience.Never embarrass him, let alone make him suffer any grievances.Although it was in the name of surrendering at the beginning, he knew that the people who surrendered would never be treated as well as those who surrendered voluntarily.

But Qin Ruo treats them equally.He never mentioned to anyone that he had no choice but to become a young general under the threat of her, Qin Ruo.Yin Xun did not treat him well, but he couldn't find the words for him to specifically say what the general did not treat him well.To sum up, on the contrary, I seem to have always used the villain to save the belly of a gentleman.

"Wen Youyuan. Let me tell you something." Nei Shi sorted it out in his mind. "When Wen Mo came to take over the people in my hands, it was a good time on the surface, but it was just a sign that the king asked her to die." Nei Shi breathed out.During those days, he had made up his mind that he would never mention it to anyone. For the sake of Wen Youyuan's mistake of blaming his enemy, and Qin Ruo's good face for him, he should speak out.

He did not know where to find a letter from Roududu's body.Pass it to Wen Youyuan.

On the letter, the king's seal was impressively on it.

Wen Youyuan glanced quickly, and the words in black and white fell to the ground.It's so cheap that everyone present can have the honor to see the text on it.

It turned out that at the beginning, Wang thought that Wen Mo was becoming more and more difficult to control, and he was arrogant by nature, so he secretly handed over all the power in her hands to her.It was mentioned in the letter that after Wen Mo had suffered a few times, the real power would naturally be returned to Nei Shi after he encountered a setback in Little Hades' army.

Wen Youyuan punched Nei Shi's body with his fist, like hitting on soft cotton, and immediately fell into the sea of ​​fat.

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me back then?!" He fought back with Nei Shi, but in the process of this fight, why didn't he give in to Nei Shi?Heroes cherish heroes, not just those who are heroes today.There are many people like them who are obviously opposite to each other, but secretly cherish each other in their hearts.

"What can I tell you?" Nei Shi's rare embarrassment made him look even uglier. "Should I tell you the king's plan, so that you can bear her hatred? Or should I tell you to bear my hatred for not reporting my knowledge?" He didn't want to do either.

Think about his identity back then.After all, it was the king's subordinates, and this matter was the only thing he could hide.But in today's special situation, it is still a choice for Wen Youyuan to see clearly.

Everything about Wen Mo seems to make Wen Youyuan extremely sad.He didn't shed a single tear, and even after reading the letter, except for hitting Nei Shi, his face didn't change much.When the pain in his heart reaches a certain level, he doesn't want those external factors to vent, it's better to let the pain ferment in his heart.He chose silence instead of anger.

Just looking at Nei Shi, he said: "The king asked me to bring a total of [-] soldiers. This is the largest force that the living dead can gather so far. At this moment, these people are in the forest. Although I have the general seal, I can It may be very difficult to let these soldiers and horses return without success." The king who was noble in his mind in the past lost a lot of loyalty to Wen Youyuan because of this letter.

In Wang's eyes, his daughter was just a worthless and worthless young miss.

He could still remember that he was leading his daughter that day, and Wang felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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