Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 662 Taking down the coach 2

Chapter 662 Taking down the coach 2
It turned out that those were all for myself to see.

Who should I go to settle the account of my daughter's death?
What Wen Youyuan said was not a lie.When General Wang put the order in his hands, he only gave half of it.The other half was still placed on the soldiers, as if it was originally intended to monitor their every move.He didn't mind these behaviors at first, but it was because of Nei Shi and several generals' successive mutinies that made Wang Sheng feel guarded against them.

But at this moment, it is too difficult to say that he alone can order the entire army to retreat.

He didn't want to look at Qin Ruo, but said to Nei Shi: "If you want the army to withdraw, I'm afraid everyone needs to think of a decent reason, so I can deal with that person taking the army away." The best he could think of The only way is this.

Qin Ruo finally spoke after their long conversation.

"Master Wen, I know you hate me in your heart. It is because of my relationship that Wen Mo's death was caused. I don't want to explain anything about it. Now, as the internal history said, you will not be happy if the people in the city live in peace. Seeing the flames of war resume, let these people be homeless? I can see that Master Wen is as kind as a boy, so even if there is no boy to act, our original plan was to sit down and talk with Master Wen. "

What Qin Ruo said was very polite and polite, which gave Wen Youyuan enough face and affirmed his character.

Even if Wen Youyuan didn't want to give Qin Ruo a good look, his anger would dissipate a lot after hearing this.But he insisted not to look at Qin Ruo, but no one could do anything about it.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it. We will never be friends." Wen Youyuan put the words here. Even if Wang Mo's death was caused by Wang, Qin Ruo was the one who did it.

"Okay. Mr. Wen is straightforward. What I want to say is that even if Mr. Wen wants them to go back, I will not let those soldiers go." Qin Ruochu didn't know at the time that the living dead also went bankrupt and allocated all their troops. Listen After reading Wen Youyuan's words, he understood the meaning.This king really knows how to calculate, and waits for them to swallow them and the little Hades when they fight to the death with the little Hades?

If so, she might as well swallow these two groups of people!

Qin Ruo said: "That king of yours, I know exactly what your plan is. Instead of keeping these soldiers and horses and becoming my threat in the future, why can't I take this opportunity to wipe them all out? Besides, before the battle, Xiao Tong and I promised However, as long as you keep your Master Wen's life and death, that is my promise to Xiaotong. Now that you are standing on our territory, Master Wen, do you think I will let you go back?"

Qin Ruo's aura was in full swing.Wen Youyuan, who seemed to have softened, yelled after hearing her words: "Sorceress!"

Not how.According to the normal routine, Wen Youyuan came here to save his daughter, and now the explanation is almost the same, and he is willing to assist Neishi to find a reason to withdraw the army, but Qin Ruo bluntly said that he will become a prisoner, a living dead All the soldiers and horses will be wiped out.Don't talk about Qin Ruo being a demon girl, what else can you say about her?
Qin Ruo smiled indifferently.She knew that her relationship with Wen Youyuan was not much better, there would always be a gap between him and her.

He just told Wen Youyuan these words in an open and honest manner.Then he ordered Yin Xun: "Take Mr. Wen to your house and live with the little boy."

The little boy was surprised. Hearing Qin Ruo's words just now, even she thought that her father would inevitably go to jail.But how do you know that Qin Ruo just asked someone to send Wen Youyuan to his home.

"Qin Ruo. Are you going to imprison father and me?" The boy asked innocently.

"Imprisoned?" Qin Ruo shook his head.She really underestimated herself. "No, I want you to share family happiness together."

If Wen Youyuan is imprisoned, how can he see the changes in the border town and here, how can he be really moved by Nei Shi's words?She wants this person to know what kind of situation she wants to build.

The little boy was overjoyed.Yin Xun complained endlessly in his heart.Qin Ruo, you're clearly asking me a problem.

But judging by Xiaotong's overjoyed expression, he couldn't say anything.Xiaotong once said that the most regretful thing is that he didn't live a peaceful life with his father, and now is the best opportunity.Therefore, Yin Xun accepted this matter with a smile on his face.After passing by Qin Ruo, he said: "Qin Ruo, you really know a lot!"

Qin Ruodang appreciated it.You Yinxun looked at it, even if there were a hundred Wen Youyuans, they couldn't make trouble under his nose, could they?If Wen Youyuan was not placed with Xiao Tong, would it be possible to carry the palanquin into her Qin Ruo's home and serve her as a guest?

Qin Ruo patted Nei Shi on the shoulder, very satisfied with his performance.But the merit is not low, Qin Ruo continued to order Yin Xun: "You go and bring Nei Shi to your home, so that your father-in-law and his friends can get together more. Naturally, this can also be regarded as my punishment for Nei Shi."

Qin Ruo laughed.The disposal of internal history is over here.

Nei Shi had a bitter face, but he didn't dare to say anything.He just thought in his heart: How ruthless.It would be worse than throwing myself in jail for a few years.

Damn, when he comes out of Yin Xun's house, his skin will be peeled off a few layers.Thinking of how many times he used Xiaotong, his legs were weak...

Yin Xun's pick-up is straightforward, and he treats his father-in-law very politely. "Master Wen, why don't you go back with me now? You don't need to worry about the military affairs in the future. As long as we stay together with Xiao Tong and He Meimei, we can always live a good life."

Then he turned his head and faced Nei Shi with another dead face. "Nei Shi, then I'd rather be obedient than respectful, and follow the girl's order to raise you, at home, at home." He almost uttered the last few words, and every line between the lines was full of threats.

"Miss, what she said was for you to take me home." Fatty Naishi was struggling hard for the last time.

With a dark face, Yin Xun directly grabbed the back of his neck and threw it to him without thinking. "Take him down and put him in the back of the carriage."


In Qin Ruo's eyes, this army without Wen Youyuan is a very easy-to-manage team.

4 people?There are really many people.

Qin Ruo gave instructions to Yin Chongyang, and at the same time told Yin Xun a few words.He set foot on the road back to the city wall first.

After a few days, Yin Chongyang acted as bait and led the army around the mountain road to the place where Qin Ruo had ambushed.Just one order, just the trap mechanism, caused more than half of this huge team to wear down.

Then, while fleeing, he "coincidentally ran into" the remaining army of Little Hades.The two sides fought hard.

They all thought that the other party wanted to kill him, so who would keep half of it in this life-and-death situation?
(End of this chapter)

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