Chapter 133 Does Ninth Master Know?

Shu Yao didn't know what Aisa was thinking.

She just wanted Qin Jiuxiao to know what she wanted, no matter what, she would never let him be alone again in this life.

"Let's go." Shu Yao grabbed the man's big hand.

Qin Jiuxiao glanced thoughtfully at the position where he was holding hands, and smiled lowly.

His eyes softened and he stopped smiling, but the belt was still very sharp, hiding the sharpness.

Aisa couldn't resist Shu Yao, so she followed Shu Yao. It turned out that there was another way to go up to the second floor behind the curtain.

But out of selfishness, Aisa deliberately chose the spiral staircase in the main hall on the first floor so that others could see it.

Seeing the Patriarch attaches great importance to Shu Yao.

One is to build momentum for Shu Yao, and the other is that Aisa wants others to look at Shu Yao again.

Maybe, there are many young masters in the main hall who are much better than the guy next to Shu Yao.

Shu Yao climbed up the steps, with various postures and unparalleled appearance, some people in the main hall looked up.

That small movement is obvious, the gesture of looking up.

Aisa turned his head and glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, then shrugged proudly.

"I can't help it either, Shu Yao is recruiting." She hinted silently.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled instead of anger, and Aisa, who looked at him like that, immediately turned back, behaved.

Going upstairs, the distinguished guests in other seats upstairs cast their eyes one after another.

It was a scrutinizing gaze, calm but oppressive.

It seems to be judging whether this person is qualified to stand on the same level, whether he is worthy or not.

As soon as he came up, people from the Ross family stepped forward to greet him, which was enough to show respect.

"If he can't go in, the owner will be angry." Aisa reminded.

Since Shu Yao was invited by Aisa to present a gift to the Patriarch, she naturally had to understand the rules.

And she believed that Aisa was just hard-spoken and soft-hearted, so she would definitely arrange for Qin Jiuxiao.

Shu Yao nodded, she took one last look at Qin Jiuxiao, and then her figure disappeared behind the curtain.

Seeing Shu Yao's figure gradually disappearing behind the curtain, Qin Jiuxiao raised his hand and adjusted the mask he had been wearing for a long time.

"Hi." Isa called to him.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyes and motioned for her to say.

Aisa didn't know why, but always felt that this man was unfathomable.

But after such a long time, there may not be any clues. Aisa always thinks that it may be the illusion that his family has too many infighting.

Aisa looked at the man fixedly, "Did you know the identity of Shu Yao's God's Hand a long time ago, and deliberately flattered you?"

A guy with a bad face and soft rice.

If it weren't for Shu Yao's favor, this man probably wouldn't be able to touch the periphery of this circle in his entire life.

"I know." Qin Jiuxiao was noncommittal.

Although the information Ling Heng handed him was not clearly directed, it was based on Qin Jiuxiao's understanding of Shu Yao.

He can conclude that the rumored Hand of God is Shu Yao.

Because he has been following Shu Yao's whereabouts since he left Shu Yao's side.

The whereabouts of Shu Yao's appearance and disappearance, to a certain extent, are probably [-]% or [-]% consistent with the hand of God.

Aisa immediately became vigilant, "You did it on purpose."

Qin Jiuxiao's thin lips under the mask lightly lifted, without refuting.

He knew it, but he didn't intend to use this to threaten Shu Yao, nor would he cause harm to Shu Yao.

Purely, Qin Jiuxiao just wanted to have all the information about Shu Yao.


Suddenly, a gentle and clear male voice appeared in the sky.

Looking for the sound, it was a young man with a slender figure and a handsome appearance. Qin Jiuxiao tilted his head slightly.

There was a bit of inquiry in his cold eyes.

"Wen Yu!" Aisa was pleasantly surprised.

She didn't expect that Qin Wenyu would take the initiative to come to her, and she thought that Qin Wenyu would not come because of the Qin family.

Even though they are in the same place, they cannot meet each other.

Qin Wenyu walked up to Aisa, and nodded to Qin Jiuxiao very politely.

In front of Aisa, Qin Wenyu seemed to be much stronger than usual, without that warmth.

"he is?"

Aisa was very polite and didn't get too close to Qin Wenyu, but Qin Wenyu's figure was in those emerald green eyes.

"It's my friend's..."


Aisa thought hard and came up with what Shu Yao had told her before.

Qin Wenyu's eyes flickered slightly, and he stretched out his hand, "Hello."

The man sitting on the soft chair also stood up, stretched out his hand and shook it for a short moment.


Inexplicably, hearing this voice, Qin Wenyu seemed a little familiar.

His heart skipped a beat when he was familiar with it, but it was so fast that he didn't even have time to realize how familiar it was.

"Elder Qin asked me to say hello to the Patriarch, so I'll go first." Qin Wenyu came back to his senses.

Qin Wenyu was about to leave, but someone rushed up behind him and grabbed Qin Wenyu.

"You are my boyfriend, why do you always leave me behind?"

It's an acquaintance, Qin Jiuxiao's eyebrows twitched when he saw it.

Tang Lingxi.

Qin Wenyu actually wanted to be Tang Lingxi's companion, presumably Qin Lao meant it.

Qin Wenyu glanced at Aisa, his face was obviously very impatient, but he didn't want to offend Tang Lingxi.

After all, he is from the Tang family.

It was ordered by Mr. Qin, if Qin Wenyu did not do well enough, then——

"I'm going to tell my father if you're like this!" Tang Lingxi threatened.

Who doesn't know that Tang Lingxi is the jewel in the palm of the head of the Tang family, the most precious little daughter.

Qin Wenyu's hands tightened and then loosened, "Yes..."

People from the Qin family.

When did you suffer such a useless air.

Qin Jiuxiao stroked the ring in his hand, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking, and he tilted his head inexplicably evil.

"Miss Tang, why don't you reflect on yourself." He spoke slowly, his narrow and indifferent eyes moved slightly.

Aisa was startled, he didn't expect this little boy to dare to refute the little princess of the Tang family.

When Tang Lingxi heard this, she became very angry, and someone dared to refute her.

"Who are you? When will it be your turn to speak."

Unsurprisingly, their quarrel attracted the attention of others.

Aisa gave a waiter around the color and asked them to deal with some scenes.

"Lingxi, Ling..." Looking for the voice, he found Tang Lingxi.

Seeing that Tang Lingxi was arguing, Tang Meng felt troubled, this little girl is really capable of causing trouble.

Tang Meng stepped forward and slightly apologized to Qin Wenyu.

"Young Master Qin, don't blame me. My sister was used to being arrogant when she was young." Tang Meng spoke in a hoarse voice.

At this moment, the curtain behind him moved slightly, and it was Shu Yao who came out.

Tang Meng's gaze was locked on Shu Yao's body at once, with a salivating gaze and a wretched smile on his lips.

Tsk tsk tsk, look at the pair of long legs that are half hidden in the lower body, revealing a touch of white when moving.

Especially that face, looking aloof and cold, unworldly.

That kid from the Fu family is really lucky!
Shu Yao raised her eyes, met Tang Meng's gaze, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and fell on Tang Lingxi again.

"It's you." Tang brothers and sisters.

When Tang Lingxi saw Shu Yao, she trembled with anger. It was her again.

"You deliberately wanted to make a fool of Sister Mu Rou, didn't you? She really is the most poisonous woman!"

After hearing this, Shu Yao gave a chuckle, and walked slowly to Tang Lingxi, with an air of pride.

She was indifferent and calm, and frowned slightly, "You've wronged me by saying that."

"You—" Tang Lingxi gritted his teeth.

Shu Yao's red lips parted slightly, and there was a sneering smile on her lips.

"I obviously asked her, ask her, are you worthy?"

"Go on stage without weighing yourself."

"Is it my fault that the skills are inferior to others?"

She pressed her questions step by step, but Tang Lingxi couldn't speak a word, and blushed.

The more Tang Lingxi talked, the more speechless she became, but she couldn't see Shu Yao's complacent look.

Even more unwilling to accept Shu Yao's identity as the Hand of God, it seems that the gap between her and Shu Yao has been widened all at once.

Not to be outdone, Tang Lingxi straightened her body, fearing that her momentum would lose a bit.

"You, you are so vicious and unreasonable, you suppress your half-sister like this, and use others to foil you."

"You are such a scheming woman, does Master Jiu know?"

(End of this chapter)

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